A Tough Reality

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by 8BitsOfStuggling, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    I most certainly do not expect everyone to relate to my post. However, the few who do it will save them countless tries, hours, and struggles in the journey. Everyone is different. However, I do think 100% recovery is possible, but it requires setting up the proper mind set. If you set up a proper mindset that focuses on the real things of life, avoiding lusting things etc, eventually those old memories will fade, while they may be still in your brain doesn't mean you will act on them. By that manner, I think it can be 100% recovery.

    Relapses are definitely a part of recovery process for people, however, that doesn't mean we should approach with the idea that "oh well, I will do better next time." That justification just gives us a foot-in-the-door phenomenon that justifies future relapses "because we will do better next time," that mentality, there is no way to a 100% recovery because every time you relapse will just set a new goal that is not permanent.

    Thank you for sharing your perspective, I do appreciate it. I totally agree with @ChangingMyLife, we as addicts say the first step to recovery is accepting and acknowledging, although I feel there should be a clause added in as a 1.1 step which is Accepting, acknowledging, and taking responsibility. If we expect it to just "happen" and pass the blame onto other things, (not take responsibility), we will never recover.

    Whether I am new to this forum or not, I have been around, read enough posts, posted enough, to understand other peoples views. At a certain point "being new" isn't a reason or excuse. I much like you changed my mindset immediately. But the difference was I set it as milestones. I am going to reach this, then this, then this, taking baby steps. As a result, I have not yet relapsed and I will not be relapsing. I do not want that voice in my head that says "its okay, it will feel good, and then next time we can go even further." It is like taking candy from a fat child, saying tomorrow you can have some, then the next day saying in 2 days you can have some. It just increases the desire for it even more than saying no more candy, you are fat.

    I think NoFap was once better. Not during my time since I have been here, but from the original ideas set forth by @alexander and the others. I think there was a time when NoFap was a community, that was supportive, yet tough. They were determined to be improvement, not temporary fixes. Temporary fixes is what I feel that this community is turning into. I don't know how to improve it, I think it is still a great community, but I feel that many could be reaping the benefits and changes to a much higher degree then they currently are.

    This shouldn't be a thing that we need a punishment or reward for failure, other than what you personally set up. Anything that someone else sets up, is causing you to act under other peoples motives and will not really benefit the person in the long run.

    Masturbation is only inevitable when you allow it to be. I couldn't agree more. Was PMO an issue was a child? No, we created it to be an issue.
    I however, in someways disagree with this statement. I personally, have worked hard to put my mind back on track, turning away from anything lustfull. As a result, since day 8ish (now on 20) this has been a breeze from abstaining. I don't tease myself and put me in a situation where I will fail, because I will if I allow myself to. That is why edging is a terrible idea. Edging builds your desire, YOU ARE PLAYING WITH FIRE.
    That is one thing that is pretty unanimous throughout this community, your brain needs to rewire to be successfully PMO free. If you intentionally seek out porn, if you fap, if you PMO, relapse, it isn't a minor setback, it isn't a road bump, your brain is back to ground 0. You have rebuilt the wiring that your brain was deconstructing. It isn't progress, it is starting over. Every. Single. Time.
    I believe in a NoFap communtiy that doesn't agree with "edging" being okay. I believe in a NoFap community that says enough is enough. A NoFap community that is willing to make the personal sacrifice needed, that they say they want, to be able to live a PMO free life. A community that is strong, that trains their brains to protect themselves. Most importantly, a community that doesn't look at this as a Challenge anymore. It was a challenge when it was started, now it is an addiction, a movement, either get on or off the train, it makes no difference to me. But the train I am boarding will not accept failure. It will protect me, because I have told it how to protect me. It will be strong. It will not masturbate. It most certainly will not say I can do better next time, because to me PMO has dictated my thoughts, my actions, my relationships, and everything in between for too long. PMO has been my master to long. PMO will no longer enslave me, it will no longer control me, it will no longer define me. Most importantly, I will not tolerate it being apart of my life any longer. I will not allow the vocabularly of "I can do better than 30 days this time, I will do 31 days."

    To me, enough is enough. PMO is dead to me.

