Who is behind sissy hypno stuff and what is their actual goal?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by savitri, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    I don’t actually think these mistresses are that good on YouTube! In fact they’re fucking lame. Satan’s doing a shit job if he’s training them! Perhaps they should sit closer to the camera for a start it’s not very intense back there on ya IKEA sofa love! . They’re that bad at it we end up searching for more shocking material and skip videos quickly. They’re just damaged bitches trapped in a similar cycle to us but from a different angle! I’ve fuct enough of these so called mistress-Dom —porn star- escorts and they usually ask me how I want dominanting, how should we start and what to do! The odd 1 in 10 have been alright and I have learnt tips from them. Most of these sex workers etc have had bad history, traumas, abuse they can be hooked on drugs, surgery and shopping. Deep down have a low self esteem. Then there’s a cue of men wanting to worship them, buy gifts and degrade themselves for them. So it’s a narcissistic lift for them. But narcissism is just another form of insecurity. Don’t give them too much power they’re bitter people. Secure people don’t make others feel shit to elevate themselves. In fact I knew a really cool dominatrix who found god and knocked her coke habit and Dom job on the head. Another not so luckily was hooked on poker and coke so would use her mum and dads outhouse to bring clients for domination sessions. She was a whirlwind of chaos bless her, probably some mental health but not a horrible person just messed up. They’re just people! There is a crazy amount of femdom porn on Youtube though! Corny as fuck really. I think it taps into our insecurities and allows us to punish ourselves about core beliefs. Get a decent psychotherapist and work on these negative beliefs and the urges will fade dude
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2021
  2. treed

    treed Fapstronaut


    Who is behind sissy hypno and other related feminization hypno porn is a valid question, it's also normal to ask yourself that, and at the same time, there's many patreon sponsored artists that do produce sissy hypno porn, but it does not invalidate nor validate the potential hypothesis that sissy hypno is a tool to transform men, kind of like a weapon.

    I think what's interesting to ask is how sissy hypno could be detrimental to the well being of the individuals of this community. My understanding is that the different themes of sissy hypno are that " you're not man enough", that "other men are better and you are worse", that " you must submit to them", that " you have no purpose but submission and subjugation by other men", and that certain men, for instance black men, are superior to caucasian or asian men.

    As you consume those videos, you accumulate information on "yourself", and as you excrete cum, you reinforce your relationship with these thoughts. That leads to the formation of a cognitive schema, or thinking patterns that you as an individual will identify with, especially if you have pre-existing cognitive schemas or thinking patterns that align with the content of those videos.

    For instance, a man that suffers from low self esteem will take the content of those videos, and it will fit neatly inside the little spaces in his mind titles " I'm weak", " I'm not good enoug" or "I'm incapable". Those are all negative ways of seeing oneself.

    But the problem with the sissy hypno, is that as you consume more and more of it, the boxes in your mind will integrate more and more of the content from the videos, especially because those videos tend to be addictive. So you get more and more acclimated to those parts of the videos that do not not generally fit with how you see yourself, and that's why it might change the way you perceive yourself in a dramatic way...

    Because through regular repetition, it modifies your thinking patterns, and it does so in a way that affects every part of your life.

    Some psychotherapies use those methods to treat certain disorders, but they do so using meditations, using repetitions of mantras and prayers, and of course, visual guided imagery exercises, which is very close to hypnosis.

    So whether or no this is intentional, whether or not this is a weapon, it does not really matter. What matters is that it can lead to deep feelings of confusion, because it unsettles the way you perceive yourself and the way you perceive the world.

    It is dangerous for your mental health, and it is also dangerous for the sole reason that most men who use pornography to avoid their feelings and other adverse or negative experiences use it very frequently, and they escalate the nature of the content. And also, those men might be isolated, they might be also be looking for a community of like minded individuals, and sissy hypno creates this community by creating sissies. So you end up with individuals who identify as sissies, and as they interact with each other, as they talk about having sex with men, feminizing themselves and furthering their sissification, they become that character, they learn to embody that creature, because now a part of their lives (possibly even a very rewarding part of their lives, because it gets them out of isolation) is now created and maintained out of this sissy fetish.

