Chakra Healing Challenge! Holding myself accountable for you guys.

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. Hello Everyone. This actually the first challenge I am posting, feel free to give it a try.
    I am doing a 7 day Chakra healing challenge including no PMO all together. I am fallowing a Youtube channel called Meditative Mind that has various Chakra Healing camp meditation videos. Each day we'll be focusing on one threw out the body. Starting from the spine all the way to the top of the head. I am also doing this to raise my sense of awareness and most of all for my health. By the way if your a day late don't worry, jump in at any time.
    I've read and watched some videos actually of how the Kundalini and Chakras are effected when you masturbate or watch porn. In my experience these energy centers are really tampered with when you PMO. This healing camp challenge will be seven days or more if you want to go further.

    Day 1. Muladhara (Base of spine near Botox) Grounding and Safety.
    Day 2. Svadisthana (Lower abdomin) Sexual Desires and Emotion.
    Day 3. Manipura ( Right above belly button) Will Power and Confidence.
    Day 4. Anahata ( Middle of chest "Heart") Love and Compassion.
    Day 5. Vishuddha ( Throat) Breath and Throat.
    Day 6. Ajna ( Between eyes "Pineal gland" ) Intuition and ESP.
    Day 7. Sahasrara ( Top of head) Faith and Understanding.

    Here is just a short description of them, feel free to research on weki or look up Nofap chakras on youtube for more in depth explanation. I just want to say good luck to anyone who accepts this challenge and good luck. :)