Giving it a shot

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Dan_05, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. Dan_05

    Dan_05 Fapstronaut

    About one year ago I had an "injury" during sex. I say "injury" because even I am not 100% sure if it was truly a physical injury or if something happened to me mentally. All I know is at about exactly that time I began having problems. After that, I basically had ED for a month which then went away, but I still had weaker erections than before. I freaked out and went to a urologist who told me it was all in my head and didn't give me any other advice. I stopped all PMO, but after a month I ended up talking to a girl and started having sex with her. Things still didn't feel 100%, but I figured if I could have a good enough erection for sex I was probably going to be fine.

    Before my "injury" I was doing quite a bit of edging to try to help with premature ejaculation. I would edge (sometimes to porn sometimes not to porn) for usually 30-45 minutes 3-5 times per week. Sometimes I would let myself ejaculate other times I wouldn't. My erections felt as strong as ever once I got the hang of this, and I was horny all the time. However in hindsight, I wonder if I injured myself somehow while edging because I realize that 30-45 minutes is a lot stimulation.

    Overall, I would say that I am tons better right now than I was one year ago. I can get an erection when I want to through stimulation, and I don't have problems with a partner. However, I still feel a little different than I did before this all started. I don't get as many erections throughout the day as I used to, and I feel less connected to my body sexually. I also feel a lot of tightness in my pelvic floor area, and I don't know if this is contributing to what I am experiencing. Maybe my edging messed up my pelvic floor? Maybe mentally I am so preoccupied with this area of my body I am subconsciously flexing those muscles? I truly don't know.

    I am really focusing on health, specifically cardiovascular health. I do cardio exercise almost every day, and I am back to lifting. I am also trying to eat healthier, and I drink a ton of water. I also meditate and try to take my focus off of my pelvic region. I don't have sex as much now because my girlfriend recently moved far away. We're pretty much in an open relationship but I'm not seeking anyone out because I want to give myself a break sexually. I am also currently edging about 2 times per week for 5-7 minutes, but I don't know how to feel about this. I want to just stop for the 90 days and see what happens, but I'm scared of the "use it or lose it" saying. I think I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens. I definitely feel like a reboot would be good for me both mentally and physically.
  2. ssha6451

    ssha6451 Fapstronaut

    I don't know about the nature of your "injury".
    But it sounds like you have issues with your pelvic floor muscles.
    You can always get a physio to teach you some pelvic floor exercises.
    These strengthen the pelvic floor and lead to stronger erections.
    If it is an ongoing problem with weakness, tightness and pain in the pelvic floor region you could ask your doctor for an MRI.
    This will help to diagnose any muscle tears or injuries.
    Good luck
  3. Dan_05

    Dan_05 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the response man. And yeah I feel like my pelvic floor issues started a few years ago when I was put on an SSRI. I pretty much had no feeling of pleasure, so I basically had to flex those muscles constantly during sex and masturbation to feel anything. After coming off the meds was when I first noticed pre E, that was about 2 years ago. I thought edging would help fix it but I probably just made it worse the way I was doing it.

    I have an appointment with my primary care doctor in about a month. I'm definitely going to ask him about seeing a physio and possibly getting an MRI. Last time I saw him about 6 months ago he basically told me he thinks I strained a muscle down there and said it should heal on its own. I do feel like I'm getting a bit better since I started doing intense cardio and some stretching, so hopefully I continue on that path.
  4. ssha6451

    ssha6451 Fapstronaut

    SSRIs are known to delay ejaculation.
    It is weird but it seems like you have some kind of rebound effect when coming off them.
    Do you have any other medical conditions (diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc)?
  5. Dan_05

    Dan_05 Fapstronaut

    Nope, I'm 23 and physically healthy. I do have some anxiety, but nothing over the top. I just had some blood work done not that long ago and everything they tested came back normal.