    Thank you for reading.
    I Dreamed Of Home likes this.
  2. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your words. And while I'm thinking "Less Fap" is a good goal to start resp. is a better choice than cling to the addiction and get it worse and worse OF COURSE ITS A HALF-ASSED CHOICE.
    My aim is to quit pmo once and for all, therefore I can't afford to do it again from time to time.

    Most of the time I feel like have changed already for the better. But then it comes in...
    Yesterday I wanted to relax and watch a movie over stream. Porn was so close by. I had no intention to masturbate but I got the incredibly stupid idea to watch a porn scene to see how my reaction was. Also I didn't take my commitment serious anymore.
    Ok as an experiment it WAS interesting. I didn't touch my dick at all. And I perceived how excited it made me feel. It affected my circuit much more than my dick (heart and breath much faster). I think it's similar to get intimate with a new woman rather than to be intimate with my girlfriend.
    I didn't plan to reset my counter but now I see my commitment is not to watch any kind of porn voluntarily. So I have to.
    I'm glad I could stop and I that I didn't touch myself but today I got the bill: Only in the afternoon my fantasy started to spin. I want to see some specific scenes. I would already have gone home to search for something matching my fantasies and do pmo if I hadn't come here. This forum reminds me of all my decisions and to write about it helps me too somehow.

    Most of the time my journey went smoothly. But it's so hard to suppress those fantasies when they spin and spin around your brain!
    Because at one point one is ready to decide against one's commitment.

    Thinking alone doesn't work here. But when I write it down my thoughts concentrate on the logic, the reason and on the frame of NoFap. I can tell you: I don't want to do it, even if it's howling so uproariously! It seems to be a need of mine but reason knows, it's not needed, it's just the force of habit. Thoughts that are wrong but habitual. They doesn't fit in my system anymore. I have to get them out of my head!

    Maybe I could use a hobby where I get some adrenalin-rush...
  3. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    EDIT: when I began to write my last post I wasn't sure if I wouldn't going to fap. I thought: maybe somebody can help me out, but I'm not sure if I can help myself. Now I feel much better. I will go back to my work. :)
  4. freedomwarrior

    freedomwarrior Fapstronaut

    Hang in there. Stay strong. You can do this.
  5. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    Hang in there and keep it up. This is exactly the reason why I wrote this post, you even said yourself I didn't take my commitment serious anymore, so why would you continue? That is what I want people to avoid. People to avoid playing with fire. It is just stupid. If you are hungry, but you are not allowed to eat - do you sit down in front of gourmet food? No, you avoid it because you KNOW that it will increase your desire for it.
    Your penis still works. It will continue to work, you are not 80. It will work. Just like you said, its a terrible idea. Don't play with fire, why make your journey harder than it is? If you need to get from point A to B, are you going to go in a straight path right over the Himalaya mountains or will you use your brain and walk around the mountains? One is a ton easier, it is a longer journey certainly, however it is possible. If you let your mind wander and accept that you "just want to make sure johnny still works" you will fail, over and over. Every time you do it, you will be subtly telling your mind "its okay! It feels great and then we can go back to our journey!" Doing that is basically going half way up the mountain, and then turning around saying you will go up it next time. Just walk around the stupid mountain. Faster is not better in our case, slow and steady is best. Every day you reset, you reset the distance that you and PMO have had between you, the more you reset it, the closer you two become because you begin to marginalize the effects. "They are not so bad."

    I hope and wish the best for you. I pray every day for those who struggle with this. I hope that people can stay strong and quit with the flipit's attitude that PMO is okay, but for the community, that PMO RELAPSE IS NOT OKAY.

    God Bless.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015
    Jodokus and AlltheRageBackHome like this.
  6. Completely agree. Was about to write the same thing, but just allowed you to do it for me.

