Porn aka "Cuckold training 101". How porn literally trains you to become a cuckold

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ultrafabber, Dec 8, 2018.

  1. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    First some context:

    Watching others have sex is an extremely new (and degenerate) thing. Watching others have sex while you masturbate to it reaches peak levels of degeneracy.

    People used to emphasize relationships/marriage/bonding a lot and exclusivity (virginity) was in very high demand. Throughout human history, sex was something very personal and even an insult or veiled suggestion of promiscuity to someone else's wife could literally get you killed. People used to literally get executed for cheating - both the cheater and the one who she/he cheated with. *Basically, exclusivity mattered.*

    Men (or women) would not watch others have sex. Magazines/videos were not a thing for millennia, so the only way to do it is to actually watch. And virtually nobody did. To actually MASTURBATE watching others have sex was unheard of.

    Then comes the "sexual revolution", the degenerate Kinsey with his biased studies , then Hugh Hefner praises him and launches Playboy, then comes Hustler (which is basically the predecessor of modern porn)... then you know the rest.


    That's it with the context, now on what's actually happening when you watch porn.

    So first things first, **you will always chose a woman you are attracted to**. She will have some characteristics you desire: you like how she looks, how she sounds etc. Basically, you want her and you CHOSE her. Ok, so what happens next? By hitting the play button **you literally "send" her to get fcked by some other guy, while you watch her.**

    **Perspective wise you're sitting in a room next to the woman you are attracted to, watching her get fcked by another man.** All of this while you masturbate. (Evolutionary-wise, this is the definition of failure) Sounds familiar?

    Is there any wonder how the phenomena of "hotwife" and "cuckold" are now in full effect? They play on the exact same thing porn does. The ones doing it are merely replicating what porn thought them to do. Older generations were more protected from this effect because they somewhat had the luck to initially get wired to normal sexuality (because in those days there was little to no porn/erotica). But all the newer generations are affected and will be much more affected.
  2. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Kinsey was an Evil Bastard.
  3. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    ultrafabber likes this.
  4. You guys don t know what you are missing out on. My wife made me a cuckold because she was bored always having sex with the same person after 12 years of marriage. She doesnt watch porn. I watched porn but wasn t aware of cuckolding.

    After my wife confessed she had sex with someone else, i realised how i it felt for me. I prefer to have a sexy promiscuous wife instead of a dull monogamous one.

    In order to facilitate her affairs, we needed to improve our communication. This has let to an even better relationship.

    I can honestly say that i fell doubly in love with my wife again when she became a hotwife. I desire her much more now and our sex life is so much better now.

    This had nothing to do with porn.

    People make choices that not everybody has to follow, but should respect. People are freer nowadayy than they were in Kinsey s times. Kinsey had worked for that. We should be grateful. I don t want 50s values back.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  5. I am sure the rate of domestic abuse, gay suicide and unhappy marriages was way higher in earlier times. Women sure did not enjoy the amount of freedom they have today.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  6. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Dude.. seriously, get some help. That is messed up.
    Agitation_free, Goo, K423 and 3 others like this.
  7. I dont need help. How good is your marital life? Mine is wonderful. We are both happy. We don t need your approval.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  8. +TenPercent

    +TenPercent Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Interesting thoughts on how porn might lead to a cuckold fetish, but not really relevant to how men become cuckolds (barring the few who might choose to live out their fetish).

    I was cuckolded repeatedly (by different partners) long before I developed a fetish for it (which I see as more of a coping response).

    Entire books have been written on this subject, but just to toss in a few evolutionary concepts:

    The head of the penis is designed to remove the semen of other men . . . before depositing semen upon ejaculation.

    And women are often very noisy during sex . . . to alert other men that they are sexually receptive and this is why men get so turned on when they hear a woman moaning during sex.

    Men have been getting cuckolded for millennia and I'm not sure that porn can take much credit for that. I also think that we attach far too much shame and stigma around being a cuckold (or a cuckquean for that matter) when it is in fact far more prevalent than most of us care to admit.

    When geneticists do large-scale studies of populations, they sometimes can’t help but learn about the paternity of the research subjects. They rarely publish their findings, but the numbers are common knowledge within the genetics community. In graduate school, genetics students typically are taught that 5 to 15 percent of the men on birth certificates are not the biological fathers of their children. In other words, as many as one of every seven men who proudly carry their newborn children out of a hospital could be a cuckold.


