ADHD and porn addiction: what are your experiences with it?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by tankgunner007, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. tankgunner007

    tankgunner007 Fapstronaut

    Today’s not been a great day for me as I acted in my impulse again in the morning and wasted the whole day looking through sites.

    I wanted to find the connection between my ADD/ ADHD problems which I’ve had since teenage years and addiction.

    I wanted to see if they go hand in hand or if one made the other worse.

    I found out that impulse control was a problem within Adhd, which makes sense because when I have an impulse to watch something or when a thought comes into my mind, it’s hard to control that and I just go for it.

    “Males with ADHD and anxious attachment showed an extensive use of pornography online”

    I was watching a video about this and they discussed how “ Adhd has a stimulus seeking brain we look to things to stimulate us” which is interesting, because porn stimulates your brain and keeps it focused more than anything.

    I’m trying harder now and noticing these things

    So for example I’ll focus on one task or do one thing instead of jumping around to diff videos and things.

    So I’m working on the short term to better my ADHD.

    What are your experiences with ADHD in relation to porn?

    i realised how important to keep yourself accountable but also being a part of community like this helps, because I don’t have anyone else to talk about this.
    Fighter_4_life and ptrjovskis like this.
  2. ptrjovskis

    ptrjovskis Fapstronaut

    I am only now in the process of finding out about my ADHD. I've grown up in a family where they were all very organized and minimalistic which has helped me immensely, yet I still somehow lose stuff all the time... Anyway, the point is I am not diagnosed with ADHD, but linking all of the dots together after my 18 years on this earth, and after talking with people and taking tests I most likely have quite a bit of it.

    My addiction to porn has been going on for a long time, on and off, mostly on. I think my longest streak was just under 100 days or something. What I did to try to beat it was essentially just to run. Since I take no medication I guess running was my way of getting the norepinephrine and dopamine I needed, as well as a way to get away from being bored and alone at home.

    I've run more and more this last year, getting into ultra-marathons and with that, I've experienced much more mental clarity. I believe that even though someone is diagnosed with ADHD running helps. You get to think freely, entertain yourself, exert all of that energy. Works especially well when running trail.

    Also, I'm amazed at how nobody else has answered this yet! There must be a ton of people with ADHD or anxiety disorder similar to that of ADHD just lurking around out there!
    GeeJ likes this.
  3. GeeJ

    GeeJ Fapstronaut

  4. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    Not ADHD but I grew up diagnosed with ADD, but I never took the medication. Maybe it was mild ADD. It’s still difficult to concentrate on things I don’t find appealing, but I can manage it better.

    I can say from my experience, that not watching porn didn’t give me concentration magical powers. Instead to deal with the stress of not having this escape route I was forced to find other ways to concentrate.

    As a result I now am starting to meditate (still young habit of less than 7 consecutive days, total days 20) As well as workout to use up my energy (mature habit, 5 days a week).
    GeeJ likes this.
  5. GeeJ

    GeeJ Fapstronaut

    These assholes. Removed my message on here but let the guy who was insulting a guy and telling to cut of his balls and go and kill yourself message to remain on here.
    Seriously. Wake up people.
  6. Radley

    Radley Fapstronaut

    I have an ADD diagnosis and have taken medication for 20 years. Never got addicted to it and only take a minimal amount/have breaks. One reason is its a sexual stimulant and I have one hell of an on-line porn addiction. I hate it and want to get over it now. One thing that occurred to me is maybe the early fascination/escapism into porn (magazines back then) may have led to ADD (not ADHD-they're two different things) and not the other way around.
  7. GeeJ

    GeeJ Fapstronaut

    Cool, if you do not mind me asking how old are you?
    How did you get yourself to concentrate on things you were not interesting in?

    Question does mediating and exercise help you a considerable amount or not so much? And how much mediation and exercise do you remember?
    In regards to the fapping, did it help in a massive way or was their many more side effects other than the non ADHD/ADD side effects people generally claim?
    Basically do you recommenced fapping over the exercise/meditation etc?(I know bad question).
    But their is a reason for it.(I know why I ask).
  8. GeeJ

    GeeJ Fapstronaut

    Sorry, I shouldn't laugh but I didn't expect you to say it was like viagra.
    How have you coped with the condition all these years?
    If you do not mind I would like to hear your story how you coped over this last 20 years into adulthood and beyond?
  9. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    @GeeJ Below are the answer to the questions asked:

    how old are you? - 30

    How did you get yourself to concentrate on things you were not interesting in?

    This is mostly with work, and to do this I stick to 1-2 tasks at a time, 3 tops. I know that if I try to take on more than that, I may panic and if I panic that’s when I overthink and that’s when I lose focus and go distract myself. In addition I just turned learning about productivity and all the various methods to Getting Things Done, into a hobby. So a lot of times when I try to complete a task, there’s a part of me that’s also doing it for the experimenting and learning how I manage tasks.

    Does mediating and exercise help you a considerable amount or not so much? And how much mediation and exercise do you remember?

    Yes, it does help a considerable amount. It clears the mind and puts me on a calm but productive state, specially after a shower. I can pack 2-3 hours of non distracted time this way, sometimes more. The route to lose focus for me is Stress —> Panic —> Indecision — > Escape. When I meditate Panic doesn’t show up and ny mind is clearer, to handle stress and decisions to be made.

