stop PMO and take control of your life before you become like me

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Wastedlife, Feb 28, 2022.

  1. Wastedlife

    Wastedlife Fapstronaut

    My life is a living hell. I've been literally praying almost every night that I will die in my sleep because I don't have the courage to make it happen myself. My family says they care and love me, but it means basically nothing to me as my own pain is so strong that nothing seems to matter anymore. I am so empty inside. Beyond wasting the majority of my time with PMO, I am a failure in every other aspect of my life too. I wish God would just show mercy and take me as quickly and painlessly as possible. I feel like I've probably given myself cancer from years of self-abuse and stress and am pretty sure even if I turn my life around somehow, I will just die shortly after that anyway - insult to injury.

    Porn is so fucking evil. It's got a grasp on me mentally like I am in a prison of my own compulsive behavior. I wish I could go back and do it all over. Yeah, not a unique thought of someone in their late 30's by any means, just another reason to hate myself.

    Please God help me find the strength to take control and rid myself of my demons, find the courage to seek professional help, or just let me die peacefully as quickly as possible. I am a shell of a man, and if things keep going the way they are (and getting worse,) this life is no longer worth living.

    I want to cry so badly but the tears won't fall out.

    *note - this is a journal entry, but thought it was maybe important enough to post here as well. I am 99.99% sure porn addiction is the major contributing factor to the way I have turned out. Hopefully it gets more overall visibility here, and can potentially help someone, somehow.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022
  2. livinginhell

    livinginhell Fapstronaut

    I can feel every word you wrote my friend. I am also in mid 30s and can definitely tell you that my is living hell too. I am with you, stay strong. We will win.
    Reading through the posts here helps me a lot because I can relate with everyone's post and feel the pain, this demotivates me from doing PMO again. I wish to keep doing like this everyday.
    HelperX, Buddhabro2.0 and Wastedlife like this.
  3. Hey brother sorry to say, if you know about my life you will get a relief that..people worse than your condition exist....let me give a short bio.....i am a man who started faping from childhood and losted a testicle to cancer. Still addicted to cuckold porn and bbc. I blame this overfapping for the cancer i get. So see i am worse than you bro...

    But i never accept defeat. I always try. You know the pain i had gone and going now. When i see other males and there relationships i am sad as hell bro. But i don't have a choice. I don't want to left my family. Because they stood beside me during my cancer days. Otherwise i will commit suucide 100 percent. Be strong bro...i am here worse than fight brother.
  4. livinginhell

    livinginhell Fapstronaut

    @war Survivor So sorry to hear that bro. How many lives this disgusting addiction has ruined !!
    war Survivor likes this.
  5. Negan©

    Negan© Fapstronaut

    Ohh man ...believe me i have been there know that a couple months ago i wanted to kill myself , and just like you i found it difficult because of the pain it would cause my family and friends ...i i used to think " my pain is probably bigger and more gruesome than the pain they will feel when they see my dead body " ...
    And believe me i even asked people around me about how to purchase a gun , i wanted to do it with a gun because i wanted to punish myself for not being able to make use of this human life that i was given , for being a failure a life and a disappoinent...
    But man , life can be so good , only if you can just take control of it..weed out all the negative things , porn , stress and all...
    I'm 60 days in and i have never felt better man...TRUST ME YOU CAN DO IT TOO..ITS JUST A MATTER OF 2 MONTHS..
    I still am suffering from the aftereffects , my grreatest enemy fatigue is still here , brain fog is still here but now i believe i can defeat i have positivity and strength..
    Make a journal , post everyday...the site is full of sufferers and those who overcame the can be one of the survivors , you can do it...just get out of this loop of negativity and self loathing..common have any querry or doubt im here , you wanna share anything im here for you..but dont let this human life that youve got slip away like that..
    Wastedlife and Buddhabro2.0 like this.
  6. @livinginhell bro always pray, if you are relegious. Our god will always save us.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  7. livinginhell

    livinginhell Fapstronaut

    Yes, we can do it. Let's take control of our lives. We are not losers.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  8. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    It's a vicious cycle. First you go to porn then you get depressed about it so you try to relieve the stress by fapping and the cycle starts again. I know it's difficult but you need to fight on both fronts trying to stop PMO while staying happy
    hsb0617 and Euclidean Geometry like this.
  9. Smokedaddy

    Smokedaddy Fapstronaut

    Porn addiction is a symptom, not a cause. No doubt you feel like shit when you PMO, but you PMO because you don't have your life together, not the other way around.
    I'm so sorry you feel the way you do, I've been there too. Its important to remember that only you have the power to change things. No one will do it for you.

    Quitting porn is but a step in improving your life, a big step for sure but its not the be-all-and-end-all. It's easier said than done but you need to start taking accountability for your life.
    You want to lie in bed all day and do nothing? Well thats exactly why you should get out of bed and go on a run.
    You want to browse Youtube all day and feel sorry for yourself? Thats exactly the reason you should go have a cold shower, clean your flat or read a book.
    Doing what you want to do will get you nowhere. You have to do the things you don't want to do, and your life will eventually improve. Callous your mind, grow through suffering.
    Get angry at your life. Let the rage at your situation drive you to improve it.
    Going on a run is hard. You know what's easy? Putting your running shoes on and stepping outside. Now you're outside, might as well go on a walk eh? Still pretty easy. Maybe pick up the pace a bit and run a couple km. Start doing this sort of thing and I promise your situation will improve brother, slowly but steadily.

