Amazing discoveries from books i read.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by THE TIGER, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. As you talked about sexual behaviors like prostitutes and sexual abuse , don't you think the person with that stage will be having P induced ED and also no sexual intimacy to the real girls, he will be discovering that he has no longer gets the sexual thoughts being with real person, only P can give him that .

    THE TIGER Fapstronaut

    I didn't get you at first but after sometime of reading and re-reading...i finally got you.

    Firstly let me say that, desensitization does not mean you have ED or PIED, It just means that certain types of p just don't give you the right stimulation like before, but if some one escalates (read more on escalation at then he becomes like any other person. In the destruction phase ,ED may be stated as one of the outcomes,(i guess i didn't mention it,) but some people still don't have ED at this phase, and thats why they move to bad sexual behaviours (Real life p it is to them). But even though, other destructive behaviours don't involve sex, like voyeurism (or peeping-at-people-ism as i call it) or exhibitionism, and therefore ED may be not much of a problem to them.
    And yes, a person may try to move to normal intimacy but gets nothing, this will get him back to p (phase one actually) but sometimes its not the case, some try harder by finding real life shocking scenarios like child molestation or just raping ,this gets them to unimaginable crimes and destroys their life. For those that return to p, then phase one starts again and continues.

    I hope i was understood, I'll be glad to be asked more if not.
    And thanks for reading @Ikartoor
    Ikartoor likes this.
  3. THE TIGER and ryguyuplift like this.

    THE TIGER Fapstronaut
