Balls so big, I just feel like I have to unload! Help!

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by FapFapFapNoMore, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. FapFapFapNoMore

    FapFapFapNoMore Fapstronaut

    Balls so big, I just feel like I have to unload. Help...It's so heavy and its screaming for release. I've been semen retentioning for a about 50 days +. I've tried sexual transmutation, tantra, karezza,'s just getting bigger and bigger every single day and it kind of hurts when I walk. I work out about 4-5 days a week to keep my mind off about releasing semen. It feels so full and it can be painful. I take cold showers too.

    Is there anyway I can handle this situation without "making a release"?????? HELP. I have painful balls....
  2. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    It’s called blue balls. Basically your balls are congested. You need to get blood flowing in the area. Try a warm bath and light massage of the testicles.
    Captain! and Vedas_fr like this.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    It might be time to release ,with a woman of course
  4. Actually, it is a cold shower that will help with the blood congestion. Or dangle your plums in some cold water.
  5. kaihit

    kaihit Fapstronaut

    I think you should "release the Kraken" man, if it's painful, it must not be good for your body.
  6. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    i call bullshit ok 104 days hardmode take a can of ice cold coke or pepsi put it in your underwear in your taint it Will go away praying breathing and stop arousiing yourself, cang bullshit a bullshiter like me ok, if you wantva pity party than fap it your call how commited are you remember god is watching.
    Captain!, SJV, Boanerges777 and 11 others like this.
  7. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    As someone who has had severe blue balls in the past they are no joke and they hurt like hell. It’s not about manning up.
  8. Well said.
    "Stop arousing yourself" is probably the best advice to give for blue balls. You will get aroused sometimes, sure, and you might get some blue balls, but they will go away soon enough. In my experience, every time that I have gotten severe blue balls, especially persistent severe blue balls, it has been from edging.

    If you don't want blue balls, treat the cause and stop edging.

    If you want to keep doing what you are doing (and risk a relapse), then you do have the option of treating the symptom (your blue balls): apply heat, apply cold, exercise (which you've been doing), and take some ibuprofen.
  9. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Amen tired of these little pussy blue ball boys looking for a pity party and some of the someone to give them an excuse to whack it Hallelujah remember God is watching you too
    horny nerd and Future role model like this.
  10. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    104 for me hardmode
    STAR DUST likes this.
  11. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

  12. Right understanding & mindset is everything guys, i try to actually get comfortable with the full feeling down there :) like seeing it as a sign of health and abundance of energyyy
  13. "Sexual transmutation", "tantra", "karezza"

    New age nonse youve read online.

    As long as you sustain sexual impressions in the mind, sexual chemical and hormonal chain reactions are started. It can take months to fully clear these out of the system.

    You need to take back your mind.

    Instead of karreza which you call tantra, try meditation for 3 hours a day for a while at least.

    Tantra is usage of sexual function and the vital energy that usually is assigned to sexual functions for spiritual purposes, aka to improve the self, the spirit.

    - The highest form of tantra IS brahmacharya (nofap monkmode).

    All this nonse you see online about karezza and sex positions as tantra is born of perversion.
  14. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    I had several cases of blue balls. Mostly minimal comfort of pain although I had one severe case of blue balls. I was shocked on how painful it was! It’s not about manning up. It HURTS like hell! I know how the OP feels.

    Thankfully that one only lasted 3 days.
  15. I've had blue balls so bad I would have sworn that my balls have swollen up enough that I could sit on them instead of a chair! :D

    And I've had them so bad that I've felt sick to my stomach all day.

    But from my experience, 99% of the blue balls that I have had have been from edging. Even if a girl started it, it was my edging that made it worse, much worse.

    I'm not trying to be cold hearted. I feel OP's pain and the pain of all my brothers with blue balls. It truly hurts like hell!! But I am hoping that I can help others to experience blue balls less. It took me a long, long time to get this concept through my thick skull and I still have times when I slip into some edging and give myself another gnarly case of

    For people who are not doing NoFap, masturbating (or having sex) is obviously a very natural response to blue balls. It is also very natural to feel inclined to edge. In my experience, if I can generate some arousal, the blue balls get better . . . they might even seem to go away completely. The only catch is, that soon enough, they come back even worse than before! I have fallen into that pattern over and over again :oops: I get blue balls, I edge to relieve the discomfort, the blue balls get worse, I edge more . . . that's why it's called edging. What I am really doing is pushing myself to the very edge of orgasm. The end result of all that nonsense is either I slip and have a relapse / reset or I end up with blue balls that last for days.
    Jason_Tesla_19 likes this.
  16. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    Mine are not caused by edging. I don’t edge at all.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Exactly. OP is inducing the pain on himself
  18. Peter_P

    Peter_P Fapstronaut

    Testicles have always the same size on which grew after puberty. They don't get bigger or smaller in dependence on if they're full or empty.
    sir_markus likes this.
  19. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Sorry I found it funny
    On a serious note no..... don't unload it
    If it is too much then it wil get released automatically in form of wet dream
  20. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you've been letting yourself get overly aroused. if it stays like this by tomorrow fire the cannons.
    Deleted Account likes this.