How would you describe depression?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Verhart, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. Verhart

    Verhart Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your respones. Hope is there somewhere, we're yet to find it. And we will.

    Or we will die trying.
  2. Merlionno

    Merlionno Guest

    This guy gets it

  3. This guy gets it
    (sorry for the untasty joke)
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Thank you @Merlionno - yeah, he sure does! It made me cry, actually. It is really moving when someone can articulate so clearly how you feel every fucking day! Depression includes feeling sad, but what this man knows is that when depression gets serious: it transcends emotions; you actually end up not feeling sad or down or anything at all; you are numb; like a hollowed out egg shell; it is total, engulfing anhedonia - a total inability to feel any emotions - like a conscious non-existence. Even when I cried watching this, I couldn't feel anything, but my body responded on a kind of auto-pilot. :confused:
  5. Honestly guys, after going through two long years of depression and a very serious suicide attempt I can tell that it's no good for you to watch this kind of videos. It just keeps your head underwater. Do something constructive instead, I dunno, go out, take a walk in the woods, play guitar, learn a language, but don't watch these videos otherwise you'll stay a fucking loser forever. I know that well because I've been through it so badly.
    So stop whining and focus on bettering yourself.
    Maybe it's hard to hear but this has to be said.

    You have all my support.
    Clerk373 likes this.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Excuse me for defending myself. I'm not "a fucking loser" just because I'm diagnosed with Recurrent Depressive Disorder.
    What the fuck! o_O What I said was not a whine. If I listed the symptoms of my epilepsy, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, insulin-dependent diabetes.... would that be a "whine"? No. So, why are you discriminating against mental illness Hex?
    So, you only had depression for two years? Well, lucky you! You only had one serious suicide attempt? Congratulations! :rolleyes: So, your empathy extends only to the extent of your own personal experience does it? Fine, well you can keep all your... "support"!
  7. Merlionno

    Merlionno Guest

    The guy actually has quality videos, you should check out his channel, i do not agree whith the loser part you dont know what i have been through, from the moment i was born i had to fight for my life, literally.
    I am pretty tired of people calling depressed/sucidal people whiners/selfish.
  8. I think it should've been that short for you. First of all, searching about this on the Internet and finding yourself exotic-named disorders won't solve anything. Now, you're free to not take my advice seriously, but all I can state now is that you're still depressed (after more than two years apparently), and I'm not anymore.

    Somehow you are. And I was. But you know, depression is really something vicious, it makes you blind on a certain number of things, this for instance.

    I just want to help you, and you should listen to me because I managed to get out of this, and you didn't yet. You must slap yourself in the face, tell yourself that your life is a fucking waste (even though it's not obviously true of course), and that will help you, surely. It did for me. Being rigorous with yourself is the number one trick to fight depression. Now, for the "you don't know what I've been through" thing, OK sure thing, but lemme tell you something. I jumped off a 15-meter high wall to land on the pavement, I spent several month at the hospital, literally shitting on myself, unable to walk again, move, talk. All I was able to do was seeing my whole family torn apart by my behaviour. I still have teeth missing, and iron pieces in the legs and arms. I lost everything, and I'm not even mentioning my former heavy alcohol consumption, and being around junkies all the time. So I know what it's like to be down in the deep end of depression. Punch yourself in the face and start working on being the men you want to be, instead of searching for depression topics on forums.
  9. And again, you have all my support because I know things don't seem so easy when you're depressed.
  10. Merlionno

    Merlionno Guest

    But what works for you doesnt have to work for me .
    My mental disorders NEVER go away so i will not be cured anytime soon.
    Great that you are not depressed anymore i still am,
    I do not only search for topics on the internet.
    i get proffesional and medical help stayed in the hospital for almost 2 weeks because of an failed attempted.
  11. Hey man I'm sorry of what you are going through, sorry if I seem a little rude in my posts, English isn't my mother tongue so sometimes my formulations are clumsy.
    Medical help maybe aren't the solution to your inner darkness. Personally, every time I went to see a doctor to "cure my thoughts" I was more depressed than anything else after the consultation.
    I suggest you to learn something, or create something, it helped sooo much for me.
    If you're a musician, write songs, release your anger and sadness in your songs, it's a deliverance. If you're not, then learn an instrument, or write poetry. Or draw, do something creative. Let all your negativity fall down into your art. It might create something interesting, plus you will feel better.

    And if you need support at any time, feel free to message me.
  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Recurrent depressive disorder is not an "exotic-named disorder". I didn't search for it. I was diagnosed with it by a consultant psychiatrist ten years ago after seven months in a secure mental health hospital. I had never even heard of it before. You are making huge assumptions about me based on zero information.
    No! My life isn't "a fucking waste"! I have worked very hard to get to where I am now and I am not just going to let you destroy my progress. I do not want your "support"! If I listened to you, I would end up in hospital with further injuries!
  13. IGY

    IGY Guest

    "A little rude"? You are fucking offensive! Your English is perfectly good enough, too, so don't play the language card!
  14. Merlionno

    Merlionno Guest

    I have an rare auto immune disease that affects pretty much my whole body and im in pain constantly thats the reason man
  15. Maybe you should have read the following digression in my sentence.

    Actually I'm not trying to destroy your progress, but rather speeding it up. No problem if you don't want my support, you still have it no matter what.
  16. IGY

    IGY Guest

    How the fuck do you know what the prognosis of my illness "should've been"? You arrogant piece of shit. Fuck off! :mad:
  17. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Don't humour this fucking 'member' @Merlionno. We do not have to explain or justify ourselves to this ignorant prick! :mad:
  18. Sorry for triggering you. I'm outta here, got things to do
  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Oh do you really want to know what I think of you Hex? I have held back until now, but I can message you if you want?
  20. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Yeah, piss off! Good riddance!