    People are now beginning to contradict themselves. What the hell is going on?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2015
  7. BlackVelvet

    BlackVelvet Fapstronaut

    Wow, this thread is very interesting. My view on this matter has already been said many times though. I agree with you and @Buddha Punk Robot Monk. I appreciate your being blunt, as it got me thinking about my commitment and responsibility in my recovery. I think that this (PMO) is pretty abstract. We as people have grown up with different experiences, and we relapse by trying to get away from something in our lives. Failure is unacceptable as you said but we are human. Your way can most certainly work but it's not a end all be all (I know you didn't say that). We are human and we learn as we live. PMO was a learned behavior and we must learn to leave it. In a 17 year olds eyes if you couple your mindset with Buddha Punk's then we'll be invincible! @alexander said it himself in one of his NoFap videos "even if you make it 2 days without relapse when you relapsed daily, progress was made". NoFappers should be proud when we reach a goal, but as you said our ultimate goal should be to stop forever!

    In essence, I'm saying that the first step is to lessen the behavior(not relapsing straight is amazing too) and getting stronger and then knock it out of the park! I loved your opinions! Thank you!
    Jodokus and HippyMinstrel like this.
  8. EnglandExpects

    EnglandExpects Fapstronaut

    I think you're exactly right, the goal is to change your life, and to imagine a life that's not wasted on PMO. One huge problem is that our culture doesn't have much to offer people besides sex and food. Life is about so much more than this, but very few people seem to realize it. If we can't imagine a different life, we will just go back to PMO out of despair. I personally think that we have to re-think the role of sex in our lives and concentrate on other things, so I think that fapstronauts who concentrate on having sex with women are really self-defeating. The real problem is a life focused on empty pleasures like sex, instead of things we can truly care about like community, friendship, family, and our vocation.

    I do think that short goals can be useful as a way of fooling ourselves: it's easier to get through 3 days if we think we'll be able to fap at the end of it. "Never again" can feel overwhelming. But the trick is that when you get to 3 days, you do another 3 days. This is why people say that addictions have to be fought "one day at a time." Here's an article about the concept I just came across:
  9. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    Thank you for chipping in and being respectful about it! I totally agree, be proud when we reach a milestone (I don't look at it as a goal, because a goal is a end point), but I don't think we should be marginalizing our failures. They are failures. Thank you for sharing!

    I think this statement is spot on. That is why I advocate so strongly for diverting your mind. If you see a pretty girl, she is just another human. The better we get at removing this idea that "everyone is sexy" and "the things I'd do to her etc" the better we will be. Focusing on sex I think is destructive to the reboot process to, I think it probably extends the process for sure rather than abstaining all together.

    Thank you guys/gals so much for your thoughts! I would love to keep it going.
  10. Happy Gnome

    Happy Gnome Guest

    The point is to love and be compassionate towards yourself.
  11. ThatOneGuy56

    ThatOneGuy56 Fapstronaut

    I agree with what you said @8BitsOfStuggling both habits should just be removed and we should look as women not just through sexual desires. Now whenever I see attractive women its just that- they are just human like us and I respect them seeing as sexual thoughts don't really come up anymore.
  12. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    I am not going to lie. It is really tough. It is tough to turn away every time. It is a journey in it-self I think. I feel that the biggest part of NoFap for me is not, not fapping. It is teaching myself to avoid those triggers. By avoiding those triggers everything will follow. If I can teach myself to look away from lusting things, if I get horny and I am alone to again turn away, do something else, than I don't tend to struggle with not fapping. However, if I don't try to focus on bettering my mind, NoFap becomes the hardest part of living.
  13. ThatOneGuy56

    ThatOneGuy56 Fapstronaut

    I know, it can be really tough at times but I do feel like my brain is healing I just need a lot more time.
  14. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    I am right there with you man. It is hard. I just not even 15-30 minutes ago stumbled upon a pornographic gif. It took me a few seconds but yet again I was able to continue to turn away, and divert. That is what I am looking to achieve. The better I get at it, the easier it is and the faster I react typically.
  15. Rigor_Mortis

    Rigor_Mortis Fapstronaut

    -quietly clears my throat and directly copy/pastes a section of the About on the NoFap website-

    "NoFap is not an anti-masturbation website. A clear majority of NoFap’s users and administrators alike agree that there’s nothing inherently wrong with masturbation. A small number of users may believe otherwise, perhaps due to their moral principles, but find NoFap’s broad-minded approach works better for them than the moralistic focus of “chastity” websites that dot the Internet. NoFap does not encourage lifelong abstinence from masturbation or sexual behavior. Rather, we encourage our users to abstain for a period of time for the duration of their reboots—typically around ninety days. While some abstain for longer periods of time—even for life—most of our users then return to masturbation having freed themselves of the need to use pornography. Our users choose what is healthiest for them and best serves their goals."

