Some sleep tips

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by sparkywantsnoPMO, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    Someone asked about some sleep tips. Here are some options, and please include others:

    - pick a standard time and stick with it. Every night, including weekends.

    -Lights out. Put up blackout curtains, wear a sleep mask, live in steel tube, etc. If you have to have light, use red lights.

    -Use soothing sounds (I use an app that has “submarine sound” it’s a mix of fans and engine hum. Very soothing.

    -If you want to medicate, try Benadryl or melatonin. Both can help.

    -If you don’t pass out in 20 minutes, go do something else for a bit then come back.

    - The bed is for only 2 things, both of them using the word sleeping conveniently enough. (Sleeping, and “Sleeping with [someone]).

    - Use the nighttime color shift feature on your computer and phone, and no devices within 30-60 minutes of sleep.
    jest, JesusGreen and AM141 like this.