for some people, masturbation might be a bigger problem than porn

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Deleted Account, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. so, i think that for some people, masturbation is a bigger problem than porn. i am certainly one of those. if i watch porn without touching my dick, i dont really feel much bad effects, but if i masturbate and ejaculate, then there is brain fog , social anxiety, low energy level etc.
    so, since i keep relapsing to both porn and masturbation, i have decided to first focus on overcoming the one vice which i feel is more detrimental - masturbation.
    so, my counter will be of no masturbation. if i watch porn without touching my dick, i will not reset it.
    so, although i would avoid watching porn, if the urges are too great, i will watch w/o touching my dick.
    (note - my definition of masturbation is not only not touching my dick but also no back and forth movement or friction on dick. eg. humping pillow etc.)
    so, after going without masturbation for 90 days, i will try to quit porn too.
    right now i am at day 0 after just masturbating to porn
    i will document the effects in further
    i know the opinion that masturbation is worse than porn not a popular opinion on this site, but i think that might be true for a small fraction. so please dont keep posting that porn is the main problem and not masturbation. i have heard it before and it does not work for me.
  2. IWantToChange:')

    IWantToChange:') Fapstronaut

    Stop both. I will stop using youtube for now and download some nice calm music because I think youtube sucks. (this is not really related to the topic)
  3. Fenston999

    Fenston999 Fapstronaut

    One will inevitably lead to another and you are still stimulating your brain by watching porn. You will still have side effects from watching porn without masterbation just maybe not as much of the dopamine depletion because you don't reach that peak of orgasm. Regardless porn will still twist your thoughts and consume your mind, and it's like your constantly testing yourself.
  4. Porn has been easier to quit because of Covenant Eyes. I have been a chronic masturbator all my life with or without porn. I am more tempted to masturbate now than watch porn. Those urges at 92 days are not waning but seem to be intensifying.
  5. Fabian7

    Fabian7 Fapstronaut

    Sounds like your addict self if using another excuse to release massive amounts of dopamine
  6. Part of the reason for stopping porn as well as masturbation is that your brain becomes used to the super-stimulation of porn (porn is so far removed from reality that it should be a subgenre of fantasy). By ceasing porn, the intention is that your brain will gradually reset to a more normal state.

    It's like if you stop smoking cigarettes, but continue to vape, even though vaping is less harmful than cigarettes, you're still addicted to nicotine.

    That's why it's recommend to stop porn as well as masturbation, even though porn isn't your big problem.

    Still, if it works for you to continue for now with porn, keep us updated. I'd be interested to know how it goes.
    Romans 6 23 and Deleted Account like this.
  7. 1 day w/o masturbation is almost complete.
    did not watch porn today as there was no desire to.
    spent the day being engaged in productive work.
    Fabian7 likes this.
  8. thanks. it is nice to see someone is open minded enough to willing to see how this experiment goes. i will try to update daily and especially on the days i watch porn or look at nude girls.
  9. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    That's like putting a steak in front of yourself after not eating for 24 hours. What's the purpose unless you just like torture.
    Deleted Account and Romans 6 23 like this.
  10. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I think that the more you beat off, the more you want to keep beating off. I know since I used to do it for years. I wanna go into this next year without beating off at all. I know the addiction I used to have is not as significant anymore.
  11. We have to be open-minded. For me, I know that I absolutely would not manage if I were to watch porn. But, there are 7½ billion people on this planet; we can't possibly say that what's true for me is also true for everyone else.
    Daily might become a chore for you, so only post when you feel like doing so. Share with us your downs as well as your ups, and let's see if some support here will help!

    Do bear in mind that this is an experiment, which means that it might not work. If watching porn without masturbating nevertheless fails to solve your problem, it's best to stop the porn as well.
  12. ...or semen :D
    Fabian7 likes this.
  13. Octoling

    Octoling Fapstronaut

    Hmm... I dunno. On the one hand, you shouldn't assume that M is the worse one just because of those feel-bad effects. Of course you're not going to immediately feel bad from the P, because that's the stimulous, what's what gets you excited. Post-dopamine rush is what cools you down afterwards and depression can set in.

    On the other hand, removing the dopamine might help with the addiction side of things... or at least "hurt it less." I'm just mostly skeptical because I have looked at P in the past with no intention of M, and I don't think that changed anything about my bad habit.

    At any rate, I'm curious to see what you find. You'll probably just find it harder and harder to resist M every time you do it, but if you're lucky, you could just find your desire to watch P wane with every week, as you slowly teach your body not to expect O when watching P. Who knows? It probably works differently for everyone anyway.

    Yeah, that's what I would expect. That's another downside to this. You're still exposing yourself to constant fantasies, so you're not going to find yourself getting any benefits regarding getting it up when it counts. Your best hope is that this method is a sort of gateway that eventually leads to quitting altogether.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. actually this is what happened to me when i tried it for 20 something days before.
    by the end of the second week of no masturbation, watching porn actually felt somewhat boring. i would start watching and then turn it off after a couple of minutes and start studying or doing sth else instead.
    on the other hand, whenever i have tried no masturbation w/o porn, there have been alot of bad effects and also masturbation almost always leads back to porn within 4 to 5 days.
  15. day 2 no masturbation
    looked at pictures of nude women. had an erection but instead of touching my dick, just focused on the sensations and let it be.
  16. watched porn for about 15 minutes.
    feeling a bit off but it wud have been alot worse had i m'd to it.

    but watching porn even w/o masturbation seems to lower math ability (i am studying math at uni). this is sth i have noticed many times before. so i wud try to avoid watching porn as much as possible and if the urges are strong, shall just look at nude girls pics.
  17. I dont understand your reasoning behind watching porn and nude pictures and getting erections. This will lead up to the relapse
  18. Phantompoint

    Phantompoint Fapstronaut

    Porn is a gateway to masturbation.

    Trust me, you will NEVER last 90 days without masturbation if you keep watching porn. I was once like you a year ago. And I can tell you now you will never succeed. I for one defy your strength and will.
    Jonny123 and KeetsScrim like this.
  19. not for me. i can keep the two things apart.