    So you end up with porn addicts who consume that kind of material 7 times a day, 7 times a week, for who knows how many weeks, and ultimately it causes them to adopt the persona of the "sissy cum slave" or "sissy slut" or whatever mind image you could provide.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2021
    Nabson and elvagoazul like this.
  3. while i was reading all the replies i had an erection when somebody wrote that it turns a man into a women .... the fuck is wrong with me !!!!!
  4. treed

    treed Fapstronaut

    Whats wrong with you is whats wrong with a big proportion of men all over the world. Autogynephilia or the fantasy of being a woman is a very popular sexual fantasy. It comes out frequently in studies where they poll a lot of ppl. to try to find what regular men and women are into.

    Its actually normal.

    And getting an erection might not be that something is wrong with you. Men who get raped tend to get erections too even if the experience is horryfing, traumatic and unpleasant. Same for women who get raped and get wet, even orgasm from rape.

    Its your body reacting, its not something that means that youre defective, it means youre human and humans are not perfect, even if most of us wish we were at times
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2021
    MONTE likes this.
  5. thanks for confirming this
  6. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    There are a lot of explanations for the vast amount of professional grade sissy porn that do not include theories about leftists and communists targeting straight men, Zionist Jews, black males, and minorities trying to weaken white men, and feminists/gay communities trying to bring down men.

