+++ 21 Days complaint free challenge +++

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Baldur, May 23, 2018.

  1. Today is day 1! I successfully managed the first hour, haha
    Baldur likes this.
  2. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Force Majeure likes this.
  3. Nice to have you there!
  4. I think I successfully completed day one. It wasn’t very hard as I didn’t talk to so many people yesterday :D Mostly my family.

    Over to day 2!
  5. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Over to day 2!
    Force Majeure likes this.
  6. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Day 3 as well. :)
    Force Majeure likes this.
  7. Day 4. This challenge makes me realise how little I am speaking to other people :emoji_joy: I speak with my family every morning and evening and then very little with my colleagues during work. If feels like I almost don't have a chance to complain to anyone :emoji_grin:
    Baldur likes this.
  8. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Awesome man! :D

    Well, I guess today I did not complain. Today is not over so...let us see. Haha.
    But boy does it help to have this challenge. I'm a master at complaining.

    Force Majeure likes this.
  9. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Awesome! Great job going to day 5!
    I have a question: I offered my opinion considering one club that I consider to teach bullshido. They are selling a brand name
    but do not teach the martial arts correctly. Which is dangerous to anybody learning it.
    So I criticized the person when asked about it. I said most of it to his face anyways and I stand for my opinion because I can
    explain every complaint in detail and why it is bullshido.
    Now I don't know if that counts as complaining. I offered my advice to keep a critical eye on the techniques and said that the
    guy otherwise has a brilliant training.

    What do you think?

  10. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Boy oh boy. Lots of things to complain about. But I try to keep my mouth shut and stay polite. Or open it and get to the problem directly.
    I even did some brave things.

    How is it going @Force Majeure and everybody else? Did someone pass day 7 yet?

  11. Day 4!

    I was complaining last Sunday, my mom had taken care of our kids last Saturday and even though we had been doing a lots of nice cakes with much less sugar than usual (the kids loved them anyway), she went to the store at like 9 pm and bought candy to them. Why on earth did she do that?! She feeds our kids with candy all the time and I have told her multiple of times she shouldn't do that but she continues anyway. I was complaining about this with my wife... and I decided not to speak with my mom about it since it's pointless, she forgets about it after a few times and it is so annoying. Instead, I decided to tell here every single time she takes care of our kids not to buy any sweets whatsoever. So if I tell her every time, maybe her very short memory can remember it during the time we are not there... :eek::confused:

    I would say that doesn't count as complaining as you actually told the bullshido club right up in the face what you think, maybe in a hope that the club would become better in the future? Ok, I will revise my opinion already, :D I would say it depends on your intent why you said the stuff you said. Was it in a hope that the club would become better in the future or was it just for the sake of complaining? :)
    Baldur likes this.
  12. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Great story with your mom! Man, I can imagine. Ok, have you tried to give her a note, or write her an SMS or something like that to remind her? Have you explained to her why you are strongly against the use of sugar
    for your kids? (Like growth issues, development issues, teeth health etc.? )
    I guess it would help her to get some printed versions that she can read through. She wants your kids to be happy. Tell her that your kids are happier without the sugar shit.
    (But I guess you already did... haha) :)

    Considering the club:
    Well, I hope that these people will take a proper instructor course and start teaching the real thing. Unfortunately they started to give bullshido-instructor-diplomas themselves. So I don't think that
    there is any hope. I don't think that he actually cares about his people. I was one of his people and he didn't give a shit when I was in an accident he witnessed. So...it tells a LOT about an "instructor".
    I just f*cking hate it when people scam other people. Especially in self defence.

  13. Day 1 again, *sigh* my mom gave candy to the kids AGAIN even though I explicitly said to her she should not, just before she brought the kids... there’s a book called ”The sugar book”. Guess what she will get to christmas. :D
    Baldur likes this.
  14. Just completed 21..
    Thank you all
    Force Majeure, Baldur and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  15. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Good idea! Remember, it does not count as complaining when you address the problem directly - doing something about it.
    Just when you are complaining and not doing stuff to change it.

    Great job! I tip my hat to you! :) Congratulations!!

    I forgot on what day I am, I think it is about day 4. I'll start from there.
    I feel that I notice the complaints of others way more now.

  16. Thak you for your support and wish you all the best
    Force Majeure and Baldur like this.
  17. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    You are welcome! I wish you the same.
  18. Yeah, thank you for your input. I complained directly to my mom so maybe you’re right, it shouldn’t count. Nevertheless, I accidentally complained about our lousy politicians rhat say as well :emoji_grimacing:

    Now day 2 is almost finished!
    Baldur likes this.