Done with bad food

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by BruceD, Oct 13, 2019.

  1. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I have to say my diet choices have been crappy as hell lately. Of course it comes on the heels or around PMO. As I get older I notice I can not think clearly and even start to get depressed/bad memories floating in. Today is the day to reset. More later.
  2. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    Try slowly changing your diet as fast changes needs greater willpower . Eliminate sugars and junk food anything else is good. Eat for the sake of body and not just for pleasure.
  3. A healthy diet is a major step in a bettering yourself, youll feel much better..especially combined with excersize and getting up early. I made a full lifestyle change at once. Started eatijg healthy, getting up early, working out, and stopped PMO. My whole.being and outlook has improved. I feel.better, better attituded, clearer mind, more tme, more productive, more self confidence, etc. Wish i wouldve done this years ago.
  4. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    So no more Quarter pounder w/cheese, fries and a Large Coke for you?
    Espi1971 and BruceD like this.
  5. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hmmm..not for a while, til I get a goal weight.
    Espi1971 likes this.
  6. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    After PMO, I certainly crave junk (cookies, chips, candy bars, etc.) Or when stressed/not enough sleep. Probably due to the much needed dopamine huh? But I stayed the course yesterday.
  7. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Have you tried intermittent fasting or fasting at all? The former means you only eat (and drink water only) during an eight hour window during the day. For example, after dinner at 20:00, you don't eat anything until 12-13 the next day.
    It is one of the most effective (and most ancient) methods of not only shredding your body fat but also to heavily reduce your hunger, food cravings, dependency on food, and will be the end of any food addiction you currently have.
    It will also cleanse your body of free radicals and waste products that never get eliminated and flushed out if you constantly refill with food that continue nourish them. As a result, you will feel much better and also get much better and healthier skin in the process.

    This is something that none of the big food manufacturers (or big pharma) want you to know since their profits and sales are based on people becoming addicted, sick, and dependent on their poisonous products. Those two alone do indeed have as big of a power as the policy legislators since you become enslaved buy buying and following their ugly rhetoric.
  8. I second this. I do intermittent fasting as well. I dont eat until 12. So i dont eat after 20:00. Feeling hungry is something i rarly do. Sometimes due to my work demands i dont eat lunch until 1330 or 1400 and im fine. Even if I skip a meal, im totally fine. The old theory of eating 3 meals a day is BS. And the old theory of breakfast being the most important meal of the day is BS.
  9. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Good to hear!
    I totally agree with your statement and it wasn't until this year I started to finally see through those years of propaganda telling us that breakfast is super-important and if you don't eat it, you will automatically climb on the walls as soon as your stomach is empty. It wasn't until recent years I discovered that the diet advices from our health authorities were heavily influenced by the big food corporations (and big pharma) so they could keep on selling their hyper-sweet and artificial junk to the never ending stream of addicted, obese and unaware customers.
    After all, if a significant amount of people (no more than 10+%) would try intermittent-fasting and experience its many benefits, they wouldn't be hungry so often and not need to eat more than twice a day, those big food producers would bleed economically.
    Simply because they (the common people) would have more money left for better, more nutritious, healthier and higher quality locally produced food instead which would lead to decreased profits for big-food and big-pharma.
  10. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    I do the OMAD diet, mixed in with cycling. It works a treat.
    BruceD likes this.
  11. I think a pretty good approach is to mainly eat healthy and clean but allowing yourself to have fun with food by allowing a certain day in a month to get something that you crave for food wise even if it is junk food. Having cravings is normal but also you could try some homemade alternative for that junk food that you like.
    Espi1971 and BruceD like this.
  12. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I agree with all the above. I have tried it as well. The challenge for me is that I work I night shift from 2-11pm until early December. I plan on meal prepping with some chicken, butter, and sweet potato. Then also so pecans and blueberries. All low carb friendly and I don't plan on eating until after 6pm.

    I just went off the rails and gotta get back at it. Thanks, all great advice.
  13. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I don't know if you have been intermittent fasting previously or not (I assume not but can be wrong) but in order to get used to eating only during a 8-9 hour window it is all about getting through that first week or two. You will almost climb on the walls during your first week since your blood-sugar levels are used to stay in that higher bracket and hence you will feel that hunger, feeling of starvation, loss of concentration and slight irritation.
    But as soon as you have done for a week or two, your blood sugar levels decrease and remain at a low level constantly. Thus, you slowly feel that hunger and food cravings fade away despite having been without food for 14-16 hours. That process might take longer if you previously have been eating lots of fast carbohydrates (and refined sugars) since your blood-sugar levels will be even more elevated and hence take longer time to lower.
    BruceD likes this.
  14. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Oh yes I have done IF and am currently starting it again. Of course with my schedule now I am trying to phase it in.
  15. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I see, although it doesn't matter at what eight hours during the day (or night or evening) you eat, I understand that it can mess with your biological clock a little when shifting that time-span to a new one.
  16. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    At work they’ve said I look like I’ve lost weight. That was good to hear. But they were saying it in a negative way. What idiots. It has nothing to do with them. How many obese people are there in society? Funny how everything in society revolves around eating. Someone in my office is big, and if I told them what you need to do to lose weight fast they wouldn’t do it. They’re all talk. I’m not.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    They are simply projecting their own shortcomings, failures, lack of ambition, jealousy and envy back onto you so they can feel better about themselves. Because, losing that weight takes time, ambition, drive, persistence and a delayed gratification mindset which all of those people seem to lack and not care about developing in the first place. Hence, they become jealous and envious of those who do since they feel inferior and want to be at their level so they try to pull them down instead because it's the easy and quick-fix solution to their complexes of inferiority.
    Just leave them behind and let their own destructive energy obliterate themselves from within if they are not willing to change their current habits and lifestyles.
    Fullyawake likes this.
  18. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. Humans don’t need to eat three meals a day. It’s a mental thing. People have food on their mind all the time and where does it get them? Cold showers, nofap and strict dieting is self control and it gets results. I haven’t told colleagues or anyone else what my eating habits are now because it’s none of their business. I know what they’d say - that it’s extreme and I have to stop. These are life losers who don’t have what it takes. They’re afraid of just jumping in and doing something 100%.
  19. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Food is on their mind all the time since they are constantly keeping their blood-sugar levels elevated by eating three (or more) times a day which vastly decreases their metabolic rate alone. On top of that, they probably also eats lots of junk (stuffed with refined sugars and preservatives) that negatively affects the leptin and increases leptin resistance.
    Thus, they are walking around feeling hungry and craving food constantly, especially food of the sweeter and unhealthy kind. Those people would not only feel much better if trying intermittent fasting but even better if trying a real long time fast (10+ days) that would really give their bodies a chance to get cleansed of waste products, toxins and free radicals.

    They actually did many experiments on the bodily effects of long-time fasting in the Soviet Union and the results were overwhelmingly positive. The same clinic still offers their long time fasting program for plenty of Russians who are willing to give it a try:

    Fullyawake likes this.
  20. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    These people are never in fat burning territory because they are feeding all the time. My colleague is eating during the day. And way I see it, even if something is ‘healthy’ it’s still eating. It’s a habit. Truthfully, once you do OMAD you don’t even feel hungry. You get used to it and the benefits are amazing.
    BruceD and Deleted Account like this.