Post College life

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Hardmode-Monk, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. Hardmode-Monk

    Hardmode-Monk Fapstronaut

    I was just hired to a grocery store job after I graduated college. I was a music major and this will be my day job. Anyway I will be paying back student loans and be busy working and playing. I feel really upset over the fact that I may not be able to afford or have time for a gym membership. My reason is that I hate my body. My family is full of masculine men and I always resented how I look compared to them. I also am really ugly. So me not having time to look good kind of fuck over my dating life.

    I might just buy a bike and use that for excersize .
  2. Tzion

    Tzion Fapstronaut

    Congrats on the new job. Yeah post college is definitely a hard period of time. Work will help with that.

    A couple of suggestions:
    1. Figure out what kind of working out you actually like to do. Here is the truth about working out that I have realized: if you want all of those good muscles then it's lots of hard work. On the other hand, unless your planning on being a body builder, your goal should be general health and well being. Gymns are over rated. Save up some money and buy a Bowflex selecttech dumbbell set and then use that in conjunction with body weight workouts.
    2. Forget about how your family looks compared to you. You need to be comfortable with how you look. Not how you think you should look.
    3. Your view of yourself being ugly, sounds like a confidence thing to me. You are jealous of how your family looks and wish you could look like them. For all you know you could be a normal looking guy who feels ugly because he doesn't see his idea of great looks when he looks in the mirror. I would say that as long as children don't point you out to their mom and ask what's wrong with you, or when you walk in the room everybody turns and stares out of horror, you are probably just a normal looking guy. Even if you are actually ugly there are always things you can change about your look that can help alleviate it (new hair cut, grow facial hair, new clothes, new style of everything).
    4. Get to know women as friends. This will help you feel more confident and allow you to find some one who is objective.
    MrBrive and Force Majeure like this.
  3. Not having a gym membership is no excuse for not being in shape. You can get cut, strong and improve your cardio with simple calestenics and walking.
    helpinghand4all likes this.
  4. That's what I do. Calisthenics is the best thing in my life. I train everyday except Sunday after waking up then take cold shower. All you need is bar for pull ups. No expensive gym membership and in the long run I believe body weight workout is better for looks and muscle strength than heavy lifting. You get nice and lean not big and bulky.

    Squats, pull ups and push ups are enough for full body workout
  5. Yup. There are all types of awesome variations of push ups, bear crawls, squats and all types of leg and hip strengthening exercises. Throw in some sit ups and pull ups and you can develop strong dense mass that will make you 10 times as powerful as those guys with the health club muscles. I forget the name of the NFL player who said that he never even touches weights and gets all of his strength and mass from calestenics.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Hardmode-Monk

    Hardmode-Monk Fapstronaut

    Wow! Really?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Tzion

    Tzion Fapstronaut

    Yeah do a Google search for body weight exercises. You will find lots of different workouts.
    Deleted Account likes this.

    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    Planet fitness is 10$ a month.. No excuses!Oh u don't have time to work out? If jeff bezos can work out you can too
  9. Hardmode-Monk

    Hardmode-Monk Fapstronaut

    Planet fitness isn't near me Mr. Tough love.