Can PMO cause OCD?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by WhyNotStop, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. I've just read some info on OCD and I believe I might have it. Can a long term PMO addiction cause OCD?
  2. incredulo

    incredulo Fapstronaut

    What's OCD.? Forgive my ignorance
  3. Dreadduck

    Dreadduck Fapstronaut

    It stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I think.
  4. incredulo

    incredulo Fapstronaut

    at that applies to everything you do or does it manifest only in certain areas. Eating? I knew a lady who would brush her teeth 25 times a that it? would that apply to P and MO? . Thank you for replying
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  5. I think I might have the "checking ocd" Where I check things over and over again for no reason. It doesn't apply to everything. It applies to things like maybe checking to make sure I drank my transplant medications over and over again. I also have a problem where I constantly have to clean my hands when at home. I also have thoughts of possibly touching the toilet by mistake and stuff like that.
    incredulo likes this.
  6. incredulo

    incredulo Fapstronaut

    I wonder how we acquire that. MOst importantly how do we overcome. Help from a doctor? let's hope that does not branch into P or MO
  7. iRebootMyself

    iRebootMyself Fapstronaut

    i think it does, i got HOCD from porn, and im doing the ERP method, you can google it...
    all my problems came from porn but im trying rebooting...
    and also, meditation is a good start of controlling thoughts, etc, you can search some tutorials for it on Udemy
    God help us all
  8. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    I can relate to pmo and ocd so yeah there's probably a connection between them. I used to work in a cash office when I heavily pmo'd and I was so meticulous with the money, making sure the bills all faced the same direction and sending out the old ones. I remember my supervisor making fun of me at how meticulous I was. Now I could care less about shit like that.
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  9. Worthyofstanding2

    Worthyofstanding2 Fapstronaut

    OCD and habits of porn are completely different things don't worry about it (coming from a OCD sufferer)

    OCD and porn are ONLY related if you are worried about a certain thing for example...

    If I don't masturbate I will be stressed forever and no one will talk to me (obsession), I NEED to masturbate (compulsion.) and then the cycle continues. You don't need to be a psychologist to know porn doesn't cause OCD if it did ALL teenage children would have it wouldn't they? Haha. However, porn can cause anxiety (obsessing about relapse) (thinking low of self) this can increase the severity of the symptoms of OCD (because of more anxiety in general.)

    I personally had my own obsession that I can share through experience. It went kinda like this.

    When I masturbated I had a obsession (If I don't masturbate on a even number I WILL have bad luck) I temporarily decreased my anxiety by doing a compulsion (masturbating twice) until I masturbated again.

    OCD is a very unknown disorder and alot like depression can be caused by a variety of things however, Porn is definitely not one of them... If you are suffering with OCD please talk to a therapist to get a clear diagnostic because most OCD cases can be severe and just like depression I recommend getting help.
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  10. I see, Thanks for your answer. Good Luck!
  11. PMO can defiantly cause HOCD. I've read plenty of stories of straight men who escalated to gay porn because straight porn wasn't doing anything for them. They end up getting paranoid because they constantly get those thoughts/urges to watch gay porn.
    "Homosexual OCD (“HOCD”) is a specific subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that involves recurrent sexual obsessions and intrusive doubts about one's sexual orientation. Straight individuals with homosexual OCD experience obsessive fears about the possibility of being gay."
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  12. Wow that's some deep stuff. the kinds of things porn does to the human brain. I don't have that. Thank God.
  13. Bench

    Bench Fapstronaut

    So your OCD started going away once you started going PMO free?
  14. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    Yes, it's slowly faded away drastically. I wouldn't say it's completely gone away, but I no longer get worked up over little things like I used to, like the example I gave with the money. To put it into a percentage to make it easier to understand I'm probably at around 10% of where I used to be with the OCD tendencies. In other words, I don't give a shit about 90% of the types of things that I used to, but occasionally I'll have a habit of wanting things to be overly neat and such, but I've always been a tidy person who is willing to put in the extra work. I think a lot of why I was ocd at that previous job was because PMO was such a huge part of my life and I didn't have a lot of other things going on, so I took that job WAY too serious.
  15. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Not sure about OCD, but it definitely causes brain fog. Lot's on this site about brain fog.