    1. For a small portion of individuals there is an obvious financial incentive. Some entrepreneurial individuals realized there are thousands, perhaps millions, of extremely horny men who are willing to pay lots of money for sex toys, clothes/outfits, chastity devices, "classes", porn, erotica, individual experiences, and pretty much anything related to the sissy fantasy. These individuals crafted websites, online stores, "academies", and other paid services to profit off our extreme desires. Since "purging" is common amongst people who use sissy porn, sometimes the same men make repeat purchases, making profits even higher. This is no different from individuals and companies who profit off other addictions, like alcohol, drugs, or gambling. However, since it's on such a small scale, it will likely never be regulated or even investigated by any government. These individuals are likely business oriented North Americans with skills in business management, not some secret cabal trying to enslave us.
    2. The process of making sissy hypnos, roulettes, games, porn itself, and anything related is arousing for the creator, compelling them to make more of it and of a higher quality. The prolonged rush and anticipation from making this type of content is reportedly very high amongst its authors. I've seen reddit posts where creators divulge that creating content keeps them more hooked than consuming it. The novelty is endless as long as you're awake. Over time the content becomes more extreme, comes in greater volumes, and becomes more professional as the author needs to escalate to get the same kick, in addition to their skills increasing with experience.
    3. Misery loves company. There are definitely countless people who have fallen for the trap of sissy porn, and either knowingly or subconsciously drag others down with them. This happens with every type of addiction. Despite what reddit commenters say, I'm sure the majority of those heavily addicted to sissy porn who feel miserable get some pleasure from bringing others into their pit of despair.
    4. The hypnos are not hard to make. They're mostly audio files of voice recordings mixed with porn at various volumes and speeds. While they can be absolutely devastating to the mental health of the listeners, they aren't the most complicated. Sissy hypnos greatly resemble methods used by proponents of "gay conversion therapy", which was made by the least tech savvy religious conservatives in the middle of the US during the fucking 1950s. Whatever they were able to cook up seemed to actually change the sexual desires of those it was used on, but ended up just destroying the mental health of those that had to endure it, leading many to develop symptoms similar to dissociative identity disorder and many others to commit suicide. If a bunch of parents of boomers were able to cook up even more effective crazy shit 70 years ago, some bored porn addict can definitely do the same nowadays. The games, roulettes, comics, porn itself, and other media is sometimes harder to make but is less common imo.
    5. The idea of sissy exists in a very blurry space at the midpoint of a Venn diagram of actual MtF trans women who are exploring their sexuality, those with legitimate AND healthy fetishes for AGP, crossdressing, genderbending, sexual role reversal, BDSM, femdom, cuckolding, race play, etc., and men veryyy addicted to porn.
      • On the one hand, there are actual trans women who are exploring who they truly are, and find the themes of sissy porn and hypno very alluring and comforting. I do not speak for the trans community, but from what I have heard trans women often do not feel comfortable in their bodies, find their male anatomy revolting and wish for it to just "go away", want to be physically more feminine, and want the attention of males they are attracted to. Many of the themes of sissy porn send messages that despite being overly sexual and fetishistic, ring true to feelings they know deep down are true. Whenever participating in these communities by sharing pictures or porn of themselves, they receive lots of attention because their bodies represent the pinnacle of the fetish, pushing them to participate more. The inclusion of bona fide MtF trans women is extremely arousing to porn addicts like us, whom fantasize ourselves appearing like these women do, which is basically impossible. Additionally, those who don't fully understand transsexuality (sometimes even transgender people do not!) input messages into their comments and porn that mix aspects of living as a transgender women into the fetish community (such as real considerations for hormones/surgery, "coming out" to friends and family, advocating for being a sissy 24/7 like trans women for own their identities full time, and other changes to socialization and general lifestyle), which really blur the line even more and entrap addicts like us. On the flipside, there are MtF trans women who absolutely HATE everything about sissy porn with every fiber of their being, and openly encourage others to scorn and avoid sissy communities. Groups are diverse. While I am not opposed to trans women exploring themselves, the blurriness caused by their inclusion in these groups is very detrimental to addicts like us.
      • Another blurring aspect for us sissy porn addicts is the participation by those who practice the fetishes I have listed above, regardless of whether or not you would describe their practices as healthy. When online, these people are often "in character" or talking through the lens of their fantasy, not their real adult life. I don't want to put down any scenarios or acts would could be triggering, but in short, just because people online say stuff that sounds convincing, it does not mean it's true. Part of their sex life is lived in a fantasy world, much of it which is online. They playing of this character or "part" is very arousing for them, and as long as they keep participating in the fantasy, they feel the arousal. Encouragement of others in their fantasy also adds to their own stimulation. I am willing to concede there are many who partake in the "sissy sexual lifestyle", yet live successful, healthy, fulfilling lives as straight men. However, these men do not understand the difference between another healthy fetishist role playing as a sister sissy and a porn addict whose life is falling apart and gets their only dopamine from one of the most damaging fantasies in existence. I feel like their may be some fetishists who revel at the thought of the confusion and shame they can make other men feel, but I have no way to confirm this. Either way, the online proximity of professional, fulfilled fetishists is not a good environment for us porn addicts to be getting advice from.
      • In short, the inclusion of bona fide trans women and healthy(?) fetishists in the upkeep of sissy porn and surrounding communities causes those addicted to sissy porn to have a hard time disengaging from the fantasy, finding resources for fixing their problems, and just getting someone like them to give them a hand.

    I was going to include reasons sissy hypno is NOT some grand conspiracy, but I feel like there's a lot of them, I can probably add more to the list above already, and it is bedtime. Plz tag me if you want to hear the reasons. Hope this helps
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2021
    E31, Melkhiresa, treed and 1 other person like this.
  7. treed

    treed Fapstronaut

    I think that it's also important to say that it's not "wrong", as in that you should not be ashamed of it.

    Shame is counterproductive if it causes you to feel distress, its more useful as an emotion that you can use to determine whether or not you're going to express your sexual desires overtly.

    like a tool to find the right person to experience your sexuality with. Its a good tool if you want to find the right partner for you.
  8. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    The goal is to destroy manhood, fatherhood, families, and Western civilization and democracy. They'll be no P allowed under a socialist government, so you'll have no worries about that anymore, at the very least.

