Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Jan 28, 2018.

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  1. My main challenge is the 10% challenge, there I’m at day 552 of 913... the difference between that one and this challenge is that the rules I apply here are much stricter than usual: here I’m not allowed to even dream about porn during night, nor am I allowed to have any fantasies during woken hours... this is a bit of a detox for me while the 10% challenge capture my main goal - to stay away from porn.

    newtry and Camelon like this.
  2. Camelon

    Camelon Fapstronaut

  3. Camelon

    Camelon Fapstronaut

  4. 177/180

    How is it going @newtry ?
    newtry likes this.
  5. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    Hey @Force Majeure Thanks for ask. I'm doing well. Tonight I'll post here and talk about my week!
    Force Majeure likes this.
  6. Camelon

    Camelon Fapstronaut

    newtry likes this.
  7. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    My last publication was on November 22. This week I have taken my Bible studies to another level.

    Last weekend I was sick, with a fever. My interpretation: being more than two months without PM, my mind is regenerating, and that caused temporary discomfort in me. The amazing thing was that despite that, I was able to study and attend the Church.

    Monday Day 29/180: I woke up early, went to work and tried my best. Things there, thank God, are beginning to improve. My hard work is being rewarded, but I must continue to pray. In the afternoon, at home, I studied Sanctification, and I continue to discover incredible things about my faith. I didn't have time to write in Nofap because I studied all day.

    Tuesday 30/180: Early I was in theology class. I turned in my homework before time, since I finished it on Sunday. My teacher is delighted that I am so passionate about the Bible. Then I was in my afternoon class. Although I am tired of this asignature, I did my best anyway. In the afternoon I taught my class as a teacher. I explained the Sanctification, among other resources, using sea snails ... everything went better than I thought.

    Wednesday 31/180: I worked in the morning. They assigned me more work, but instead of getting bitter, I trusted God and assumed it. In the afternoon, I was studying all day for my next class (Sanctification, part two).

    Thursday 32/180: Morning studying with enthusiasm. In the afternoon I went to my class. I got bored enough. I am looking forward to finishing the subject. Soon it will be the exam. Then, I went to my Church, to the prayer meeting. At night, at home, I continued studying.

    Friday (Yesterday) 33/180: In the morning I went to work. I advanced a lot with my tasks, so I was very calm. God will soon work the miracle I hope. At home, I chose not to isolate a meeting to move forward with my studies. At night, long trip to my parents' house. I took the trip to read.

    Saturday (today) 34/180: I woke up early. I couldn't go for a walk with my dog, so I stayed at home reading an excellent book that every good Christian should read ("Christianity in Crisis: 21st Century" by Hank Hanegraaff). I reached page 145/442. In a while I will go from my parents' house to my house, and I hope to grill the rest of the day studying the Bible (most people could say of me: "What a boring young man" ... but for me there is nothing better in this world that end my Saturday with the Word of my God)

    In this week I have had very few thoughts, all harmless thanks to God. This morning I had a very strong one, but I immediately aborted it ... I realize that if I feed the fantasy with care, I think I could have an O without even touching myself, so I must take extreme care.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  8. I am in.
    Day 0
    I am on Monk Mode (which overrides the criteria of extreme mode).
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  9. Camelon

    Camelon Fapstronaut

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  10. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    35/180 :) Everything rides well
  11. newtry

    newtry Fapstronaut

    36/180... a few thougths, a few fantasies, no dreams at all
  12. 180/180, challenge completed!! At last I managed to go 180 days without any thinking about porn, no dreaming about porn, no fantasies during woken hours, no nocturnal emission and of course, no fapping... I still had my wife around though :emoji_laughing:

    As my main goal is only to stay away from porn (forever), I will now loosen my rules a bit - according to my plan.

    Keep fighting my fellow fapstronouts!
    newtry and Camelon like this.
  13. That's a remarkable achievement. I don't know how you do it for that long but congratulations!

    I'm always able to make periods of time with focus on completely something else. But then thoughts keep haunting me and it takes a lot of effort to stay on track. I know the truth from lies, however, and I need to keep trusting in it.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  14. Camelon

    Camelon Fapstronaut

    Im in delusional state of mind
    In such difficult time commitment to posting here & friends support is really helpful
    Embrace the struggle....
    newtry and Force Majeure like this.
  15. Thank you so much! :D The thoughts have been haunting me as well, especially the last two weeks. When that has happened, I have always forced myself to start to think about something else. Not very easy tbh but I guess I have improved over time.
  16. This is something to be added to the habit changer.
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