For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Many activities can become positive addictions, but they will all differ in terms of how much they help you stay clean permanently. Let's look at 5 activities: Playing the guitar, reading, vigorous exercise, teaching at church, and teaching others how to quit addictions.

    Things like playing music, reading, and exercising rank high as distraction activities because they tend to take our minds to a new place. But things like teaching at church and helping others to quit addictions have several other benefits. Firstly, people who are teaching have to develop more expertise and more skills. Secondly, the Holy Spirit empowers those who are helping others. Because they need to be empowered.

    But whichever activity you choose you will know if it becomes a positive addiction when the following occur. You start to do it daily, you love it, and now you are almost compelled to do this good activity.

    Positive addictions lower temptation. If in a few months you have developed a bunch of them – you will be on the road to real success.

    Today, start the positive addiction of praying about your God-given purpose. Then follow up that prayer with trying to do something to help somebody. This may be the very positive addiction you need to start in order to quit for good.
    I got The idea for this from: https://stoptheaddictions.com/home-page/sex-porn-freedom/sex-porn-freedom-in-30-days-day-9/ Check it out if you want.
  2. I've fallen off the exercise wagon and need to get back on. I've made a note on my calendar to try doing so next week when I'm on vacation and will have more free time. I really do enjoy strength training, but it's difficult doing it in the morning, which is the best time to do it routine-wise. I've also taken up an instrument, something completely new, something fun. And I've been taking more outside walks--well, lately, it's been chilly so this has slowed down a bit, but I still should get out. Thus far I've stayed away from helping others with their own addictions, mainly because I feel I need a degree of success myself first. But it is a longer-term goal.
    timcia and batsy64 like this.
  3. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    I forgot prayer as a great positive addiction. It is now my favorite part of the day. It's even better than exercise.
  4. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I have something of an addiction to collecting and using tools of all types. Addiction is probably too strong a word for this activity as I balance it against the cost reasonably well (at least I think I do). I enjoy challenging myself to see if I can learn a new skill or create a better mousetrap. I feel this is a fairly innocent attraction as it leads to making useful things as well as beautiful things.
  5. We are made in the image of God, and thus we love to create and build. We are makers! Anything can become an idol, but I think that making can be a terrific source of purpose and productive engagement.
    CPilot and Wilderness Wanderer like this.
  6. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    I think that if you could convince everyone who keeps falling daily or weekly to start woodworking or another hobby just like it - that would be great. And with every activity, we want to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. If He has something better for us to do someday, we will enjoy doing that even more.
    The #1 priority is to get the lust temptation down with a new activity. But then over time, we realize that eternity lasts a long time. Then our focus becomes more on treasures in heaven. And that changes everything.
  7. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I should add that it also leads me to create many things which don't work or look as good as planned... LOL. An important skill in woodworking is learning how to hide your mistakes. I continue to gain experience in this aspect....
  8. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Priscilla Shirer wrote the following:

    "When Paul talks about spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6, prayer is the seventh piece of armor. It activates all of the rest of the spiritual armor," she said. "When we refuse to pray, it's like having a refrigerator without plugging it in. Prayer is the divinely authorized mechanism God has given us to tap into His power. Without prayer, we'll be ineffective in spiritual warfare. But with it, we will be victorious."

    The Truth About Spiritual Warfare

    We see our struggles with habits in non-spiritual terms. So we often like non-spiritual solutions. But she notes that:

    "Everything that occurs in the visible, physical world is directly connected to the wrestling match being waged in the invisible, spiritual world. The effects of the war going on in the unseen world reveal themselves in our strained and damaged relationships, emotional instability, mental fatigue, physical exhaustion and many other areas of life. Many of us feel pinned down by anger, unforgiveness, pride, comparisons, insecurity, discord, fear. . . and the list goes on. But the overarching, primary nemesis behind all these outcomes is the Devil himself."

    The Enemy's Strategy
    "He desires to lead you into sin so that fellowship is broken between you and God — this way you'll be disconnected from the Source of true power and strength.

    The evil temptations that appeal to your specific desires and happen to show up when you are most vulnerable are not accidental. They are his deceptive tactics (and that of his evil entourage), specifically designed, timed and personalized in hopes that you fall prey to his demon ploy and miss out on experiencing an abundant life in Christ," she said.

    Why It's Important to Pray
    If we drink too much, watch risky shows too much, or get lazy too often, satan will attack us at these moments of weakness. When we often pray about non-lust-related issues as well as lust-related issues, we start to gain strength over them, and that will start to give satan less opportunity to temp us.

    How to Pray: Just Talk with God
    She continues: "Your prayer needs to be authentic and heartfelt. There is no need for ten-dollar words and poetic prose. Just be raw, frank, and real with God," she said. "I believe prayer works. Prayer has been more effective in my life than human solutions. Time, and time and time again, I've seen that lasting change comes only through prayer. When I pray — release it into His hands — God accomplishes what I can't do in my own strength.

