Cure for men needing help to overcome anxiety, femdom, findom, humiliation and sissy porn addiction

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by fedmom, Feb 6, 2020.

  1. ankith

    ankith Fapstronaut

    dude is this you posting your method, which she talks about at about 7:15 ?

    you even went and posted in bodybuilding website? man that's some level of dedication. She did seem trying to demean you but the other guy was open minded and understood your approach. Keep it up.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
    fedmom and Ὀρφεύς like this.
  2. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    Ha. Yes it didn't have the science links on bodybuilding forum though which didn't help. And I probably should have said it doesn't take months for it to work. She also screenshotted the thread and put it on her twitter feed.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
    ankith likes this.
  3. ankith

    ankith Fapstronaut

    Dude tag her twitter post with the links to prove your method
  4. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    How do I do that? Also have you tried the swearing thing? I would really appreciate if I can get more feedback as so far only 1 person has told me it worked.
    ankith likes this.
  5. ankith

    ankith Fapstronaut

    Actually I haven't tried that method, I mean I have kept my mind numb and also have kept it diverted so I don't have those thoughts of fantasies haunting me. Even if they come, I do meditation and I just forget about them later.

    Anyways, next time, I'll try if I get urges.
    fedmom likes this.
  6. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    No worries. If you try it, it should take no more than two weeks to be gone entirely. Like I say it's not necessary to do it for months.
  7. Guys, try this out if you are struggling with femdom. I have been trying to quit porn for 4 years without much success. THIS actually seems to work. Perhaps we were seratonin-deficit all along and femdom gave us that seratonin, it was not the Porn itself that we were after...just the chemicals. Would explain why it was so damn hard to quit.

    Ive been swearing for 5 days and my urges have been supereasy to controll with this method. Life-saving!
    fedmom, ankith and Ὀρφεύς like this.
  8. Actually it really does help to get rid of it from your mind for a few minutes. But you may not have the energy to swear for sometimes(f.e. when you are really tired, want to relapse and go sleep - I have met this problem ~25 days ago, gladly, didn't relapse but not because of swearing then). It is better to try to change your mind, but swearing could be a quiet good tool as exercising, meditating, trying to understand why you have this fetish, speaking to God (it always sound stupid to me, but for 8 years I was agnostic and now I am restoring communication with God for spiritual things; although, it is really secular thing to me). More tools, a bigger chance to abstain. That's why nofap isn't only about nofap.
    After 28 days streak, I can say that if you don't watch that shit and won't MO it could become much weaker and become really passive. But I think there is a need to take the second phase to eliminate this completely (because I estimate that it would take years of nofap to become maximum passive desire; but it won't disappear going this way). I hope I will find this way.
  9. You are so tired you cant swear inside your own head? Ive been daily meditating for 3 years and tbh for me this method seems much more effective. I will keep meditating though, and working out.

    In my own case, I had some sexual trauma as a kid which made me watch femdom. I have been working that trauma out and tbh I feel that I just got dealt a bad hand, if that "accident" had not happend my sexuality would never have become so twisted. All the years I have been doing NoFap, it has felt that I watched Femdom not out of hornyness but instead for some other reason. I never felt "damn I am so hard right now, time to watch some femdom". It would make very much sense that I watched it because of the seratonin-deficiency. When I am horny for real I crave vanilla sex.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  10. Yes, was a moment like this when my will of power was really fallen. I believe swearing is like declarating your will of power with some additional nuances. Completely I don't understand its effect, because its different than praying, speaking to God. I feel something in my testicles when really succeed at this type swearing and it is similar to those times when I lift huge weights. I may believe that it produces testosterone.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. It feels like I am my own Drill-sergeant in my head, hehe. I was in a conversation with "fedmom" and he asked if I felt a flight or flee response in my body when I started swearing, is this something that happens for you? Because I do feel some kind of shock inside of me when I swear, it feels like an energizing shock inside my body, almost kind of similiar that of a Porn urge.

