Is it worth quitting coffee ?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Krisso87, May 22, 2021.

  1. Krisso87

    Krisso87 Fapstronaut

    Gday lads hope all fighting the good fight . Quick question . Is it worth quitting coffee ? I’ve tidied up all areas of my life so to speak but packing in coffee once and for all seems impossible . Just love a cup . Does quitting coffee really help with the reboot?
    Moatasem likes this.
  2. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    i think coffee inhances me arouses but i cant stop drinking the stuff
  3. Grateful Retainer

    Grateful Retainer Fapstronaut

    I used to drink coffee indiscriminately throughout the day. After I got serious about living a life of temperance I cut back to no more than one cup every morning. If it gets to a point where I can't have only one cup then I will cut it out completely.

    If I'm completely objective I would say that my life would be better served with eliminating coffee completely. But like you, I do love a cup in the morning.
    {Ananta} likes this.
  4. boyrose

    boyrose Fapstronaut

    You only care about coffee/caffeine because it’s in your system. Given enough time, and when caffeine is out of your system, you won’t think twice about it. One way to look at it though is: if you cannot give up your morning cup, then you are a slave to it. But unlike sexual desire, you can get caffeine out of your system.
    {Ananta} likes this.
  5. Grateful Retainer

    Grateful Retainer Fapstronaut

    I agree with this. This could also apply to ice cream and gambling. These are indulgences I allow myself to partake in as the effects they have on my overall well-being are negligible.

    Ultimately it is up to the individual to do a risk/reward analysis and make the final decision on what to allow and discard from his or her life.
  6. boyrose

    boyrose Fapstronaut

    I’m a former pop/caffeine slave. A couple years ago, I could hardly remember the last time I was able to go a 24 hour period without pop (going back years). But I not to long ago went a year without pop or caffeine of any kind. Now, you could say I reset my taste for pop/caffeine. Now I can have a can or two over the weekend if I feel like it, or I can go weeks or months without it. It’s not something I need anymore, but because I’m back in control, I do treat myself from time to time.
    BigBrain likes this.
  7. karshup

    karshup Fapstronaut

    I do not think PMO is related to caffeine nor do I think one cup of my coffee is bad for your health. If you think you are slave to it then reduce it or quit it

    Maybe quit one by one rather than giving up on all the vices. It might be tough on your body to go cold turkey of your bad habits. I quit smoking last year and then after 3 months I reduced my alcohol after one year I am quitting PMO. I have reduced coffee long time back. I agree that going completely off coffee eventually will give you great results like great sleep but I don't mind one cup every morning. Maybe even two. Rarely I go for 3.

    I used to drink 5 expressos when I used to live in Italy and I had a panic attack partially due to my huge coffee intake. I also do not drink coffee by 2.30pm
  8. It is a recurrent anecdote among addicts of all descriptions that caffeine can be an aggravating factor in relapses.

    As for me, I am partial to the odd flat white or cappuccino, but espresso is not something I fuck with. Being Anglo-Irish, however, tea drinking is like a religious devotion for me.
    The Pennsylvanian likes this.
  9. For me: Yes. Not just coffee, but caffeine entirely.

    I quit cold turkey around 300 days ago, here's my experiences from living caffeine free:
    • first 2-3 weeks were HORROR; I had non-stop headaches and was tired 24/7 - almost relapsed
    • ever since, I am clean. not missing it at all. no coffee, no tea, no chocolate - nothing with caffeine
    • my sleep has become MUCH better; I get to sleep earlier, I fall asleep faster and I wake up more relaxed
    • my energy level is CONSTANTLY high. I no longer have these downs in the afternoon. I constantly feel better than I ever did after a cup of coffee
    • Quitting caffeine is child's play if you are nofap veteran. You see other people (for example on /r/decaf) moaning and complaining how impossible it is to quit and how they constantly relapse. If you have done nofap, it's laughable easy though. Like running a 5k after training for a marathon
    All in all, it was the second best decision of my life (the best one, of course, being nofap).
    Krisso87 likes this.
  10. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Caffeine can be a vicious addiction if you let it get out of control. Just keep it to 1-2 cups of coffee a day and there's really no reason to quit unless you have anxiety or something like that. There's even research that suggests that drinking coffee may prolong your life.

