Flat line funk

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Coruba67, May 11, 2016.

  1. Coruba67

    Coruba67 Fapstronaut


    Approaching my 1 month mark. The first couple of weeks were so much harder than I was expecting but I am persistent and have faith and hope in the process. Surrounded myself with people, have a great AP etc.. It has definitely for the most part been getting easier and easier. Sometimes I don't even think about it anymore during periods that would definitely have previously been triggers.

    I experienced the surge, woohoo!! That was fantastic... but then there was a period of time I didn't experience old mate up and about... it was just down all the time. I thought that was a flat line.

    For about the last three days though its been something else entirely. I really am struggling to get motivated about anything - something that is very out of character for me... I'm one of the most motivated people I know. Luckily I have established, much to my normal dismay, a positive routine so just been sticking with that, though I really don't want to. I don't want to get out of bed, don't want to socialise, don't want to eat, don't want to do anything really... Is this a flat line? If so what was that other thing? And if so how long is this going to last. Easily into about the third day now and I just can't shake it..? :(

    Anyone else go through this or is this different?
    BennyLow78 likes this.
  2. BennyLow78

    BennyLow78 Fapstronaut

    I think it's a flatline, but you need to keep going man. push through. you'll feel great afterwards. :)
  3. nofapnoworries

    nofapnoworries Fapstronaut

  4. Coruba67

    Coruba67 Fapstronaut

    yup, great post!! Dug the Dune references... used to love that :)... Well that settles it... that is what's going on. Sux! Some of the guys in there were saying a flatline can last for a v long time!! Ouch... Hope it gets better than this. Feels like it came on slowly but then got much much worse pretty quickly. We shall see! Least I know how I am feeling is part of a flatline and that others have gone before me... its expected.

    Am hoping mine is more in the vicinity of the week or two flatlines some people were talking about... still I'll take the serenity in the mean time of having no desire to fap, to see the positive side of it and enjoy it whilst I can. Greener pastures on the other side :)
  5. Exercise, mate. Vigorously everyday. It helps tremendously when you're in flatline.
    GSarosi likes this.
  6. nofapnoworries

    nofapnoworries Fapstronaut

    To me the flatline is a blessing. It's a sign that you a recuperating and making progress AND I don't about you guys but my drive and libido are non existent during a flatline. This actually helped me stay out of trouble and maintain a streak! I know it's tempting to test it out to make sure your little guy works but trust me it does! Just taking a break from us being "here's." Exercices, absolutely no P and not messing with your D is the best thing to do during this time I think
  7. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    I came into this with a major dose of the flatline since day one. Exercise will definitely help and speaking from my experience extreme anaerobic will work best. It is both strength and aerobic at the same time. After being taxed and maxed out that euphoric high after the workout will make you forget that your issues with flatlining. Major plus is if you do so in a class environment with other people. The social aspect will really help with your rebooting/rewiring. If you join a gym with boot camp and sports conditioning classes it is highly recommended you participate regularly. After a month or so this becomes both a routine and lifestyle and this will help you in many ways you don't even know. For one you don't even look at the days anymore and you will realize how far you have gone. Plus your chances of relapse is immensely decreased. I mean I have been in this for 53 days and I have not relapsed nor thought about all of this and this is my first attempt.

    As scary as all that emptiness that comes with the flatline is actually a blessing in disguise. Given that you wouldn't feel anything for X period of time the chances of you relapsing is quite small making your reboot/rewiring that much more successful. Best I can say is make peace with this period. Noting to be scared about and things will get better.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  8. Coruba67

    Coruba67 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, excercise has been in the routine, though I really don't feel like it at all at the moment.

    Yup, that what I have decided to do. Let it work its magic... Still looking forward to feeling more like me again, the lack of motivation is a really hard one to deal with and is very much out of character. But at least going to bed at night is much easier now - used to be the daily routine, used to think it helped me sleep! Now, I can lie down in bed and he doesn't even say hi, so if I am to look for the good in this, that certainly makes this process easier!