    Prayer is how we see heaven invade earth. It's what opens up the floodgates for God to come down and be involved in our everyday circumstances."

    Priscilla has a lot of wisdom. Positive addictions will eventually force out negative addictions. Today, add a block of daily prayer as a great positive addiction.

    When you fight satan with prayer and scripture you have a good thing. When you fight his temptations with a block of prayer over specific scripture you have a winning strategy.

    Finally, almost everyone is weaker in one area from the last paragraph. Today... resolve to change your life by making it a strength.
  9. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    The positive addiction of turning from lust is of utmost importance. When we turn on certain TV shows, or walk near a beach, or go to certain places – it is vital to be prepared. To prepare we must pray in advance of the temptation:

    Consider praying, “Father, help me to turn from lust.” When the temptation comes, pray it again and then turn from it and run from it.

    Biblical Joseph ran from the most beautiful woman in the land (when she tried to seduce him). Why? Because he knew what the Bible said about lust and he believed it and thought that following the Bible was good. Develop the positive addition of knowing what the Bible says about lust.

    Joseph became the 2nd most powerful man in the world because he trusted God (even when he was in a pit, even when he was in jail, even when he had to wait and wait). He succeeded because he turned from sin, because he ran from sin, because he knew what the Bible said, and because he followed what the Bible said.

    It takes 66 days on average to form a new habit. Today, consider starting your 66 days to form the habit of studying what the Bible says about lust and the habit of turning from sin. If you accomplish that great goal, you will be opening the door to an awesome period in your life.
  10. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Find positive addictions that encourage you to be disconnected from your TV/computer. Things like cooking, trying to make new friends, and meditating. I am currently meditating on several verses including 2 Timothy 1:7 “For the Spirit of the Lord has not given us a spirit of fear, but gives us a Spirit of power, love, and self-control.”

    This verse has inspired me to disconnect even more from electronics even more because... why don't I have power, love, and self-control. Probably because I am plugged into the wrong things.

    Second, add the positive addiction of eating healthy. We can fight temptation better when we feel better. Spending time outdoors makes us feel better as well.

    Lastly, develop the positive addiction of becoming an expert at overcoming habits. We also get positive dopamine when we push to learn this valuable skill. Start planning, get organized, obsessed, and excited... positive addictions will improve your life.
    Tao Jones and CPilot like this.
  11. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    Romans 12:9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

    Consider praying every hour:

    “Father, hate me hate evil.”

    Over the last year, I have suggested praying, “Father, help me to turn aggressively from sin,” or “Father, help me to turn from lust” several times. But when I suggest praying these prayers every hour, I know that it is hard to make this a habit.

    Second, I prayed prayers like these thousands of times before I quit for good. But, when I would still fall I never considered my new habit to be in error. I just still knew that I was missing something. The key point is... praying to turn from lust is one of the top 5 habits we can acquire to quit.

    The next key point is when we pray the prayer. Yes, every hour, but, most importantly, we pray it when we turn on a TV show (or go somewhere) that may be risky. Pray this prayer often, and sincerely at these key times. Prayer prepares us for temptation, then we turn to key verses from the Word when we are under severe temptation.

    Tips for Forming Habits

    We need a cue to remind us to pray. Like an alarm every hour. When I start to watch TV, that is a cue for me. A location or a note can be a cue.

    Inspire yourself by writing down the number of days you plan to pray this way. Keep track of your success daily in a notebook. Place the notebook in a place where you always will see it.

    Consider praying for 10 or 15 minutes about how to acquire this habit, both today and tomorrow.

    Last, many will still do it for a day or two and totally forget again. Don't be upset when you think of it 4 days later. Instead, paste 20 sticky notes everywhere with a big T on them to remind you to do it like clockwork.

    Yes, it is that important. Daniel ran from lust automatically because he had formed the habit of running from lust. This is a habit you can learn.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  12. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    I used to like phrase "positive addiction". I thought if I was addicted to prayer or doing good things it would help me. But it never did. It didn't change the internal desires of my heart, the thing that actually motivates me toward certain things (be it binge eating or porn).

    But I now have difficulty with this phrase. Addictions ruin lives. It doesn't matter whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. A coffee addiction can ruin your health. A guitar addiction can cost you a heck of a lot of money. Even an addiction to the gym can lead someone to neglect other things that would make them healthy (or even put harmful things in their body). A smartphone addiction can (in my case) stop you healing from depression and anxiety.

    Timothy Keller comments on colosians 3: "“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature, sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.”(3:5) The term ‘evil desires’ is the Greek word epithumia. It is a very hard word to translate. It means an epi-desire, a mega or inordinate desire.Thus the term ‘evil desires’ is somewhat misleading.That term sounds like Paul is talking about ordinary desire for evil things. But actually he is talking about inordinate desires for even good things."

    God has given us so many good things! Music, coffee, tea, exercise, hills to climb, seas to swim in. We are called to enjoy them. But they need to be under control and our desire for Christ greater. That means we can do our woodworking for his glory, not merely so that we reduce the temptation of lust. It means I can get out to do parkrun not because it saves me, but because by doing so I reflect that he's made me to enjoy running.