    To answer your question, I found when I quit coffee I was less anxious, less impulsive, calmer, more Zen, and less irritable. The negative is I missed that boost of productivity and exercise is harder. However, I'm a big time caffeine addict so your mileage may vary.
    Last edited: May 23, 2021
    Moatasem likes this.
  11. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Worst time for coffee addiction was when I worked as a barista, well, you have to keep up your skills and it was a shame to let all those practice coffees go to waste. 5 a day was a normal day, some days it could even approach 10. of course, I was also drinking gallons of frothy milk, which isn't exactly the best.

    Cut back to one a day - first thing (after yoga), a stovetop espresso with a dash of milk. If I need a pick me up during the day, it's a cup of tea - much friendlier than coffee, you can drink four or five a day without it really affecting you, unless you drink it super strong. And I am British after all.

    To be honest it has crept back to 2-3 cups a day since having a baby. Time to cut back again, it does make me rather jittery.
  12. Eli6899

    Eli6899 Fapstronaut

    In my personal experience, it was possible for me, I don't even remember the last time I had a cup of coffee.
    And personally speaking, I guess it was actually easy for me to quit it, cause coffee made my sleep quality worse, and even more tired then usual for some reason.
    The Only caffeine I allow myself is at max, 2 cups of green tea
    jarvyjarvison likes this.
  13. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Caffeine it's a stimulant and it can make more difficult to control urges or can cause some of them.
    Try reduce the amount or not at all. You'll notice a difference.
    If you are more strong into your reboot you can introduce coffee again.
    Per_Aspera_ad_Astra likes this.
  14. Moatasem

    Moatasem Fapstronaut

    I honestly drink coffee every day, but I hope you're not like me, the amount of caffeine you consume can affect your brain and thought process, my sleep is deteriorating thanks to my caffeine consumption, if you're going to drink coffee, at least moderate your use, or better never drink it, I'm going to reduce my frequent use of caffeine in the upcoming days hopefully, because caffeine is one hell of a stimulant, it can have a contingency of exacerbating your flatline period, it can presumably worsen your sleep.
  15. in the time that i quited for 2 weeks i woke up as energized and not as a zombie sleep and blood presure improved a lot
  16. Achievement

    Achievement Fapstronaut

    Are you talking about Turkish coffee or Nescafe?
    if your answer is Nescafe then yes it does.

    I don't know if there's any correlation between Nofap and Nescafe but it's just not healthy for your body.
    Today it's my 4th day without Nescafe
  17. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Caffeine is a drug best used infrequently. Having said that, I'm hopelessly hooked on the stuff.
    Moatasem likes this.
  18. Krisso87

    Krisso87 Fapstronaut

    Cheers for the posts . I get down to 1 coffee for a few days , then it goes back up to 2-4 a day and then I claw it back lol . Its fucked because all other aspects of self care I’m bang on , but the coffee has got me , I’m hopelessly hooke to . I love going to a cafe for a latte , if it’s the afternoon and feeing a bit avg then have a small coffee . I’d love to just quit and drink tea for one month and see the difference .
  19. i try to quit coffe but when i at a friend that will be hard they drink way to much coffee there.

    I am super tired each morning due to coffee usage.
  20. If you are already rebooting from PMO, take it with dose of caution. It can help you or make you more depressed and instable. Although this is stimulant, quitting all stimulants at once may not be wise or easy or even possible. Just observe yourself day by day. Or replace coffee with black tea (1 solid tsp per cup) - tea is stimulative and L-teanine in it have some pro-dopamine effects, and is not so irritating as coffee. Because roastedness of coffee gives extra more boost but is also more irrittating to body and liver and can cause more frustration and instability when PAWS will hit hard.
    Speaking from experience.