    I just started meditating, so it’s a pretty young habit. I can say that when I meditate I’m more present and more calm too.

    If I combine both of these, I tend to really be in the present and calm and focused. Last time, I had 4-5 hours of just knocking tasks out and working focused.

    In regards to the no fapping, did it help in a massive way or was their many more side effects other than the non ADHD/ADD side effects people generally claim?

    Basically do you recommenced not fapping over the exercise/meditation etc?

    It all works together, not watching porn and not escaping to fap is the spark though. Here is the process of that: No porn / barely any fapping —> More time for anything else / no quick escape —> Establishing new habits / interests, or digging deeper into stuff already interested in - to deal with having no quick escape and just enriching life in general.

    In my case I went deeper I learned deeper about motivation, productivity, working out and now meditating.

    Right now doing No Nut November. And I’ll probably write an account in my journal about any benefits felt during this time. The thing is though I got fapping down to almost just a biological function without fantasy. Like taking a piss in the morning, so it’s not something I keep track of and it’s something rarely done already.
  10. Radley

    Radley Fapstronaut

    hi Geej, no worries, I would have found it humourous too.
    Its really is a hell of a story and I have had a few addiction issues along the way (alcohol mainly, stopped 10 years ago). Coped through working pretty hard, generally had girlfriends to distract me, deception (I'm pretty sneaky about porn use and smart enough never to use at work/public places, putting on a persona, ignorance (I thought porn use was a harmless diversion especially since I gave up alcohol), exercise to some degree, the med helps although it makes you horny, the list goes on. How all this come to a head and I showed up at NoFap at this late stage was Covid and alone, not working, some scary existential stuff I won't go into here. I'm just learning about what porn does to your brain and so far it rings true. I'm now determined to get out of porn addiction although I'm know its not going to be easy. I appreciate the support and welcome interaction with the group. I could make a few anecdotal comments about ADD and porn addiction/excess if anyone is interested?
  11. GeeJ

    GeeJ Fapstronaut

    Thank you, so much Ruso.
    The reason my nephew has ADHD and is on the autistic spectrum with other conditions he is like 17.
    I do not think he does well in school and he plays video games a lot.
    It concerns me. I guess I was just looking for hope from an older person with ADD.

    I just want to try my best to kick start him. So, hopefully he can become more self-sufficient for his future. I would hate to for him to have to rely on someone outside of the family who will not be there forever. And for him not cause any extra additional pressure for his partner if he choses to have one.

    Thank you for reply.
    I will try and get this across Mediation and Exercise. I do not believe he is anywhere near PMO. Which I am thankful for. Hopefully this will help him to focus and have a great life.:)
    ruso likes this.
  12. GeeJ

    GeeJ Fapstronaut

    Hey, Radley.
    He was on ritalin. I hope that was not the one.

    I love to hear it sometime, if you feel up to it.

    Good job with the Alcohol sobriety.

    I would love to hear your comments on ADD and porn addiction.
  13. Radley

    Radley Fapstronaut

    Hey Geej, ritalin is for classic ADHD, you know, the restless, impulsive, easily bored, stimulation seeking, disruptive kid in class and yeah they usually underperform academically. If I work in an open plan office I can pick the ADHD people out in a couple of hours!! I'm ADD which is all of the above without being disruptive (and use a different med). Ritalin isn't addictive I believe and it might be hard to get him to take it. ADHD isn't a mental deficiency at all, its just that the modern world with the tedium, distractions and conformity is hard to adapt to. Not surprised he's into video games. My experience with ADD and knowing others with it suggests that he'd be into porn too. I'm just learning about the link between online porn use and really lends itself to compulsive use. Now I'm looking for a way to get out of this mess.
  14. GeeJ

    GeeJ Fapstronaut

    I don't believe he is into P yet. The video games and school are all consuming.
    He is not come into his sexual awareness yet. I have a knack at seeing that.
  15. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Just out of curiosity, what med do you take for ADD? I’m pretty sure I have it but never been diagnosed or prescribed anything for it.
  16. Radley

    Radley Fapstronaut

    No worries. I take Dex. I believe its hard to get prescribed in US cos it has a reputation for being addictive. the reason for that is hippies (among plenty of others!) went nuts on it in the I mentioned its a bit of an arousal med. It was sold/marketed as a study aid/weight loss med. But in 20 years + I've never taken more than prescribed (I actually take less) and frequently stop taking it with no consequences. The reason for that is there is no 'high' if you have ADD, its actually calming.
    Mistersofty likes this.
  17. newstartolife

    newstartolife Fapstronaut

    Same for everyone. PMO addiction is a PMO addiction. Some people are more addicted than others irregardless of whether they have ADHD or not. It's not going to cure it either. Even if it could, then how would you be able to prove it?
  18. Caged_bird

    Caged_bird Fapstronaut

    I am ADHD and I definitely believe there is a link between adhd and pmo..
    Whenever my streak increase I begin to concentrated.. But not until I reach 40 days which didn't happen for a long time..

    And yes I had anxious attachment style as well..

    Lack of childhood love and childhood neglect ==Anxious attachment style == limerance and obsessions with loved one == Overthinking pathways in brain == sort of addiction == ADHD

    Lack of love ==Pmo ( as escape) == addiction ==ADHD

    I think and it is my personal opinion pmo /excessive sexual fantasies cause adhd..
    And it is not the other way round
    I am one.. Lol..
    ADHD sucks