anyone notice they became attractive to girls on nofap?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Freshstart1990, Oct 20, 2019.

  1. Freshstart1990

    Freshstart1990 Fapstronaut

    I am only just starting out but ive been reading a couple of posts where people felt as though they started getting more attention from women while they were on nofap. Im just wondering if anyone thats here now has any experience with that and how long it took before they started to notice it?
  2. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    My own groat here but if that is your goal you already lost.
    The point here is to take control of your life,be productive with your time but if hitting on girls is what make you happy go for it.

  3. That is just a placebo created by NoFap, why would something you changed in your PMO habits make a girl want you? These people have the whole idea wrong, it's not quitting porn that might be attracting girls, it's how you carry yourself after you quit porn. How are girls gonna know you even quit porn, are these dudes going around telling them?

    Nah bro, maybe these dudes are doing good with NoFap, and they are starting to gain more confidence. Maybe they are starting to dress better, do their hair, wear cologne, become more outgoing and socially confident, and this is what girls notice.

    Being able to get girls is all about your approach and knowing how to to talk to them. Not masturbating doesn't make girls want you.
    lord_nelson and (deleted member) like this.
  4. I am confused on what you are trying to imply? No disrespect or anything but I see a lot of people on here whose goal is to be able to have a healthy relationship with women. Obviously to get a girl you will have to flirt with them.

    If you are trying to imply that banging every girl is losing at NoFap, I can see what you are saying. But the majority of the male population that is straight want to bang every women they find attractive, and I see a lot of negative comments towards that idea and I just want some insight on why? I mean that is how I am when I am not addicted to porn and when I had a girlfriend, I focused all my attention on her.
  5. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    yeah sorry about that i can see how it was rude but a lot of people come here on nofap expecting to get lots of girls if they stop pom for a few weeks or days wich i dont think should be the goal.Its like a sickness that we should get rid of and if along the way you find a partner good for you.
    Again sorry if i seemed aggressive and good recovery.
    lord_nelson likes this.
  6. No disrespect was taken, I completely agree with you. NoFap is not gonna make girls want you, but it can make you a better person and improve your life socially which can make you more attractive to girls. This was not my goal, I had a problem with escalation. Good luck on your recovery too my friend.
    lord_nelson and TheForsakeen like this.
  7. Milhouse Van Houten

    Milhouse Van Houten Fapstronaut

    Yeah there's no magical powers but I will break this down for you.
    By abstaining from PMO you are rewiring your brain from thinking of girls as sexual objects to treat them more like people and this can even show in your eyes and body language so guys and girls pick up that you're becoming a better communicator with better integrity and self-discipline. It's often not a conscious thing but humans are social creatures and there is a lot that happens under the radar subconsciously.

    Some n*ggaz call this "superpowers" but that's a load of crap, don't think you're special. Just be happy that you are becoming a better version of yourself and use that to be a more caring and understanding person to both your male and female peers. The goal of nofap is to rewire your brain from having that deep, even unconscious perspective that everything is based on sexual instant gratification to something healthier like delayed gratification and increased respect for yourself and others.

    But yeah, getting extra attention from chicks rules. Just don't abuse it or use it as a reason to become a playboy, that would be just as bad.
    lord_nelson and TheForsakeen like this.
  8. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Here’s what I noticed:

    When I fap all the time I gradually and continually decline in all areas of life and stop caring about anything because all I want is time alone where nobody can see me as I’m staring at a bunch of pixels and pleasuring myself. I’ve never felt a sense of achievement. I’ve never felt the urge to go to someone and tell them about my latest pmo accomplishment. Like ‘yeah man, just saw this hottie on Instagram and you know what I did? I went to the bathroom, got there in like twelve seconds and thirty seconds later I was walking out of there with a smile. I totally crushed it man. I’m such a beast!’ Said no guy ever. Instead I just feel more and more disconnected and emotionally empty. My social presence crumbles. That’s me. Maybe some guys are not like this. Maybe they pmo twice a day and feel empowered, confident, and can take home any girl they want. I’m not one of those guys.

    Here’s what I’ve also noticed:

    when I stop fapping all the time, I slowly and continually spiral upwards in terms of how I feel about the rest of my life. I eat better. Sleep better. Train harder. I have more focus. I feel well adjusted. I don’t worry about what people think as much. I take better care of my personal hygiene. I help others. I treat people like people instead of objects. I get excited by things that aren’t porn or Instagram booty. I have more life. Because I have more of a life. I have better social interactions. I meet new people. Including women. They are attracted to the kind of person I am. Not that I have gone a few weeks without touching myself.

    Do women like guys because they haven’t drank beer for a month? Or because they haven’t gotten high? Or because they haven’t spent their entire evenings and weekends on video games? No. They like guys who do something with their lives. The trouble with guys who pmo all the time (or drink, get high, play online games thirty hours a week) is not simply that they do that. It’s that they don’t do much of anything else.

    If you want to be successful with women it will take more than giving up pmo. That being said, for a lot of guys, they feel like they have a lot more energy and interest and motivation to do those other things when they stop beating their meat all the time.
    lord_nelson likes this.
  9. The way I am

    The way I am Fapstronaut

    İt's been very short that I am hanging around this nofap forum even though I have spent a lot of time on the other nofap forums.

    I firmly believe that your view of point reflects mine a bit. Nofap does not allow someone to get the superpowers as they suppose to have, but here is the point, a PMO addict committed to getting rid of it, I mean a Nofap member, is already very much alerted about what he/she is supposed to do for their own good. This leads to a development in their insight of life and they are already making progress on what they are meant for.

    Nofap is a phenomenon that fuels the passionate soul that is keen on a personal development and personal care. I mean it entitles the man to stay on track and to be as productive as he's never been before. In my personal experience, it feels good.
    the alpha project likes this.
  10. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Yes I feel like we have some similar perspectives. I think that for people who use pmo as an escape from life, if they stop, and they direct their energy to other pursuits, they can move closer to their life goals and aspirations. But the key is not just to stop fap, rather, what else people do with their time and energy to self improve.
    lord_nelson likes this.