Netflix is supporting pedophilia

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by brilliantidiot, Aug 22, 2020.

  1. InTheWilderness

    InTheWilderness Fapstronaut

  2. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Join a thread thats been ongoing for a while. Make a baseless comment with no evidence to back up what you said. Retreat under the coat of another user (who was also proven wrong) when called out for it. Absolutely classic.

  3. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'm English.

    The Earth isnt even real, its a holographic projection sent by a facility on Mars. But the shape projected is a dodecahedron if you must know.

    I've been wearing a full plague doctor outfit, waving bags of herbs in peoples faces to ward off bad humours since January.

    Close but no cigar, as they say.

  4. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Netflix just wants to hog all attention for themselves, expect things to get worst for streaming services down the line, the moment they all have to compete, they resort to manufacturing drama and investing their money in the most asinine things imaginable.

    A part of me does wonder whether or not Netflix would've done this had they not had to compete with the likes of Disney+, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc...
  5. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    And that has what to do with what exactly? Its still on Netflix, so the point being made still stands.

    Well considering you joined the thread and then refused to argue your points, instead choosing to insult everyone and accuse them of being Trump supporters (how original by the way, orange man is indeed Satan come back to earth), I dont see why I should bother being anything other than flippant.
    Mr. Kruger and Deleted Account like this.
  6. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

  7. D-Mystifier

    D-Mystifier Fapstronaut

    First, I will never watch this movie. Second, I do not condone the display of sexualized children. Third, I do give the director Maimouna some credit for openly exposing how fucked up our culture is, especially in regards to how normalized hyper sexualized imagery and behaviour has become. In this sense, despite how disturbing this movie may be, it has served a good purpose in opening the conversation on the factors involved that would lead to an 11 year old wanting to twerk in front of a crowd. In this sense, we share the blame, and the shame. Our perverse celebrity culture is at fault, not the director.

    "And that's why I made "Cuties": to start a debate about the sexualization of children in society today so that maybe — just maybe — politicians, artists, parents and educators could work together to make a change that will benefit children for generations to come. It's my sincerest hope that this conversation doesn't become so difficult that it too gets caught up in today's "cancel culture."
    onceaking likes this.
  8. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

  9. Testify

    Testify Fapstronaut

    Is not simply that netflix is supporting pedophiles, there's more above...
    For example, who released a guide for the europe union where explicitally invites CHILDREN FROM AGE 0 TO 4 TO EXPLORE MASTURBATION!
    Here the news but you can download the iriginal pdf from the internet and it's true.
    I saw that document, i downloaded it cause i wanted to verify if it was fake or not and it is not, workd health organization is pushing for childhood sexualization.
    And there's more abive the WHO. someone mentioned epstein here...
  10. The world is run by satanist pedophiles and the Epstein case, though still the tip of an massive iceberg, gave the world a glimpse of that truth. This information has been out there for decades and researchers like David Icke have done a great job of showing us just how rampant it is and what their motives are.

    The hypersexualization of society, and in particular, children has been done by design. Sexuality can be activated and the parasite class knows this. This is why sex ed is being so heavily encouraged to increasingly younger ages and why kid's shows are riddled with subliminal sexual messages. The end goal, if we don't stop it, is the normalization of pedophilia.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Alfie Foster

    Alfie Foster New Fapstronaut

    Hell, did you notice that too? I was freaking out when I saw this