I have serious problem with rebooting.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by IggyIshness, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Well are urges and being aroused bad for your reboot? How about looking at woman irl? sometimes i get rurned on by woman voices? Theres a problem where theres always something to feel guilty about. either i saw a p sub and i looked at it more then i should have. or i touched my thing. or i put my briefs underwear on and i was a bit aroused and when that happens i dont want to deal with the guilt so i will jist restart and do it again tommorow. and this been going on for months. im too OCD It becomes impossible. I dont know what to do. And i cant just tell myself its ok and move on. because i want to have 100 days with no p sub not 90 says. i want a perfect reboot. Has anyone been through this? how did you overcome this? i need serious help for a seriousproblem. i feel more guilty then if i relapse? if i relapse the guilt from it is not as bad as the guilt im dealing with.
  2. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

  3. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    halp anyone? did anyone ever deal with this
  4. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Seek professional help. You're too young for this forum, IMHO.
  5. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    ? im too young for.porn. that doesnt helpm
  6. diddykong

    diddykong Fapstronaut

    You are being far too tough on yourself. Urges and arousal are natural. You aren't getting aroused when you put on your underwear - you are interpreting a groin response as arousal. I can get an erection during cold showers sometimes and I'm definitely not aroused!

    You are basically setting yourself up to fail every time and feel bad because you do. You are never going to have what you have put in your mind as a perfect reboot, I don't think anyone could achieve that. OCD gives you black and white thinking but you have got to start thinking in shades of grey.

    Thoughts you think and feelings you feel. Our brains aren't very good at feelings and so our brains try to work out what has caused a feeling. In your case, it is probably attributing a lot of things as arousal.

    You can't help a feeling. You can mindfully stop turning feelings into thoughts. I'm pretty sure that if you try that, a lot of what you're attributing as arousal probably isn't.
    Low likes this.
  7. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    Basically in this process you're blind, you move forward and progress until you hit a wall. But guess what, you adjust and move forward again. Then hit another wall. Youre becoming aware of the tendencies you have which means in the future you'll have overcome them. This is FACT. You have already overcome the problem by identifying these feelings. Allow yourself to see these at temporary setbacks. You'll stop it soon. This is just the part you have to go through to get to the good bit. But keep pushing forward. Inch by inch day by day you're improving . even if its 1%.
    Low likes this.
  8. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    I saw a reoccuring thumbnail and it made me "reset". If itwasnt for guilt, i would have 250 days right now.
  9. Start small. You can't root out everything at once. Maybe just say no PMO. If being aroused is a reset then we are all doomed. We are designed to get aroused. It's what happens next that matters.

    Sex isn't bad. Your penis isn't bad. Addiction is bad.

    Don't miss out on how great sex is/will be.
  10. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

  11. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Fapstronaut

    Yeah man, don't feel bad ! I see some people set their goal to 90 days, which it helps them. For me I star always small. First I set my counter to 7 days, then 14 days and so on. That way I made it to 44 days, after the first week I lost any desire to fap, I was to lazy to fap.

    You can do it man! Remember, why do we fall? To pick ourselves back up again.
    You see does guys that made it, you see the people and everyone says "Wow, they are so successful!" . But remember, people are rewarded in public for what the practice for years in private.

    You have to love the process, you have to know that our goal aint easy, when we least expect it, we fall.
    But there is something that you have to make sure, that at the end of the day, the numbers of times that you stand up again is bigger than the time you fall. Because every time you fall, you learn how to make your legs stronger, so when the urges come back again, your legs don't go down so easy.

    So pick yourself back up every single time you fall. Eventually you'll legs will be so strong that you won't fall.

    You can do it mate, believe in yourself! You are still young, unlike many of us. I am 16, I wish that I learned that MO was bad like you when I had your age.

    Stay strong!