    Nabson likes this.
  9. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    That's harsh, man. It made me feel good though. To know that we can't control stuff does.
  10. Benjamin Spanklin

    Benjamin Spanklin New Fapstronaut

    I recently saw a meme on Google's reply to "Will They Be A". Various forms of stimulus check comprised 7 of the top 10 returns. I compared that to Bing's results. Stimulus check also number one. Having also just seen a headline "China Bans Sissies", I combined them for the search operator "Will They Be A Sissy Ban." Those results led me to this site with the "Who Is Behind Sissy Hypno?" leader, but it also returned a site called "13 Reasons Why There's Never Been A Better Time To Be A Sissy." Sorry, can't post links.

    The site is attempting to recruit "sissies," and goes through what they consider the selling points. The basic gist was that you become the pursued instead of the pursuer. They claim that women will want you as well as men, society is changing, you'll be turned from powerless into powerful, etc. They also want to sell you a bunch of stuff. Their recruiting pitch tells you a lot about them. The pictures they used for staff appear to be actual women but maybe they just want you to believe that sissies just look that good. The company is in Estonia, and I no longer possess the computer skills to track them beyond that.

    Personally, I do not believe for a second that this entire movement is in any way organic. I think you'd have to be pretty naïve to believe that.
    walkingtree likes this.
  11. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    Phew.. what a thread.
    I'd encourage everyone to not delve into wild conspiracies regarding this, because you give it so much more power than it actually has.
    It's a fetish building on some natural fantasies a lot of guys might have from the start, only that it perverts it through overstimulating the brain with pictures and audio material and hooks you with the shame you might feel because you initially refuse it.
    Much like smoking where your first toke is very disgusting if not painful but the nicotine already is working its thing and the more you do it, the more you accept that you're addicted because you know its disgusting but can't help it.

    And building these Videos is not a work of magic and rather easy if you know whats going on and can work any video editing software and DAW, so for some people it may be a fetish itself to make these as well as a means of making money, which as we all know is what makes the world go round.

    Are there any malevolent people behind some of it who are well aware of what they are doing - possibly, as with any other pleasure device be it the gambling industrie, Drug cartels, Arms dealers* and so on(and thats where we can start talking government conspiracies*)

    Is it the high above elite collabing with the boss of the underworld to promote the demise of manhood and open the 7th seal - ... for real they have atomic bombs and shit, flamethrowers, you can poison the drinking water, develop a virus or whatever people screwing people over all the time.
    Theres a lot of people that are alcoholics or hooked on Heroine that are having a very hard time on living a healthy life or being fathers etc. and those are high numbers and addictions that are very hard to kick. And I doubt that every liqcour store and every drug dealer is controlled by some hidden agenda.

    It is what it is - Addicting videos with easy biological hooks that are likely to be abused when you feel down and low already.
    People can overcome heroin addiction, so everyone has the abilities to get over with this stuff.

    (man I really have nothing to do right now :D)

    All the love, all the power!
  12. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    Ah you beat me to it with a much more thorough explanation.
    I think it's important to rationalize these things in order to work with them,
    thanks for that :)
    modernstore99 likes this.
  13. jwlickliter

    jwlickliter Fapstronaut

    Is it evil, is it satin, No its just negative if you view it that way.

    Its about control and someone that wants to be controlled. Its been going on for awhile now. It was in bondage. Master, slave stuff. Well that merged with self hypno. Binaural and iso chronic tones appear harmless as long as there at safe levels for hearing. Then people experimented with voice over self hypnosis music. The binaural and tones are suppose to cause "brain entertainment" and when used with flashing images then the "brain entertainment" jumps up way high.

    The people who make this stuff have the control fetish and get off on the fact they can control you. Most are trying to find a way to make them addictive as possible to make money of course.

    I hate to say this but if you find your self addicted to someone controlling you and constantly degrading you and destroying your life and you dont like that, its hard to say who has the real problem here. I would say sissy hypno takes over your life then you may need to seek help to find out exactly what might be wrong with your brain. You honestly need therapy or something cause i bet the sissy hypno triggers something or is exposing your mental problems. I cant really say sissy hypno can cause mental illness cause why exactly did this seem like a good idea in the first place. More than likely you have mental problems that a professional may need to talk to you about.

