Escort challenge

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by need4realchg, Nov 14, 2019.

Are you struggling with paid-sex?

  1. Yes— and I would join the challenge/group

  2. No, but I would like to join too

  3. Yes— but not interested in a challenge or a group

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  1. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    Escort has tempted me numerous time however when I do met up with them or if I don’t find the place where they say they are I end up walking away.. so basically I get shy away.. I only keep on looking at escort website then leave me to binge and I end up relapsing that’s my journey and this is the problem I have which causes all these aroused.. annoying
    bjorkstadski222 likes this.
  2. you sound like a porn addict not a sex addict…. ? Do you feel you could be a sex addict if you don’t have sex ?
    bjorkstadski222 and Steak_Burger like this.
  3. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    No not at all
  4. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I've only once bought a prostitute and I ended up with a floppy so never went back
    bjorkstadski222 and kammaSati like this.
  5. bjorkstadski222

    bjorkstadski222 Fapstronaut

    First time I ever saw a prostitute for a blow job I had a floppy but some how she made me cum. Really weird but that’s my first ever experience lol.
  6. bjorkstadski222

    bjorkstadski222 Fapstronaut

    Man oh MAN.
    I haven’t seen any escorts but I’ve still been texting them.
    Jesus Christ, why do I constantly think about sex. I feel like my sex drive will be kill me.

    Today I actually went on a date with a girl who I met on a dating app. Things went good, had a couple of drinks and appetizers. We parted ways after 2 hours and I had some time to kill before my weekly pick up game.
    I was feeling tipsy so I texted an escort, went to the Bank to pull out cash so I was fully committed.
    Luckily I had already driven across the city by the time I got a text back.
    It seems like every time I start communicating with a girl and decide to go through with it, they never respond until I’m home laying in bed or lost interest. Must be of Gods doing but I really need to quit this shit.
  7. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    I really hate myself when I hit up town and I see these girl standing outside the massage parlour and I start to get aroused by it.. so annoying makes me want to go in but I get to shy away when there is so many people around and they see a young lad going in for a massage.. I then get a headache and my heart rate rises…because I didn’t go in to get a massage this then gets me agitated when I get home because I didn’t get any reward I then start to slightly binge on the website.. but try my hardest not to masterbate.. I can feel this is not doing me any good..
  8. GA93JDeereboy

    GA93JDeereboy Fapstronaut

    Well I been a bit lazy havent Been posting much but wanted to do a check in for everyone. I been doing well, keeping my nose clean. Yes I have been browsing some dating apps and have had a few dates that were nice. Just have to have a balance I would say with the apps. But yes I am well and hope everyone else is who struggles as I do as i know it can be a bit difficult at times.
    You got this guys, I find that keeping myself busy really helps me. So I been finding some projects to do when I’m off work, something I enjoy to do and that helps keep my mind busy! Also I reach out to good friends. Anyhow I am well, wish all others here are as well!
  9. bjorkstadski222

    bjorkstadski222 Fapstronaut

    Good to hear. My child and I have been living in some what of a packed house but we’re moving to our own place tomorrow so the time laying on the couch will be limited. Keeping busy is something I need to do.
    GA93JDeereboy likes this.
  10. Well lads football was a nice break from the sex-focused ; I didn’t have a dog in this euro but I usually support the underdog and they lost today. Hope all are well. Face your fears friends. Let’s do it together.
  11. If you aren’t a sex addict then this thread isn’t the right one perhaps?? Sex addicts certainly have sex. I know the nuances but I meant this for those of us who HAVE sex with others— not just solo sex where fantasy is y the main participant and problem.
    kammaSati likes this.
  12. GA93JDeereboy

    GA93JDeereboy Fapstronaut

    Hello, hope everyone is doing well keeping good. I wanted to share I’m still doing well. Keeping clean from the escorts. Now I have found some triggers I need to avoid and some are those short TikTok video clips they have on YouTube with the pretty models. That and dating apps can be as well so I just need to remind myself and just not push my limits on those videos. Like it may not be people having sex naked, but what could it lead to me doing if I indulge in it more?
    Just my tad bit of thoughts I wanted to share.
  13. Well done!
    What does TikTok do for your life? If nothing apart from some escapist entertainment, delete it from your life. I tried TikTok for a couple of weeks, found it simultaneously addictive and boring, and deleted the app.