    By enjoying these good things we are putting our trust in God's goodness. This in turn changes us and makes us more like Him. But it isn't the thing that saves. Only Christ can, and the measure of our enjoyment of the good must be lower than our enjoyment of Him.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  13. Great quote from Keller. There is an echo here from 1 Corinthians 6:12 --

    '“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.'

    It is that "will not be mastered by anything" bit that we work toward. Even a good thing cannot become our master or it will ruin us.
  14. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    You said: “I used to like the phrase "positive addiction". I thought if I was addicted to prayer or doing good things it would help me. But it never did.”

    You stated this “hypothesis” and then later said we need to put to death our sins. And, the two best tools for putting our sin to death are the positive addictions of fighting temptation with the Word, and the positive addiction of preparing for temptation through prayer.

    Next, you said, “It didn't change the internal desires of my heart, the thing that actually motivates me toward certain things (be it binge eating or porn).”

    The 3rd positive addiction that will change the desires of our hearts is to have the habit of always doing God's will. If we study the Bible and pray and then live like normal people, we will have bad desires. But if we have our devotions, pray earnestly about purpose, and then always focus on God's will, the desires of our hearts start to change.

    Your comments that we need to put sin to death are spot on. Thank you for your ideas and honesty. Many people are thinking what you are saying. It is very hard to do things God's way. All we can do is keep fighting and keep trying.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  15. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    @timcia you miss my basic point about the phrase "positive addiction."

    Think about a basic definition of addiciton. It is the misuse of something to the point where it harms your life. IT doesn't matter whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. You could be addicted to playing the guitar and spent thousands of your currency and many hours, at the expense of your family. You could be addicted to work, and spent countless hours in the office, at the expense of your health. You could be addicted to coffee, again at the expense of your health.

    Being addicted to something isn't enough. We have to put ALL things in their proper place. We can be addicted to reading the bible, and doing good works. Oh yes. But that doesn't get at the core of our problem, which is whether we know Christ or not and allowing Scripture to change our hearts..

    Jesus warned the Jewish leaders: "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me..." (John 5).

    I just think it is very unwise to encourage addicts to simply replace their addiction for another because it doesn't solve the base-line problem. It is a poor choice of phrase.
  16. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    I think that Christian positive addictions are good. People will have to choose who they agree with.
  17. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    I think people need to weigh up whether they have any biblical warrant.
  18. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    In the Bible, God commanded us to pray without ceasing. We are told to meditate on God's word day and night. These are the positive addictions that Bible tells us to have.
  19. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    To hate evil means to abhor it, to loathe it, to be disgusted by it. Consider praying:

    “Father, help me to reject evil intensely.”

    Here is a fact: God is right about everything. I may be wrong about a fair amount of things. If God says it is good to hate evil... He will be right.

    When you are tempted, consider saying: “God will be right about this being bad, and ending badly.”

    Do I find evil repugnant? Do I feel horror when I consider risky TV, movies, and places? If Eve had understood the consequences of eating the apple, she would have felt horror. Consider praying:

    “Father, when I am tempted, remind me what the wages of sin are?”

    If we are soldiers of Christ, we must fight to be hostile towards looking at risky things. Consider praying:

    “Father, help me to fight against risky things, I believe that Your ways are right, and that they lead to joy.”

    Second, the verse adds, “Cling to what is good.” I have a one page printout of verses about love which I study most days. Studying love is a great way to cling to what is good.

    Write down your two worst emotional problems. Then print out verses on those topics. When we read them daily we are clinging to good.

    To cling to what is good, we embrace and find it very important to only look at clean things, and to go to correct places. Consider praying:

    “Father, teach me to prefer keeping my eyes pure. Show me the benefits of turning from lust.”

    Love God – hate sin – great life.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  20. timcia

    timcia Fapstronaut

    I have improved on hating evil, but I am still human. Adam and Eve learned to hate evil after their life fell apart. Consider praying:

    “Father, help me to hate evil before bad things happen.”

    The problem is... you did not get kicked out of paradise the last time you blatantly sinned.

    You were not even aware that the blessing God had for you disappeared. You were not aware that this week could have been great.

    Very few people connect falling 24 times in the past year with a bunch of crap that fills their life. But if you spend the next week asking God every hour:

    “How does my lust make a mess of my life?”

    He will answer that prayer. He will show you if you keep on asking. He wants every sincere Christian to know how destructive lust is.

    Second, this week strive to make it a habit to pray:

    “Father, help me to hate evil.”

    Pray it “before” you go near any place that tempts you. Pray it before and during watching TV.

    Finally, when you pray remember: What happened to Adam and Eve, what happened to David, what happened to Sampson.

    After David had total disaster, he learned to “hate evil.” Joseph learned to hate evil first. He ran from what would have become a disaster. Instead of disaster, he became the 2nd most powerful man in the world and he saved his home country.

    Pray often to hate evil.