Me Notes

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by V∧DΞR, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    I will paste the notes I make here.
  2. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    In the addiction phase PMO becomes the master and we become the puppet. It makes us do things we don't enjoy, for it's fulfillment

    PMO is the enemy to which we suffer great casualties every time we fight it. Fighting with will power(punching) is draining. We must fight with facts(intellect).

    It’s not the lack of will power, it's the lack of good brainwashing/ too much of P brainwashing.

    You need to be a superhuman to be able to use only will power to quit. Numbers are low of such creatures.

    Understanding why we failed (in detail) is important. We must not just ignore the fact that we failed, by blaming on willpower. Going on the same path will lead to failure again and again.

    Positive brainwashing must replace the P induced brainwashing.

    Brainwashing is like washing. Like how we have to constantly scrub our clothes to remove dirt, we have to constantly and intensely do positive brainwashing on ourselves. The words constantly and intensely are very important. These two word are why the P brainwashing has succeeded till now.

    Engaging in rebooting material at high intensity is necessary.

    According to principles in psychologies, when we are being fed a notion for long enough, we will naturally come to accept it. This is seen in advertising where we might dislike a certain advertisement from the beginning but as time passes we come to dislike it less and slowly to accept it over time. This process is a process of brainwashing.

    Engaging in positive brainwashing at high intensities is necessary. This brainwashing can be done by reading the materials like SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION and Rebooting remedy.

    Saturating my mind with rebooting material will make the rebooting material as a firewall that will separate me from PMO.

    Results shall follow when I constantly and intensely engage with the rebooting material.

    Keep in mind that the goal is to leave PMO forever and cleanse myself completely.
    88991s and jurte like this.
  3. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    Illness is due to overuse. Our body is a machine, using it over and over again without any maintenance breaks will cause the parts to run out and become useless.

    When we reboot our body runs a self repair on itself, this self repair can solve problems like ED etc. as we see this improve a thought of testing might come from back of our minds. This thought is dangerous as it can send us into the vicious cycle of PMO. Once trapped our conditions will start to deteriorate once again.

    The chances of falling in the above mentioned trap is high when our motive for rebooting is to indulge ourselves in P@#n on a later date(porn diets etc..).

    Incorrect motives will inevitably lead to unfruitful results.

    Foundations of rebooting must be correct. A strong base and a correct plan can make a building become a skyscraper.

    Motives should be set with facts not feelings: (Correct Way)
    • We reboot to restore our health and mind.
    • We reboot to get more time in our hands so we can use it for improving ourselves.
    • We reboot so that the sexual energy we burn in PMO is used for things that truly matter in our lives.
    • We reboot to follow our religious believes.
    • And other motives.

    Setting it with feelings can be like: (Not Correct Way)
    • Rebooting for getting attention of opposite/same sex.
    • Rebooting to get a better PMO session on a later date.
    • Rebooting in order to recover our sexual functions.
    Sexual functions will automatically return once we get far away from PMO.
    Abel100% likes this.
  4. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    When we start rebooting we always go through a phase of flatline. In this period our cravings cease to exist. This is the same period our mind and life go through decent amount of recovery. The flatline period can start anytime in the reboot and go on for 3-6 weeks in general. When we get out of flatline we face overwhelming amounts of urges, our body has recovered to a certain extent. In this period we face doubt, curiosity and other negative feelings. If we fall here we usually end up doing PMO multiple times which causes all our efforts to go in drain.

    We must use the flatline period as our preparation period so that we can face the next relapse prone period. Failing to read rebooting material can be very dangerous.

    'Only through the unceasing study of rebooting material can we increase our understanding and our level of determination. The level of determination is comparable to when we grind for levels in an internet game, in the beginning, our level is low and succumbs to the temptations of the heart, once we have continuously studied rebooting material and our level of determination have risen, the heart can no longer tempt us. If you don’t study rebooting knowledge, no understanding will take place, the level of determination will forever remain at a low level. And when we encounter a temptation the result is obvious; every encounter will result in failure, when we see x-rated material we will not have any determination, once we see it our heart begins to flutter and we click on the material, without immunity and resistance we are finished.
    [Vow to reboot] -> [flatline period] -> [body and mind recovers somewhat] -> [peak period for relapse] - > [period for regret]
    This is the process of relapse, also known as the vicious circle.'