    I use Facebook for work and professional use only, and ignore everything else on it. It's not on my phone, so I don't get notifications; I check it on my desktop twice a day.

    You don't need TikTok. You don't need any social media, except where you use it for work or professional advancement. When it comes to communicating, keep your texts brief, and telephone a friend if you want to chat. When someone texts me (Messenger, WhatsApp, whatever), if the texts go more than 3 or 4 times back and forth, I take it to the telephone. More fun, personal, meaningful, bonding, and efficient.
    It's always good to share :)
  14. GA93JDeereboy

    GA93JDeereboy Fapstronaut

    Thanks long time no see. Yes I haven’t downloaded it but it’s on YouTube. Definitely isn’t any good that stuff.

    Social media can be a huge waste of time all in general and it’s a thing I need to watch out on.
    I appreciate your tips on how you telephone people. I have some friends I do that with as well. I have some I mostly message as well. But it depends.
    I’ll try that out, try more telephone, see what that does for me and see how it goes. thanks!
    Mordobarn likes this.
  15. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    I'm back on the forum after a while away.

    I visited an femdom escort yesterday and fear I may be in trouble if I don't start to put the work in again.

    Why? Because she was totally gorgeous, very strict, and did the things I wanted.

    I feel if I don't stop this now she is going to drain my bank account, cause more distraction from my proper life goals and leave my life in ruin.

    It's the first escort I have seen that has had this effect (and I reckon I have seen over 200 over the years).

    How am I going to do this? Lots of ideas, but the first one is mindfulness, why am I do this? Why am I escaping? What am I escaping from? I'm going to post in my own thread daily again, just to keep track of my thoughts and triggers.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
    GA93JDeereboy, Ghost79 and Mordobarn like this.
  16. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I like your approach to brainstorming your way through this. So easy to bypass the underlying motivations, but they're there somewhere!

    Do you go on dates with new women often? And if so, do you try to openly communicate about your fetish interests once things get intimate? (assuming these are interests you want to hold on to, but experience away from service providers?)

    I am lucky in a sense while I still study, I have little money to spend... But I remember seeing one or two femdom escorts who were more present and ultimately provided a better service. I guess the challenge is to remind ourselves it's not holistic, you're not really 'friends', and it holds back longer term goals: partners, family, building wealth, etc.

    Hope you find what you're looking for soon man!
    im_alive likes this.
  17. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    thanks for the reply @Reborn16 -

    This is the kicker, I have a long term partner, that doesn't know about this. It's exhausting having to cover up the second life, the lies, the 'shall I shan't I meet the escort' etc.

    And yes, its not holistic and it's just moving me further away from what I want if I continue with this.
  18. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    I was like that seeing escort.. but my shyness stops me from seeing one depending on there attitude.. I just get aroused when I do go see one then I reject from her and walk away
  19. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    That's a tricky one, I would only say sharing your partner's and your desires may help over time? And getting your past experiences with escorts off your chest with counsellor or someone else may lessen the secrecy?

    I know, easier said than done, but I hope you keep trying different things and find what works for you!
  20. Alright mate

    As someone that was in a long term relationship and was having moments of weakness whereby contacting E and at times even seeing E was an occurrence I look back with guilt and shame at all the lies I told. The money I spent (nothing major) doing things my ex had no clue about. In the end, she had her suspicions and connected to P she couldn’t ever trust me again.

    One day she will find out. Something will happen, and it will come out in the wash. You have to stop now. That’s your biggest trigger. Try and cut that off.

    PM me if you want to chat further
    need4realchg and GA93JDeereboy like this.