STEP by STEP challenge //#/step1

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NotJoshua, Aug 19, 2015.

Will You join the STEP by STEP Chellenge ?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Fourth day was a huge success. I am getting a temptation now and then but I have managed to keep my a streak going.
    shallowest likes this.
  2. shallowest

    shallowest Fapstronaut

    Some temptations have set in, I notice that finding something to do to pass the time actually helps out a lot. But boy, the temptation adds up when you look back at your progress and think "Wow its been a while." Keep it up ThatUniqueKagamine
    espiritulibre and Squirt like this.
  3. knowlg2

    knowlg2 Fapstronaut

    country, I sent you a PM with this same info in hopes you'll get it, but I hope if you're not logged in you're reading it here, or that it inspires someone else in the same boat.

    I see you haven't posted since Friday when you remarked you're a failure.

    I hope you come back and make another honest effort of it. If it was so easy to quit, we would have all done it by now. But it's not easy. It's hard. It's so fucking hard to quit this. I've been wanting to not be this way for almost 20 years, it's only been a week. I've almost lost everything - you need to make it so you can have a chance for greatness. Baby steps, sometimes down to the hour, minute or second. They aren't much but they build up to something great. Just like giving in - it won't seem like much today, or tomorrow, or for a month, but in the big picture it will mean the world.

    I want you to read this page - These are some of history's greatest men. They all failed. We all fail. Success only happens because of failure. The difference is they persisted, they persevered, they overcame. Rarely quickly, rarely easily, but they overcame.

    Get back on that horse and try again - what have you got to lose? You can do this. Take this sick addiction and kick its ass like it deserves!
    shallowest likes this.
  4. Day five went great, I was tempted one or two times but managed to get through the day. Getting better sleep and waking up hard constantly. Guess there will be a few effects throughout rebooting.

    Going to update my signature with a link to my journal shortly.

    Good luck everyone!

    What is our next step? c:
    shallowest likes this.
  5. ThatOneGuy56

    ThatOneGuy56 Fapstronaut

    Not a very good plan at all... its best to just do it in one run man don't lose all that hard work just so you can start over again it seems pointless.
  6. Temujin

    Temujin Guest

    Wondering if I can join this. Back to square zero today.
  7. sadb

    sadb Guest

    Now completed day 5. I feel great. Never achieved this before as I've usually secured to a quick PMO.

    Onwards and upwards. Is the next step 7 days or 10?
  8. shallowest

    shallowest Fapstronaut

    I've just about completed Day 4. I'd say its surprisingly difficult, but frankly I've been failing so long I already understand how hard it is to quit. Only a few more days before a reset, but frankly I should probably just try to continue on. I' happy to see you guys going through with it, some better, some worse, but hey, as knowlg2 said, "If it were so easy, we'd already have done it by now."
    Squirt likes this.
  9. shallowest

    shallowest Fapstronaut

    You know what, I should probably try that, losing all this progress does seem kind of pointless. I am here to be more faithful to God after all.
    Squirt and ThatOneGuy56 like this.
  10. Everyone keep up the good work, I enjoy working through this challenge with all of you! :D
    NotJoshua likes this.
  11. I can't wait to hit 10, double digits. :p
    Achieving a week is also to be celebrated.

    Update on current step goal?
    NotJoshua likes this.
  12. TheShoe

    TheShoe Fapstronaut

    I am interested in starting... actually started last week, but just signed up.
    NotJoshua likes this.
  13. Brasileiro

    Brasileiro Fapstronaut

    It's my first day since i reboot. I was in my day number 12 :( But it's ok, i hope i can complete this challenge. Sorry for my english, the public schools here in Brazil are just a shame.
    NotJoshua likes this.
  14. sadb

    sadb Guest

    Just completed day 6 so like you getting to a week will be great but I'm becoming more ambitious in my goals......perhaps too cocktail so need to be careful.

    So perhaps 10 should be the next milestone?
    shallowest and Squirt like this.
  15. I agree, onwards to 10! :)
  16. Day six for me almost didn't end up a success. I began reading some fiction online. I managed to leave quick enough for me not to count it as a reset.

    I'm going to take extra care today.
    shallowest likes this.
  17. shallowest

    shallowest Fapstronaut

    That might be a good idea, the longer you go the better, the longer your abstinence the better you will feel.

    For me, tonight is going alright. I've been super busy recently and that helps out a ton. I do have to admit though, this is going to be really hard sooner or later. I never had any major ED or anything, but I notice that my interest in women has been picking up more and more, maybe I'm a bit more affected than I thought I was?
    Squirt likes this.
  18. Temujin

    Temujin Guest

    Ok I am going to also join this.

    Day 1 so far. Not feeling too great but I will make it through.
    NotJoshua likes this.
  19. shallowest

    shallowest Fapstronaut

    Oh I forgot to mention, I'm still fap free. But uh, its getting a bit more difficult. I've only gotten this far because I'm always busy, because period of temptation are a bit hard for me to get across easily. Yeah, I have video games and such that really help and have calmed me down, but yeah, the days may get long at some point. So, I think I should probably just add another week onto what I've been doing now that I'm at the first end. Or were the rules to do 2, aka double your original streak?
    NotJoshua likes this.
  20. First week complete!

    Have woke up aroused a few times which doesn't usually happen. Getting to sleep on average an hour earlier. Looking and thinking of women a bit more but that could just be random luck.

    I am happy to have gotten this far and hope I can at least make 2 weeks. Temptations have been setting in more lately. If I can hold out for a bit longer I'm hoping that will fade away.

    I wish us all good luck. ~
    NotJoshua and Brasileiro like this.