trying the first 90's

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by hardwell410, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. hardwell410

    hardwell410 Fapstronaut

    I know you can do it, you are stronger than you think
  2. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    Thanks for believing in me @hardwell410 how r u making out??
  3. hardwell410

    hardwell410 Fapstronaut

    I'm doing well, today i was with my family so i hadn't time for pmo.
    i recommend you to go workout if you have time , you going to be tired at the end and the only think that you will want to do is rest
  4. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    That must've been a good time spending time with your family, what did you guys do?? Does any of them know you r doing NoFap??

    I think I'll try and get back doing some pushups again, and see if that will help.

    I hope you have a good day.
  5. hardwell410

    hardwell410 Fapstronaut

    We went to see a movie and to walk to the mall and no, they don't know about what i'm doing.
    do whatever makes you out of triggers
    do you have someone who knows you're doing nofap?
    Have a nice day too and the force be with you
  6. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    Ahhh Kool what movie did you see?? The mall is such a busy place to go to this time of year with it being the Chrishmas Holiday and such, but a nice environment though cause everybody seems so happy and friendly. Me too, I would rather not having anyone knowing what I'm doing. Thanks you too Yoda lol Star wars are my Favourite movies.

    How was ur day??
    hardwell410 likes this.
  7. hardwell410

    hardwell410 Fapstronaut

    We saw dr strange, nice movie and yes, the mall was full of people. and i don't know if i tell my brother.
    i love movies of space but star wars only the oldies.
    Today i was alone most part of the day and many times i had urges but idk, i think with all the workout of the gym, i just wanna sleep
    and you?, how was your day?
  8. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    I want to see it as well but havnt got a chance to yet, saving my money a bit I guess. I love star wars, would watch it every Sunday after church at my Nans(she live right across from church), just love seeing the different aliens. Good for you to redistribute those urged :) my day was pretty good I had a great Dart night, I'm on day 2 right now and I'm a little nervous cause I either relapse in day 2 or on day 3 must be the chaser effect.
    hardwell410 likes this.
  9. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    How u making out??
  10. hardwell410

    hardwell410 Fapstronaut

    sorry for no answer before, i've been little busy, i recommend you the movie, even you can download it if you don't want to expend.
    i had a situation when i was surfing on the web, a pop up appeared and was a porn site, i freezed and close the page immediately but i don't know if that counts as a relapse. what do you think? and you? how are you?
  11. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    Hey don't worry about it, I'll probably watch it sometime on the Kodi App on my fam's computer. No in my opinion it wouldn't have counted as a relapse cause you weren't actively searching for some porn; it was a pop up....but if acted upon it though like rubbing one out than it would count as a relapse.

    I'm doing pretty good, I'm on Day 3....but I'm going to say that I'm Gurranteed to make it to day 4 cause I'm working at 3:00-11:30 and by the time I get home it"ll be about midnight....I'm pretty pumped up about that cause I haven't made it pass 2-3 days in a long time.

    Stay strong!!!
  12. hardwell410

    hardwell410 Fapstronaut

    oh no, i don't even touched it, but that felt like i was burning out , i gonna have more care about it.
    i'm glad that you make it to day 4. what is your best record without pmo?
  13. hardwell410

    hardwell410 Fapstronaut

    Relapsed , day 0.
    Feels so bad :(
  14. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    My best streak on Nofap without porn/touching my penis is 11days, I made to 11 days several times but couldn't get pass it. My best streak before Nofap 2-3 weeks without porn but doing some touching, but didn't cum or orgasm several times before.

    Oh no I'm so sorry to hear about your relapse :( do you want to talk about it??
  15. hardwell410

    hardwell410 Fapstronaut

    Now you're on 3rd day, no?, i feel you can break your record this time.
    i just want to forget it and restart the counter, i think i can do it this time
  16. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    Nope day 4 :)!!!! You can do it trust me :)
  17. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    Just seeing how u making out today/tonight???
  18. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    How u making out??
  19. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    How u making out??