Your 3 goals for this month (November edition)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by vibemaker, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. 90-No PMO Challenge:
    I’m wanna change for the better and leave the image that I watch porn
    New image:
    Trying new things and experience life.
    Read more:
    Because I like reading.
    vibemaker likes this.
  2. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    No way! I just read that book.
    WorthyYeti and vibemaker like this.
  3. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Welcome to the new participants!
    2525 and Ruben J. Soto like this.
  4. TIMMY0110

    TIMMY0110 Fapstronaut

    i know I am 10 days late to enter the contest.

    3 goals:
    #1. meditate atleast for 30 minutes everyday.
    #2. Stop worry about what other people thing of me (will do comfort zone challenge : ) and focus on what I think about myself.
    #3. Read atleast 1 book everyweek.
    vibemaker likes this.
  5. Amphibian

    Amphibian Fapstronaut

    learn Python and some machine learning techniques
    read more, starting with Dostoevsky
    cut out caffeine
    vibemaker likes this.
  6. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    That's no problem. Feel free to join whenever you want.

    Welcome guys!
  7. Byris

    Byris Fapstronaut

    1. Hit day 90 (will happen)
    2. Lose 8 pounds (221 at the time of writing)
    3. Get a job(have an interview scheduled for next week)
    All easily achievable, I believe.
    Will report back at the end of the month or when I complete all 3.
    vibemaker and TIMMY0110 like this.
  8. Woo. One goal down! I benched 62kg for 1 rep @ 60.3kg bodyweight a couple of hours ago. I know this is a really low number, but the amount I struggled with bench, it feels so good to finally be making progress every workout like a beginner should. I started out so weak that 15kg was a heavy weight for me with bench, so I'm very happy with my progress.

    I've also been doing well with this one, I've been making myself go to the busiest shop in my town even for things that I could get from the empty shop that never has anyone in it right by my house. It's helping a lot.

    I'm also considering seeing a psychiatrist for the first time and accepting the help of a professional, rather than doing it all alone - which I think is a big step, and something I should have considered a long time ago.
    vibemaker likes this.
  9. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Happy for you doing so well @JesusGreen

    Yes, seeing a therapist can be very good. I also was in therapy a couple of times and it was a huge step for me. I used to block for a long time against it, but I'm happy I did it.
  10. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I'll post my goals I made at the beginning of the month here just to solidify them.

    1. Get good marks in my classes. I can't do anything about this now since I'm out of university for the summer, but nonetheless, it's been a long term goal, and it's this month that I'll find out.

    2. Visit 2 places I've never been, as part of my larger 50 nations different goal. I got this covered with Japan now and Korea next week. Unlike most of the areas I visited, I plan on actually spending heaps of quality time in those two countries.

    3. Be more consistent in my spiritual conquests: continue to attend church, read more of my holy texts, practice more meditation, and overall realise my place in the universe.
    vibemaker likes this.
  11. 1. Getting back to writing my book. I have been neglecting it quite much these last two months, not really surprised though. I started again a couple of weeks ago, and now I have finally started a new chapter, feeling good about it.

    2. Get into the excersising again. The last few weeks I have steadily been training again and it feels really good.

    3. Start applying for jobs. I have been taking a break from it. It was depressing as hell not getting any interviews, but I am ready to get back on the horse.
    vibemaker likes this.
  12. AlbertCarlsson

    AlbertCarlsson Fapstronaut

    1. NoFap through the remainder of the month.
    2. Finish "The name of the rose" by Umberto Eco which is a great book, but some of the philosofical/historical/semiotical debates between characters get sometimes really boring IMO, which actuaclly has been the biggest hindrance in my journey with the book.
    3. Practice Swedish every single day, even if it's just a repetition on Duolingo.
    vibemaker likes this.
  13. El fapio

    El fapio Fapstronaut

    1. Reach 60 hours of programming(2 hours per day)
    2. Meditate everyday for atleast 10 minutes
    3. Get a job
    vibemaker likes this.
  14. Pranav1486

    Pranav1486 Fapstronaut

    Month of November 2017: my three goals:
    1 ielts on 2nd Dec
    2 take ccie date
    3 meditation morning half hour
    vibemaker likes this.
  15. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    So guys how are you doing? Half of November is already gone, haha. I must admit I haven't finished a single goal of the ones I mentioned. I think to be realistic I will probably just finish the mix for the soundcloud. Going to put some records together today and do a couple of recordings the next days.

    I didn't write much on my novel. Instead I did work on a 'how to reach 90 days and beyond NoPMO step-by-step guide'. I don't know when I'm going to finish it. Probably will take some time.

    Good vibes.
  16. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hey cool to see another one who's into writing here. Do you want to share on what kind of stuff you're working? Are you writing fiction or non-fiction?
    2525 likes this.
  17. Yes, sure. I can't right now. At work, but when I get some time tonight I can write something about it. All I can say now is that it's fiction :).
    vibemaker likes this.
  18. Goal 3:

    Getting my LLC started. It’s been my dream to be my own boss so I’m working towards making that dream a reality. Ideally I want to be able to reach retirement by my 40th birthday. When I say retirement I mean being able to leave the 9am-5pm worker world where I live paycheck to paycheck or only one paycheck ahead of a mountain of debt.[/QUOTE]

    Check out "the fastlane forum" a lot of help with business and often more importantly what not to do with business
    vibemaker likes this.
  19. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Since you asked, I had a very good start of november with only a few relapses and consistent training and diary-ing.
    Then a few days ago I hit a dead end and crapped out totally.
    I have been reading every day though. And no alcohol so far - success!

    I hope you guys are doing good.

    I want to say one thing. That thing that needs doing, just work on it for just five minutes right now! Just 5 small minutes! Then you will set the train in motion and it will be easier to do more later.
    vibemaker likes this.
  20. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    That's a good advice.

    So a little more than a week to go.
    2525 likes this.