Day 314, help, Is Anyone On Meds?

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by UK Lad, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. UK Lad

    UK Lad Fapstronaut

    I believe in you. You’ll get there. Medication can blur your vision too. May god be with u
  2. UK Lad

    UK Lad Fapstronaut

    Beautiful Thank you. From the bottom of my heart for this post. I really don’t know what to say. You are brave and intelligent. I wish I could be the same but all our abilities are different.

    I know depression is from god. It’s a big test this life. The greatest thing is life and we must deal with it.

    I have one last question, am I doing it properly? Weaning off my medication I started 12 months ago.
    Currently on 11.5mg. My plan is 1ml drop every month.
    RightEffort likes this.
  3. UK Lad

    UK Lad Fapstronaut

    RightEffort likes this.
  4. hey bro I am not in the position to answer that question.

    I'm curious if you have ever tried communicating to your doctor to help you in this process?

    if your current doctor is not up for you to get off you can go to another doctor, I think that would be the wisest path so you do it under professional guide, If you do your part the best you can as much as you can (with your daily routines, exercise, positive thinking, positive books, etc) your doctor usually cooperates with you - unless your doctor has a very dogmatic and closed view, then you can look into another doctor who fits your world view.

    Some doctors are very closed mentally, they see people things and they are subscribed to the old Newtonian view of the world - that is the world is made of things called matter and solid stuff - but many new doctors are more awake and conscious that the Newtonian paradigm is outdated with quantum mechanics and new physics we are now aware of facts such as neuro elasticity and that nothing is fixed and every thing is changing our 300 trillion cells are 99% empty and they are constantly appearing and disappearing into the mystery. Our entire body regenerates it self every 7 years.

    You can lookinto people like dr. joe dispenza's books on this topic more - For now I say choose a doctor who can help you get off this safely, in the meantime really amp up your workout and routines
    UK Lad likes this.
  5. Envoy-ofthe-End

    Envoy-ofthe-End Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately no, in my country depression is pretty minimal so it's not really treated with such importance.
  6. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for these words of wisdom. i will hang onto and remember for a long time to come. I value the time and thought put into conveying your much needed wisdom and experience.
    Your words came at the perfect moment for me too. Today, after peeping at some P disgusting images, my heart was filled with sorrow and instantly i felt my world turned upside down, like how i feel after a relapse.

    Thank you for saying that all human being experience suffering, because too often i forget that and think my life is miserable than most. Thank you for sharing that you see your mental condition as a blessing rather than a curse- that we are that much more resilient for bearing a tougher burden. Thank you for sharing your experience with taking steroids and antidepressants because though i have done neither, i suspected that these would not be good since they are not natural. In doing so, you basically warned me and prevented me in the future from doing those things.

    Thank you for telling the truth about how getting a girlfriend or money or drugs or anything that seems to promise contentment won’t actually bring fulfillment.

    thank you for reiterating the idea that I can choose to be my real uninhibited self. I can walk away from PMO and i am not an addict. Just today after peeping at those pics, i remembered the intense loathing and feeling of wanting not to live continuing any of that fiendish impurity. And then I remember like you that I can’t do that, what good would it do.
    If i do that, then i lose the game. No, losing is not an option. The only option is to win. I have no choice

    Lastly thank you for sharing those life savers. Only recently have i begun to realize how vitally important they are to staying sane and staying clean.

    My morning routine the past few weeks has been get up, immediately drink glass of water (fulfilling body’s basic need), 30 deep breaths while meditating and relaxing, listening to some music. Exercise is something i’ve always done. I think taking time to do deeper and longer meditation/quiet time is necessary for me. Some days I grab my phone first thing rather than meditating. I need to train myself to just do the meditating first and get grounded, otherwise i break my habits

    I appreciate what you said so much, you have no idea and take what you say as far more valuable than any doctor
    RightEffort and Deleted Account like this.
  7. neutral1000

    neutral1000 Fapstronaut

    I agree with everything dr Breggin said in the movie. Once you start taking the drugs its extremely difficult to take them off. Pharmacists are like a mafia who design the drugs to sell them continuously. I tried many times to take them off and then I get anxiety fears and distorted thinking. Psychatrists will tell you that you feel this way not becouse of PMO but becouse you stopped taking drugs.
    UK Lad and Deleted Account like this.
  8. UK Lad

    UK Lad Fapstronaut

    My order was removed a while back. I have the choice to continue or stop taking the medication. Everything you say is good but it won’t work here. We have social workers here who monitor you as you wean off the meds and soon as you slip or blip then you’re back on meds. It’s all financial. I’ve tried so many drs they never ever listen. So many times I just wanna die but soon as I realise this I know it’s not worth it.

    There’s something strange I’ve noticed about myself. Soon as I’m off the meds, I train and exercise and walk and eat, but 6-8 months down the line I relapse. Historically in between me coming off meds and relapse I have been masturbating.
    I don’t understand the relapse side of things it’s very confusing. Perhaps there’s a scientific or spiritual explanation to it. Maybe it is all psychological as someone told me. Maybe the masturbation has caused all my issues in life. Or black magic because someone is jealous. I’m going to give it one more try. Till July and then I’m going to see how I feel thereafter.
  9. UK Lad

    UK Lad Fapstronaut

  10. "When the unclean spirit is gone out from the man, it passes through waterless places, seeking rest and not finding any. Then it says, 'I will return to my house, from where I came out.'"