    The will power method(brute force) will eventually fail if we do not keep reinforcing it with facts and knowledge. The method of happy-go-lucky will fail no matter how.

    Sun Tzu once said If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. Here we must understand how the reboot is broken and why we cannot escape this cycle(enemy). If we question about this and strengthen ourselves then we can beat this cycle and live a PMO free life.
    Abel100% and 88991s like this.
  5. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    The reason people watch P is because of a false sense of security they get when they hear that millions watch it daily. The truth is those millions of people hope that they did not start it.

    P is a like a hobby that when you're doing it you wish you weren't and when you aren't you crave for it.

    Withdrawal symptoms of P are very mild if we have the right state of mind.

    No matter how strong one's will power is, the person will escalate genres if they watch P. It's because it's the very way our mind works.

    If one thinks they enjoy P then they are completely wrong. ex. you enjoy eating bread, but you never crave for it do you? There is a craving in P, which if not satisfied makes us miserable and angry.

    If one gives a reason that P is educational/ satisfaction/ release then they are spitting shit. If it is educational they when are they graduating. If it is satisfying then why don't you save it for your partner. If it is a feeling of release from stresses of life then they must know that P doesn't release any stress but it wastes our time and makes us more stressful.

    If you think it relives boredom then there are other productive things far better and healthier than P that can relive boredom.

    If you think P is a habit then you're wrong again as habits can be broken within a matter of minutes but if you try breaking the need to watch P you find that you can't. This is because P is an addiction.
    You don't get anything from P except the destruction of your dopamine receptors.
    Abel100%, 88991s and jurte like this.
  6. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION is a life-changing book, glad someone quotes it and gets inspired by it. Keep it up!
    V∧DΞR likes this.
  7. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Muy buena información ... Esto edifica y anima para seguir resistiendo, no en modo de lucha, sino en consciente, desde el amor propio y la dignidad de Respetarnos a nosotros mismos, sin P es dañino (lo cual no dudamos) entonces lo alejaremos de nuestras Vidas... Dios nos da Fuerzas .
    V∧DΞR likes this.
  8. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    I'll read and make notes again from tomorrow. I must change. I will change. Thanks for your words everyone.
  9. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    Body develops immunity to drugs. Same amount doesn't work thrice to get rid of the craving. Urges make you stressed, cuz you don't want to cross the red line but your desensitized mind does. After crossing urges are dead but you are nervous.
    Remember that soft or hardcore everything falls under p@#n.
    P@#n doesn't relieve stress or promote relaxation, it makes you more nervous.
    Enjoying p@#n is an illusion.

    Some think that quitting p@#n will make a void in their minds. This is false. Still we try to watch it. The reason to that is brainwashing.
  10. wicket

    wicket Fapstronaut

    Ok but it doesn't change everybody.

    Speaking of which whenever I see you it's like an Alan Carr sales pitch.
    V∧DΞR likes this.
  11. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    We are bombarded with sexual innuendo from the earliest days of our life in magazines, adverts etc. These messages settles down at our subconscious. But we must make it a game to identify such components.

    We are confused not weak. Never think that you are an loser no matter what happens in life.
    The safe p@#n game or watching Soft, static, educational, nsfwclips p@#n must be avoided as it in the end is still p@#n.
    Straining at the red line causes us to loose willpower which could have been used somewhere else in life.
    Its the fear of the empty feeling that stops us from quitting so, don't be afraid, everything will be all right.

    WE ARE NOT giving up p@#n WE ARE escaping/quitting p@#n. There is nothing to give up. Only marvelous positive gains to be achieved.