    Perhaps I get the seratonin that I would normally get from porn from swearing, so since I no longer have a defiency there is no need to watch Femdom.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  12. Well, as I mentioned, I have a weird disturbing feeling when I lift weights or swear. 8 months ago I left the gym because I couldn't push myself of that weird feeling in my testicles. So the same is with swearing. When cames fight or fly moment I start feeling that weird feeling and I stop it. But for these days while doing an exercise I start feeling how this feeling started to fade while doing push-ups. I may try it next time when femdom thoughts will come.
  13. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    As in the anxiety rush from femdom porn before cumming? When I did this swearing thing it made it feel like the fight or flight response but in reverse lol. Is this is what you mean? Another thing I want to ask is if you did any of the femdom for real? I'm curious to know if you get pain in the chest, around the heart after doing this swearing thing? I did this swearing thing a couple of months after doing findom for real and I was in the most excruciating pain I've ever had in my life. I was like this constantly throughout last year and wasn't able to experience a restful state when awake. It's gone now thankfully since about March this year.
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  14. Maybe you are right, it does feel like a fight-flight reaction. I am reacting less and less to the swearing, maybe Its a good sign. No I never did it in real life, I was planning to but luckely I pulled out of it

    The last days I have had problem sleeping! I wake up with pain in my chest and heart like you explained, almost feeling like im dying flr a weird, I think it is somehow connected to the swearing
    fedmom and Ὀρφεύς like this.
  15. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    I hope you don't get it as bad as I did last year. I was very close to suicide because of the pain I was in. One thing though was when I started to get this pain the world felt really weird. It was the most anxiety free feeling I've ever had and I think the masochism had something to do with it. Also I think it's quite a coincidence that the primitive rite of the freemasons has the eye of horus as one of it's symbols which looks like the limbic system.
    Last edited: May 11, 2020
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  16. 123Dele

    123Dele Fapstronaut

    I have found the perfect way for anyone struggling with addiction to any variation of femdom videos and is wanting to make a change.

    When doing this you may find yourself in a position to be triggered to m but this is about overcoming that using will power.
    If you feel like you can not watch a femdom video without m then start small something small and work your way up to what turns you on the most. For example you could start with femdom videos that are very poorly acted. You’ll see when you read the instructions.
    •firstly I started with a video that made me relapse it was a femdom related office instruction video, now she tried her best to humiliate me verbally but every time she’d insult me I’d throw an insult right back at her and you’ll find she becomes less attractive and dominant when you make fun of their act.
    For example she way saying something like you have a small penis and I would say in my head or out loud you wouldn’t be saying that if my dick was in your mouth, you’d shut your bratty mouth up then. It realised to me that as I broke down her act to seduce me it wasn’t that enticing and dominant it was really a pathetic performance of bullying. From this I could build it up towards more enticing femdom videos with a real good Dom in it.
    Please try this and reply with the feedback on how it helped it isn’t long term recovery imo but I think it will help if your watching one of them videos and wanted to pmo
    stay strong brothers
    kammaSati likes this.
  17. I dont think i want to take the risk of watching that shit again when the urges now are pretty much gone. Swearing method seems to work good, for now
    ankith, fedmom and Ὀρφεύς like this.
  18. Swearing method is legit. It is a practical available method to cure sexual masochism. I think it works just aswell for other paraphilias. Finally after 4 years I found something that works long-time and cures the root of the problem. Thanks alot fedmom!

    I now no longer suffer from ED and I can masturbate to vanilla sex without any problems. Out of boredom the other day I "relapsed" and watched femdom again, it was no longer appealing at all(just after a week or so of using swearing method).I then switched to normal porn and that felt like my true sexuality. (I know that normal Porn is also bad but this is very good progress for me, dropping normal porn will be easy for me) My problems are gone so I am going to leave this site because I can finally go on with my life and live it fully.

    If you are serious about fixing your paraphilia, this will work. NoFap alone will not cure paraphilias. Playing the waiting game wont fix you.

    On top of swearing method you can also scream like a mad-man in your car and just act aggresive. Just "manning the fuck up" seems to raise Seratonin. It sounds like bro-science, but the method itself is not the fix, the fix is what is happening inside your body when you do the method.

    Goodbye and good luck!
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.
  19. Amazing buddy! As an asexual, I guess to me it will be really complex, but not I would say harder to gain total freedom from femdom. Didn't saw this shit for month, yup, but I can say that I still a little bit want to feel pain and all that weird shit... But my main femdom fantasy with a crush was eliminated so I can move faster! Also, I can say that swearing can give me more desire to dominate women, to take care of her. This my lifestyle gave me the desire of penetration and I guess this is how I sublimated fapping. I never have been attracted to some woman body parts and now I kinda start fantasizing about it... So in my way nofap is important because it gives me the desire for penetration.

    btw, you native language is English?
  20. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    Yep swear words are amazing lol. Funny you said 5 days because someone emailed me earlier this year and said it took him 6 days.
    Ὀρφεύς likes this.