Post published by elbigdog

Hey guys. I just joined this group on July 8th. Looking for accountability partners. I'm 28 yo, have an amazing wife, and a great kid. Porn has dragged me all over the place and I need to quit. Let me know if you are interested.
hope4travis more_vert
Are you keeping a reboot journal/log here on NoFap?
elbigdog more_vert
I will be. Planning on starting that tonight.
Tannhauser more_vert
I agree, my journal has helped me a lot. As has finding an Accountability partner. Message me if you'd ever like to talk.
Wilkin Jones likes this.
IronRod more_vert
I can help. I just started today. I am looking for the same thing. I am 25. I have a wife and my first kid on the way. I would love to have a pace partner.
njones9 more_vert
Welcome! Totally agree with the journal comments. And the more people you have checking in on it the better!