New guy trying to live FOR joy. Living to NOT pmo isn't enough.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by liveforjoy, Sep 20, 2018.

  1. liveforjoy

    liveforjoy Fapstronaut


    I'm 26. Many of my friends think I've got it together and am happy -- 3 degrees, graduated top of my class, seemingly happy -- but I don't and I'm not. I've been addicted to porn since I was 8 years old. And it's killing me. The rare times I've gone a few weeks without PMO I've seen how much better my life can be. In those rare times, I feel in control of myself -- my decisions, my body, my life. In those rare times I feel less anxious, more focused, happier. In those times, I feel less awkward socially, funnier -- like my brain is working more like it's supposed to.

    But when I'm in the throes of addiction, I feel trapped. I don't enjoy little things nearly as much. Food doesn't taste as good, jokes aren't as funny, social situations are uncomfortably awkward. Everything bores me. All I want is sex, or curl up in bed in a ball of anxiety, of procrastination, of emotional and physical fatigue.

    I refuse to be the guy who is 40 and still hasn't figured this out. I applaud and respect and encourage all the 40+ guys who are still struggling. I love you and know your pain. But I don't want to be you. I don't think I HAVE to be you. I want to kill this now, while I'm still young.

    And I know that I can't unless I find things to fight FOR. I can't just fight AGAINST PMO. I need to fight for my own health and happiness. And moreover, I know that I am more able to give to others when I am in control of my sexuality. So, I'm chasing all of that. I'm fighting for joy.


    Alright, here we go. Day 0. I'm running for the 120 day hardmode challenge, to reset my brain and take back my life. Let's go.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  2. Welcome LiveforJoy!

    I'm new also today so I'm welcoming you because we all need to feel welcomed! So welcome

    This NoFap is an unbelievable resource...if you can stay away from PMO then so can I :)

    I admire you for trying to do it so young...I've only just got round to admitting I have a problem and have had one for a very long time...and I'm 37
    liveforjoy likes this.
  3. we on same boat bro, im 28. Watch steve jobs stanford speech.