Tracking Habits?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by DrRobotronic, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. DrRobotronic

    DrRobotronic Fapstronaut

    I was wondering if anyone here tracks their habits, besides NoFap, and what do they use to do so. I've had success with using a calendar on my wall to track some habits, namely my workouts and meditation. This allows me to visually see streaks, and keep an eye out for when I'm slipping.

    However, there is only so much room on a calendar, and I'm wondering if anyone uses any apps or other methods to track things they want to improve. It's not uncommon when doing NoFap to find other ways to improve yourself, just wondering if people find it beneficial to track and how they go about doing so.
    coconutplums likes this.
  2. I use an app called habit bull, the creator gave out premium for free for a few days so I got it then. habit bull is really easy to use and is very good in my opinion, I think the free version just has a cap on the amount of habits you can track(something like 5) while premium has unlimited.
    I find it a lot easier to keep track of as compared to a physical calendar because I always have access to my phone so I fill it before bed and after waking up each day.
  3. kaylee time

    kaylee time Fapstronaut

    After the new year I started working out and started making healthier choices and I bought a small notebook to keep and carry around with me to keep track of my meals and workout. Those are the things I've mostly focused on in replacement of PMO and keeping track does help. You could probably do the same and maybe go more in detail about your day and keeping track of everything. Or use an app. You could probably just use a notepad app to keep track of what you do. Anyway, best of luck :)
  4. coconutplums

    coconutplums Fapstronaut

    I use something called The Law of Attraction planner. The weeks look like this:
    The months look like this:

    I don't even know if you can see that. But then in the beginning there is this huge thing about goals for the year, making a life statement and tips/things to do to improve in all aspects of your life. There is like 30 pages of that okay.
  5. kaylee time

    kaylee time Fapstronaut

    Ah I like that! I watched The Secret which was about the law of attraction a few days before the new year which was very inspiring. That's a really good idea.
    coconutplums likes this.
  6. coconutplums

    coconutplums Fapstronaut

    I haven't watched The Secret yet but I've been meaning to for a while now! This journal/planner I have has made me think a lot more deeply on life and what is means to me.
    kaylee time likes this.
  7. kaylee time

    kaylee time Fapstronaut

    Yes most definitely. The Secret really made me think about life and what I want in life.
    coconutplums likes this.
  8. DrRobotronic

    DrRobotronic Fapstronaut

    That was actually one of the apps I was looking at using, but having a limit on the number of habits seems a bit annoying. Although maybe I could give it a try and see if it's worth the premium version.

    Could you explain a little bit about The Secret? I've never heard of it. Or is this one of those things you have to find out about yourself, and that's why they call it The Secret?
    kaylee time and coconutplums like this.
  9. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

  10. kaylee time

    kaylee time Fapstronaut

  11. kaylee time

    kaylee time Fapstronaut
