On day 60 , relapse on last time ? Just one orgasm?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ControlV, Dec 30, 2017.

On day 60, shall I replase one last time?

Poll closed Jan 1, 2018.
  1. Yes. But indulge in only one orgasm

    0 vote(s)
  2. No , Stay away from it

    8 vote(s)
  1. ControlV

    ControlV Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,
    As the post says , It's that time of the year and I have good goals and stuff for 2018.
    I'm on day 59 hardmode and am thinking I'll pmo one last time.
    I won't count it as a replase. Will keep going hardmode from 1st.
    Is it ok? I'm sure I won't binge since it's new year.
    I'm living in an isolated area where it's impossible to locate any remotely attractive female not even decent well off guys to make friends with.
    So I'm thinking I'll have one last indulge in porn and quit porn for good from 2018.
  2. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

    Start the year off right: a clear head, two months sober.

    Don't sabotage yourself.

    "One last fix" is an addict's mantra.
  3. Former_CD

    Former_CD Fapstronaut

  4. Eric8475

    Eric8475 Fapstronaut

    Same here, don't do it.

    You don't count it as a relapse? Why? What is a relapse in your eyes? Just because you tell yourself this bull..... doesn't make it right. 60 days? Come on, you proved yourself you can do it. Hang in there.

    If you want to PMO, then do it. Don't lie to yourself my friend. Do it, count it as a relapse and begin with a fresh start. On a serious note, don't do it.

    And by asking us you know already what you should do. Don't rationalize, look and listen deep inside you, there's where you are, not on top of your shoulders. That part is for rationalizing, to make you believe that it would be OK to do what you want to do, in this case PMO. Our brain is a wonderful thing, we clearly need it, but don't let it take charge. Be the pilot and the copilot and let your brain have a wonderful time in 1st class.

    Enough with the metaphors ;)

  5. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    Yep. In order to be an authentic mentor to others, you need to walk the walk. Otherwise, we slip back into leading this double life, on the outside one thing, and when no one's around, something else.

    Integrity is a powerful, powerful thing.

    Don't let it slip away anymore.
  6. sakeen

    sakeen Fapstronaut

    Dude why? That's your addict talking, not you. What you're saying is not rational at all. Definitely don't do it as I guarantee you will regret it
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  7. ac1909

    ac1909 Fapstronaut

    Its not worrh it. I promise you. And you know it too. Id do anything to have 60 days down, think of that. Others are struggling just to get a day down. why dont you use that energy and help others instead? Think of the good youll do
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  8. Thomas8

    Thomas8 Fapstronaut

    I thought that way in the past, it does not work. I agree with all the other folks. Just walk away. You have done a great job so far. We are proud of you making it to 60 days and only want the best. And the best is not going back to old habits.

    Stay strong and just say no.
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  9. ControlV

    ControlV Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,
    I'm going to start the new year with 60+ days of no porn and masturbation under my belt.
    Although I have been looking at some psubs on insta and youtube or movies.
    For the next 40 days , I'm going to try and avoid that too and change my counter to 60 days no pmo to 60 day no pm as I have had 3-4 wet dreams so far in my journey.
    Going to stop spending so much time on social media also.
    Cheers to 2018 !!
  10. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    Just keep moving forward and cut the junk out of your life. Tell yourself, If I have time for psubs, I have time for something better. I choose something better.

    Always reach for the good and don't look back!
    ac1909 likes this.