Why do People Rape?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Masquerade, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. MattRN

    MattRN Fapstronaut

    What is that?
  2. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    You're an american, you should already know what a "free speech zone" implies
  3. MattRN

    MattRN Fapstronaut

    I didn't understand the bush style part, but many of these I believe are not true rape, and I am speaking from someone who was accused of statuary rape.

    It sucks being labeled a rapist. Especially when it wasn't rape
    Masquerade and himmelstoss like this.
  4. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    Back when I was reading the spearhead one of the other commenters shared his trick for checking girl's IDs. He'd drive her to the gas station and tell her to get him a back of smokes. If she came back empty handed he'd know she was using a fake ID and leave her ass there.
  5. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Its not that i fantasise about this friend.I started this thread because I saw a heart breaking news in today's newspaper that A 17yr old girl was gang raped by her own two brothers and friends of brothers.I wonder how could people show such a reckless behaviour.
  6. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    I cant agree completely that Use of Porn reduces rape.In most of the rape cases the rapists got arousal and a need for having sex or trying to imitate porn suddenly after watching it.So they search whether there is someone at the place who is weaker and they try to dominate them for their current pleasure.This is the main thing i understood.
  7. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    Yes.That is why the marriageable age is at least 18 for girls and 21 for boys in many countries including ours
  8. MattRN

    MattRN Fapstronaut

    You have to be older to marry as a male?????
    That is old men making the rules who still want to marry 18 yo ladies
  9. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    The society is a lot different here from other countries.Having sex before marriage is comparatively low as compared to American Countries.That is why you can find most 25yr old male and almost all girls will remain virgins till their marriage
  10. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    It is 18 for male and females in the U.S.
  11. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    So an 18yr old male will be a worker there?Here we will complete our under graduation only in 22yrs old.And if we want to get a job to live as a family we would be atleast 25 or 26 yrs old
  12. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    That is if you go to college I guess. I went to college for 2 years and had to drop out. I've been working since I was 16 on and off. I am 20 now.
  13. Normi

    Normi Fapstronaut

    I am agree with the fact we have a moral and because we have it, we are aware about what is raping. But before that, before having moral or being civilized, we are all animals.

    What I say is, the act we call rape exists in the animal kingdom, and we are a part of it. Why do we rape ? Because at the very first beginning, it is in our genes !
    Look at the dolphins, it's one of the most intelligent animal of the animal kingdom, and yet, it can rape to punish and humiliate (femal, young individuals) !

    We have the faculty to understand it's a vile act, but some people are, for reasons I don't understand because I'm not a shrink, mentally ill and can't control their drives. And some people are completely aware of that, can control themselves, and still rape.

    In my country (in France), rapers are put in jail, but it is not the solution, because when they are free, 90% of them have a second offence. There is a big problem with the justice.
    In Belgium, it exists a phone number which people can call if they feel they have rape drives. It's a unit of psychological care but I don't know if it works.
    For me, at the moment the only way to punish a raper and to prevent a second offence is death sentence.

    Man can do such beautiful things, but like the yin and the yang, it can't be all white or all dark, it's a balance of good and bad things. Rape is one of them.
  14. Kick-Ass

    Kick-Ass Guest

    I do think - hardcore porn , rape porn { maybe normal porn too } influences people to rape .
    I'm not saying - everyone who watch that kind of stuff do rape .. But it "influences".

    Most people who watch porn - want to TRY what they had seen - in real life.
    But many can control themselves.
    And the others - who can't control much - MAY DO THAT as Rape.

    It may not be the Only reason , but I surely believe that Porn is one solid reason for the increase in rapes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2015
  15. Gilbert

    Gilbert Fapstronaut

    Some really interesting answers here.

    Personally I don't think anyone who rapes is psychologically sound - I think there will always have been some sort of upbringing issue, childhood abuse, mental problem, background influence that has led them to raping someone. I'd extend this logic to other illegal acts like murder also.

    This is why not enough is done on rehabilitating criminals of this sort and trying to teach them right from wrong etc.

    It also raises the question as to whether genuinely evil people exist, or do psychologically unsound people commit evil acts?
  16. I'm afraid that is logically impossible. Because this claim implies that something immaterial entered the world while it was not present before. If it was nonexistent how could it exist suddenly on its own?

    I'd also like to make a distinction between "rape" and "sex without agreement". Sex without agreement is the physical act in itself, while rape is the name of the act, and as such, it is immaterial. I think when we name something, we automatically deem it either good or bad, or a mixture of both, but what I mean is that we moralise it. The term rape already has moral charge.
    Naming things is a charateristic of humans only, as I don't think anyone would argue that any animal would name anything, let alone have moral claims about it. You could argue that Koko the gorilla had a kitten which he named, but Koko was heavily trained by humans, and he probably wouldn't have had a kitten in the first place, should he live in his natural habitat.

    But I get sidetracked, I just wanted to argue that humans are not and never were animals despite all our similarities. I read somewhere that we share like 50% of the DNA with a banana. One would think that we are at least in half are like a banana. Well, some people maybe, but I don't think that's the majority of the population. :)
  17. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to seem like I am attacking a person instead of the argument, but being the person I know you are @EarthDragon, you cannot seriously beleive that something cannot simply exist and then not exist or vice versa.

    Nothing is impossible. There is always a solution. Morality obviously didn't exist before humans were on earth and then BAM! Humans on earth and morality!

    Also, I think that you have a problem with saying things as fact and meaning them as a opinion. We are animals. There is blatant evidence of this. There is no refuting that we are animals.
  18. Normi

    Normi Fapstronaut

    Now I know why I love so much bananas :)
  19. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    We are mammals and evolution gave humans morals.
  20. Okay, but please explain to me how. As far as I know, evolution is an automatic process directed by chance. Mutations in the DNA happen at random, and some of these changes make differences that make the species more resilient and thus, survive, while other mutations do not, and die with the individual. The one who adapts the best, survives, but since it happens by chance, you can say that it only survives because it was "lucky".
    Furthermore evolution suggests that survival of the individuals gene pool is the ultimate goal for everyone. That -for me- means that making sure that my genes will carry on, I have to sow it to as many females as possible, by any means necessary. Remember, I'm an animal, I don't have moral claims, so I can rape as much as I want.

    Explain to me that at what point moral enters into the equasion? What and when happens that makes me change my mind, and to give up the notion to spread my seed as far and wide as I can, and acquire the moral claim that rape is wrong and I shouldn't do it? I'm really curious about this. Also if I'm wrong in my idea of evolution, please correct me.