    So... Yeah.

    I do respect your opinion, but your original post made it sound like it should be an all-encompassing truth, instead of sharing an opinion, however deeply you believe in it. Opinions should be stated as opinions, not as truths.
  16. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    I didn't state it as a truth, and you might need to read it a little more carefully if that is the case. Because I full out said you don't have to agree, its my opinion, if you are doing this, and all of that. I appreciate you pulling quotes from the about, however - it is irrelevant to what I was stating with this post. I was stating it isn't okay and people are not improving if they continue to interact they way they are. You don't have to agree with what I say and I respect your opinion, but I never once said it is a truth, implied it as a truth, or said you have to listen to it.

    My written word, is my written belief. Just as yours is yours. If I start stating facts, then it might cross the border of truth not opinion, but otherwise written opinion is just that - opinion.
  17. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    back again. Pretty vivid and interesting thread this has become! And oh I'm clear now. safe. puhh... had a good, productive rest-day after that emergency.
    For me that was another lecture about me being addicted to porn. nothing else. I used to PMO of course, sometimes PM, or just the P in the meantime. Such was my behaviour. So when I looked at porn yesterday I simply give in to my addiction even though I omitted the MO. When I made my counter I was already aware of that, apparently.

    I can resist some nudity in "normal" media. I just have to be careful... But any kind of porn or say erotic material is taboo for me.
    It's as 8bit said "why make your journey harder than it is".

    Although I got some (righteous) scolding for my behaviour I'm convinced I made good progress :p
    Being so close and not having pmo'd - I must be some hardcore monk ;)
    But as I said before its mainly thanks to this forum. Accountability I guess.

    Masturbation - yeah, everybody seems to see it differently here. I was raised liberaly and see no major problem with this part of sexuality. But I enjoy to get more independent from it. NoFap is about willpower (mind, intellect) over instincts. And so is chastity. I really enjoy becoming more free. But I propose not to focus too much on masturbation when your actual problem is porn.

    this is important. I found out that I have to be more strict with myself just as well as I have to be more gentle with me. Sometimes I can be tough and can become tougher, sometimes I'm just a whiner full of bad feelings and I can't simply brace myself in that moments, I need compassion from myself like a child who must be cuddled and encouraged.

    have a good one, everybody!
  18. peregrinnus

    peregrinnus Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,

    This seems like a very animated discussion, so I thought I'd chime in.

    It's true that, to really do NoFap for life, and to move forward to a point where PMO is not an option anymore, requires a mindset change, and a big one at that. Having a half-assed approach won't cut it. You can't say "I will quit" but then relapse every could of weeks, and come here and have a pity party, say that you're sorry, and then "resolve" to go again without changing anything. Einstein said that insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, and he was a pretty smart guy. What @EarthDragon said in an earlier post rings true here - we need to EVALUATE our falls, and then make changes to our method, so that we don't fall again - or at least, we fall to a different thing that we didn't address or look at before. If you don't do that, you're just kidding yourself and everyone else around you.

    That being said, @8BitsOfStuggling, some compassion on your part would be nice. A part of having compassion for someone is to try to understand him/her, and to be able to empathise with what they might be going through. It's not easy to quit - I'm pretty sure that for every successful person who quits alcoholism, for every successful person that makes it through AA, there are countless others that fall off the wagon - the same with drugs, the same with smoking, and the same with NoFap. Because all these crutches that we have, we have them because of countless problems in our lives. Emotional stresses, childhood traumas, depression or psychological illness, poor choices in life - all drugs are used to numb some form of pain. Sometimes, we don't discover these pains, because we're unwilling to face them, because we haven't learned the techniques to uncover them, or because we're afraid to admit to ourselves that we're that weak, or that broken. To tell people to man up and face reality, isn't that easy, and to people who are genuinely struggling, it can come across as rather arrogant and self-righteous. Each person's struggles and each person's capabilities are different. The extent to which they use PMO to medicate, the extent of their problems, and the extent to which they are willing to bear and accept discomfort in their lives is different. The NoFap community is HUGE - and it's gonna be hard to have everyone on the same page, or with the same iron will and determination that you have. There will be guys who share the same goals you have, but need some help along the way, and who might be suffering from self-esteem issues as well. See if you can be that help in a constructive and understanding way, perhaps, rather than putting out a blanket statement to shape up or ship out. Gentleness will always win out over harshness, IMO.