    We start using p@#n in the first place because we feel like we're missing out on something, we go through multiple clips yet we don't get to know what we're missing out. The truth is that we aren't missing out on anything.

    Withdrawal pangs are basically urges, the more we use p@#n the more we get these. But there must be a key to stop them fully.

    Being a users makes you give up on:
    • Health • Energy • Wealth • Peace of mind • Confidence • Courage • Self-respect • Happiness • Freedom
    Being a non user just does the opposite.

    I've seen my self have energy drains that last for days after a PMO session, so the above is clearly not a joke.
  12. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    Facts with willpower = Success.
    Deconstruction of imp value of p@#n is necessary for success. It's the fear of future withdrawal pangs that creates pangs.
    Using PMO causes us to be more stressful. This drug can hook us to the point that a charming and a lovely partner has to compete for your attention. It's a big loss for the PMO user in such cases.

    PMO isn't reliving your nerves it is slowly destroying them. When these destroyed nerves recover after reboot we feel natural confidence and self assurance at greater levels than before.

    We gotta shut down the dopamine water slide.

    Boredom is a frame of mind. When we try to quit PMO we feel like something's missing. If a task exists that can occupy your mind and doesn't cause much stress then the pull of the P drug is not seen.
    PMO and boredom have a relation. The relation is that PMO increases boredom and this is cuz Os make you feel lethargic.

    PMO DOESN'T AID TO CONCENTRATION. It adversely affects it. Dopamine receptors being culled due to natural tolerance reduces the benefit of smaller boosts(like the fulfillment that you get after finishing your assignments.) These negative effects can be reduced and be brought to normal conditions when we go through the journey of reboot.
    While rebooting IF one feels concentration problems they must just get on with it and keep in mind that things will get better and that there is no reason to fire up the browser to clear mental blocks.

    Porn doesn't help one to relax. 'The frantic search to get the fix in those ’dark alleys of the internet’ and the internal struggle of straining at the leash to cross the red line certainly doesn’t sound like a very relaxing activity.'.


    The energy drain that PMO addicts feel can last for days. This has occurred with me. The most positive part about rebooting is that the moment you quit PMO you'll start to see positive changes(like more energy, bettter concentration), the only thing that takes time is the process of shutting down that craving monster.

    Believe every single word of the book, and it will get you to become PMO free.

    Let's do it.
    Abel100% likes this.
  13. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    I never asked for your opinion, so you better keep it to yourself. I know it doesn’t change everybody, but it’s the only thing that helped me so I’m giving advice. Who are you to even dare to speak to me?
  14. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    Calculate the time I spend on PMO for my entire life time if I don't decide to stop.

    I would live for 75years. Say that I keep watching regardless if I am able to be able to MO.
    I would watch it 2 times a week for 1 hour each day.
    i.e. 2 hours a week.
    Assuming my age is 18, I got 57 years to live.
    In 57 years I have 20805 days. That is i.e. 2972 weeks. I am watching P for 1 hour for 5944 days. i.e I am wasting 5944hrs on P for my entire life. i.e I would end up watching P for 247 days.
    If this calculation is right then boy oh boy that's a lot of time and energy that is being wasted out here.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021
  15. V∧DΞR

    V∧DΞR Fapstronaut

    Calculate the time I would have got if I never looked at PMO.

    ASSUME First Peek was when I just hit 14

    If I watched P 3 times a week for 1 hour each session then.

    The time I spent on P till now could be 625 hrs. That is almost a entire month watching P only.

    The assumption I have taken is at least 2 times lesser than what the actual case might be. So I've almost watched P for 2 whole months till now.

    I can't let this go beyond this.
  16. RaymondBrown

    RaymondBrown Fapstronaut

    Absolutely, that's a great plan! Sharing your notes here will be super helpful for everyone. By the way, have you checked out It could be a cool platform to organize and manage your notes. Looking forward to seeing your insights and notes. Let's keep the knowledge flowing!
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023