    Same goes with any other type of crazy sexual bondage stuff. Some people like there sex pushed to some serious extremes just like anything else a human enjoys really. we just keep pushing things we like i guess till the max. Whatever that might be.

    Im sure theres people out there that actually enjoy some type of sissy stuff and dont push things futher than they want to go and they enjoy it and im sure they live a happy and successful life. No big deal. If your not one of them then seek help.
    E31 likes this.
  14. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    I’ve been told it’s common for people to self sabotage and Ive done this for a while myself. Maybe I don’t believe I deserve to be happy or I’m not worthy of a good life. We can try and reflect certain core beliefs and this degrading stuff confirms what we don’t like about ourselves or worry about. Maybe we don’t feel masculine enough. Or we’re angry at ourselves for being weak, so feel we need punishing. I mean we never think of watching this filth when things are going well. It was always when I’ve made a mistake, or if I’m low, angry or paranoid about something, it’s an escape from the problem and we get to punish ourselves for feeling a failure. It gives a temporary rush like self harm I guess.
    I think we need to celebrate small successes and encourage ourselves like we’re someone we love and start to develop the muscles of being a soothing friend to ourselves. Life’s obviously become too unbearable to want to face certain emotions and we’ve been slowly manipulated or escalated into addictive, destructive behaviours. Its not our fault. It’s just a selfish trap we’ve fallen into. I’m still a long way from being free of all this toxicity but have been making some noticeable changes with the help of an amazing psychotherapist and this support group. It’s never too late, and what I’ve learnt is we can get out of the cycle at even the dangerous points. I’ve been able to pull away from looking at these genres and think no that’s not for me. I see it in a different light at times and it can loose it’s power. Also I’ve been able to stay present and observe the rush it gave me and not let it consume me and drive me to act on it. When I’ve noticed certain adult blocks are not working I’ve peaked but then got in touch with one accountability partner who helps with this. Finally I’m winning.
  15. Nemed

    Nemed New Fapstronaut

    I think it's very sad that you think this is the work of the left or the far left. I think it says a lot about the propaganda (right and far right) that you absorb. Hypno's on the contrary are all about anti left:

    -Absolute degradation of women who are reduced to a piece of meat only there to mate
    -Absolute degradation of the human being in general
    -Violent and obvious racism, making the black man a sexual animal who exists only to reproduce
    -Promotion of ignorance and stupidity
    -Promotion of homophobia
    -Destruction of individual freedom

    Come on, open your eyes. In this violent world, money is always the answer. These videos exist because they exploit human misery and they exploit it, not out of malice, but because it is a way to make money. The same goes for young (or not so young) women who have onlyfan accounts or sell porn content. Nothing to do with any leftist ideology (yeah female emancipation), they do it because they need money to live. Yes, it's easier for them to make a 5 minute naked video than to get up at 5am to go work in a soulless company every day of their life for 40 years for a miserable salary.

    Run away from these hypno videos, run away from them like the plague but don't mistake your enemy, those who exploit you (us) are always right wing.
    modernstore99 likes this.
  16. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Hey dude, based on your profile pic you may be interested in a challenge we have running here.

    https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/the-star-trek-challenge.313661/ Check it out if you want!
  17. treed

    treed Fapstronaut

    I feel like it might be difficult at times to make sense of the fantasies, anything s*ssy related,
    Like I honestly feel like it's targeted to light skinned people, and plays on tropes like "black ppl r "better" or sexual animals",
    It's racist.
    Anyway a lot of the content related to it, is.
    And when you're looking to get your masculinity invalidated, every aspect of the "fetish" serves that purpose.
    Honestly, I feel it's a way to live in some kind of fantasy world, and in that fantasy world, dudes are, or are made to be submissive, and feminine, and serve as sex objects and be degraded and devalued at the same time.
    It's fucked up on it's own.
    as in, it's not " a healthy" fetish to be into, I feel.
    because it involves so much real shit that needs to be dealt with, like feelings of inferiority, internalized racism, in some cases internalized bi/homophobia, etc...
    modernstore99 likes this.