    Thanks for reading :)
    Jodokus likes this.
  19. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    If this was me, and I was hard on you, then I apologize. I don't apologize for the meaning but maybe the more "offensive approach." I do hope you continue to fight buddy!
    I totally agree with your statements regarding masturbation. I personally think it is wrong. Just as I said at one point (not sure if it was this thread or not...), "it's not fair to our future wives." But that is entirely my opinion. I am not saying you are wrong or right. That being said, wrong or right, one thing I know for 100% certainty is if I go back to M, I fall into the entire package of PMO. To me, I can't do M anymore, but I don't want to either, so I guess a win win? Regardless, I know some are on the same page with me, they know they can't M or it will turn to MPMO. No bueno. That is just my thought on it though.

    @peregrinnus, first I want to say thank you for joining the discussion and taking the time to read these incredibly long posts. I also want to say thank you for your reply, it was nicely worded and was good to read. I wanted to address one major thing in your post that you discussed and called me out on, which was the idea of compassion. You are right in saying that, this post was lacking compassion and I do not deny that. The reasoning that I worded it that way was to intentionally be blunt. I feel that such a big majority of the posts on NoFap are all so similar that we forget the opposite side of the spectrum. Sometimes the community gets so caught up in being supportive that we forget about the "tough reality." So absolutely my post was without compassion, and I thank you for addressing it civil-y and giving me a shot to explain myself.

    I am not entirely sure if you have seen many of my other posts to people, but I try to ensure that I stay 100% supportive, constructive, graceful, and compassionate for others in their own forums, however I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a thread that to my hope, would really hit home for a few readers. Gentleness is definitely a great way to get things through, however, if anyone is like myself, back when I was in a terrible relationship - people tried to gently tell me, but I needed the harsh wake-up before I would acknowledge the truth.

    So that is my reasoning or "justification" for the way the post was written. I try my best to portray my opinions as well thought out and I do my best to not come off as a bigot, but I feel that a more blunt post was needed for a wake up call to the community. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it all! I encourage others to continue to talk and post. As long as people are posting, I will reply - after all, I did start the thread and it would be not acceptable to not humor peoples thoughts and criticisms.

    God Bless.
    Jodokus likes this.
  20. heartpower

    heartpower Fapstronaut

    I think the answer is deeper than NoFap could ever go, at least for me. To an extent this is a place to be "coddled", because we are all a bit lost. There are 12-step programs for this too, and I believe those would be more effective.

    Also, NoFap appears to be run on a program that has no Higher Power, such as a loving God. I'm not saying it should be religious, but at this juncture the only real higher power is the day counter and impressing others.

    If anything, I think this forum should be used to educate and explore the issue, because it is new to many of us. And the addiction goes so deep, mostly to people's deepest fears and anxieties, that simply being tough and seeing through is often easier said than done.

    No offense to the OP, but in a way I do find this post to be rather insensitive, and an example of the sort of tough guy, NoFap elitist junk that really turns me off about this site.

    However, I will say that this has been a great place for me to share my thoughts, and get things somewhat out in the open. I'm not doing this for anybody but myself. I couldn't give a damn what anybody thinks about me relapsing, or how many days I have, or even how "serious" I am about this.

    I'm a work in progress. Most people are. And most people just need someone who will listen.
    Rigor_Mortis likes this.
  21. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    Then this post is definitely not for you, and that is completely okay. Before you jump to conclusions of if I am being "insensitive", I would appreciate it if you gave me the same respect and actually read all the posts to my answers. I am by know means telling you my road or no read. But rather trying to open the minds of some individuals. This post may not speak to you, that is just fine. Good luck in your journey.:D
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015