    Women wouldn't have so much pressure to stay faithful, and men wouldn't need such incentives (as death!) to respect the sanctity of marriage (Thou shall not covet thy neighbours wife) if cuckolding wasn't already a very common occurrence.
  9. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    It’s actually not messed up.
    There’s plenty of reasons behind it as to why someone would want to watch their wife with other men. I’ve even heard of women wanting to watch their husbands have sex with other women.

    Watching your wife have sex with another man can spark a fire in you. The same evolutionary spark that drives you to reproduce in the first place. Seeing your partner with another person puts them in high demand and shows you that he or she is desirable. Making you want to have sex with them even more and it can put excitement back into your relationship.

    Have you been married for over 10 years? You do realise sex with the same person does get boring eventually. If people want to partake in cuckolding or cuckqueaning then that’s up to them. As long as no one gets hurt, what’s the problem?
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
    +TenPercent and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    overclocked, K423, Buddhabro and 5 others like this.
  11. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    Do you suppose that the true fetish is voyeurism, but this is a "safe" way to fulfill that? Safe, meaning consent to watch from the other parties involved.

    Idk; but holy shit @BartlebytheScrivener
    Have you & your wife been to counseling?
  12. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    How does this work, does your wife need your permission to bang other men or are you okay if she does so behind your back? Stupid question. You're a Cuck after all, as if there's any solid rule(s) with a Cuck.
  13. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    It's actually the definition of messed up. It's a very bad and unhealthy mechanism to deal with rejection and frustration. There is not a single reason to actually want your wife or gf to be with another man.

    The problem is that such a behavior is becoming normalized and even glamorized (see the CNN piece on cuckolding). And the problem is that people partaking in it, especially the men, get hurt but they are too numb to realize it. It's brainwashing ^ 10
  14. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Actually yes, i think the fundamental fetish (paraphilia to be more precise) is voyeurism and perhaps a drive for competition (unconsciously thinking that if you masturbate and ejaculate you "defeat" the man actually doing it and impregnate the woman yourself)
    Gotham Outlaw and 0111zerozero11 like this.
  15. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    It's not just women, men too had issues with faitfulness. The issue is that nobody would actually WATCH and MASTURBATE to the act of being cheated on.
  16. I don't get to watch, btw. There are many ways of being a cuckold.

    I have told you it is good for my relationship. If you guys want to be bored in your marriages but feel righteous, go ahead. Not every man has the stomach to be cuckold. It takes some inner strength to get over the feelings of jealousy and to trust your wife that she loves you.

    No, my wife does not need my permission to do anything. We don't live in the 1950s. She, however, would not do things that I do not consent to.

    I feel you people are too narrow-minded to explain anything to you. You sound as if you are convinced that you know what is healthy and good for everybody. Instead of preaching to others, just do what feels good and healthy for you. Remember that there is no crime without a victim.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  17. I have a hard time believing that. Wouldnt it be too late to remove the semen of other men? I thought women make noises because they are enjoying themselves.
  18. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    I know what I promised to God when I said my vows :emoji_shrug:
    That included not bringing another being into my sacred commitment.
    However, I am a firm believer in a "doing you" type of mentality. As long as consent is given & it aligns with the morals of those giving consent, game on.
  19. +TenPercent

    +TenPercent Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    "too late" might be the key word(s), hence the powerful arousal and rush to have sex with the female if he thinks she may have been unfaithful. Perhaps only a little semen is removed . . . but anything that gives even a slight reproductive advantage will be selected for over time.

    And consider this, if the second man happens to have a much larger penis, he will get in deeper and remove more of his competitors semen, and then deliver his own semen further inside the vagina.
    Now if the second man instead happens to have a much smaller penis (and/or a thin penis, or one without a well defined head), then he's at a disadvantage and might not be passing on his genes to the next generation.

    To a degree yes. Men and women both make noise out of pleasure during sex, sometimes intentionally, sometimes because they seemingly just can't help themselves. Yet, there is a tendency for women to make more noise (communicating to others) and for men to be more quiet (protecting their investment).
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
  20. kru17

    kru17 New Fapstronaut

    watch your lovely wife doing sex with other men????
    then why are you married?, why don't you just be that man who fucking other men's wife??
    sorry, i disagree, Asian Culture uphold morality.

    and btw how baby enjoy the sex ?
    Kinsey you are bastard.
    K423, Deleted Account and ultrafabber like this.