    You say you're a failure, would a failure keep trying to improve like you clearly are? You don't fail until you give up. You're posting here because you want to improve your life and you've taken the first big step to recovery: admitting you're an addict. Keep on your path and keep focused and you'll make it. One step at a time. Be hard on yourself and take accountability for your situation. Good luck brother, but I know you won't need it
    Sean Edie likes this.
  10. livinginhell

    livinginhell Fapstronaut

    I had my life together, didn't even know real meaning of life, when I started to Fap! I fapped because I wanted short pleasure and I ignored real pleasures of life, PMO is a cause in my case.
  11. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    It does become a comfort though. I was too young to see what I was doing when I started and my life wasn't too bad but I have found that I go back in times of stress. If you focus on just the addiction without dealing with everything else that's wrong, you'll set yourself up to fail
    Smokedaddy likes this.
  12. Wastedlife

    Wastedlife Fapstronaut

    I appreciate the response and overall some great, although painfully obvious advice. And I'm not saying that as a means to downplay or insult what you said, only that they are all things I'm already aware of but just lack the motivation to do anything about it, but it still hurts to hear the truth coming from someone else. I also have to say I strongly disagree with:
    I understand what you are saying, and who knows, maybe you're right. But, I feel like it's both a symptom AND a cause. Obviously PMO addiction is something certain people are susceptible to for various reasons, whether they be genetic, mental illness, personality disorder, etc., etc., etc. In my case, I am sure my depression and compulsive nature was a leading cause in me falling victim. However, like any addiction, it ends with you chasing your tail, which is why it's so difficult to break the cycle. Go tell a crackhead living on the street or a meth addict with no teeth that their drug use is "a symptom, not a cause". Maybe tell that to an alcoholic who chooses to drink rather than take care of their family or own life. I've seen drug addicts completely ruin their life, and I've also seen addicts use the "symptom not a cause" argument in order to keep using, deluding themselves into believing the problem is coming from somewhere else, and if they can "get their life together", the addiction would no longer be an issue or resolve itself. It doesn't work that way. Not with any major debilitating addiction.

    I'm not sure if you suffer with crippling depression, but it kinda sounds like you don't. It's not like I choose to wake up in the morning and have no will or desire to live, which perpetuates a vicious cycle that PMO has been a major factor in. I constantly force myself to do thngs "I don't want to do" because I know they need to be done, or that I need to keep progressing somehow. If I look at my life success, I am doing relatively well. I own a house paid in full, enough money to retire early, some amazing past experiences, some great relationships. I even managed to finally give up drugs and alcohol for nearly 2 years now. But sadly, none of that means much of anything to me. My brain finds a way to diminish any accomplishments or good deeds I have done into pure nothingness. My point being that "not having your life together" is an extremely relative statement, and if I look at my situation unbiasedly from the perspective of an outsider, I am doing ok. It's literally the crippling depression / PMO element that I am so troubled by, and I am near certain that ridding myself of PMO *IS* the "getting my life together" element that you speak of. I know I'm not a failure, I just FEEL like an utter failure and that unfortunately is not my choice.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to remove myself of responsibility for my actions, I just know that am mentally ill, and it's a completely uphill battle.
  13. Smokedaddy

    Smokedaddy Fapstronaut

    Hey dude,

    I totally agree that its a vicious cycle. I suppose what I meant by that is that its not enough to just quit porn, you have to improve your life in other ways. PMO is a cause for how you feel, but its a symptom of something else, something much deeper. A crack addict will absolutely fail to quit if all they do is avoid crack. Rehab incorporates so much more than just abstinence because if you just stop smoking crack and do nothing else, its a matter of time until you fall back into old habits.If you succeed in quitting porn but don't manage to improve your life in other ways, you won't feel much better.
    I wasn't aware your issues stem from a diagnosable issue like depression. I know how that can be, I've had it in the past and one of my best friends is prescribed a variety of benzos to manage his and he's constantly in hospital for his own safety. If thats the case with you, then you need to seek professional help. Nofap probably isn't going to cut it, but I'm sure you already know that.
    Sorry if I offended you by implying you didn't have your life together, your original post made it sound that way but I'm glad you're doing OK on those fronts man
  14. Wastedlife

    Wastedlife Fapstronaut

    no worries, thanks for elaborating. No offense taken, I just wanted to really put an emphasis that I truly believe that PMO currently IS the biggest issue in my life. I don't disagree that other things need to change too, but without first breaking the cycle of PMO, I'm not sure that I will ever even get a chance to change anything else because I'm too busy trying not to drown in the metaphorical flushing toilet bowl.

    Is definitely something I am very worried about, and something I have never tried. It's a hard thing to do because I'm unable to force myself to do it, and nobody else is making me do it or encouraging it. It's very possible that it's another thing the PMO crutch has kept me from - as long as I keep getting that consistent rush of dopamine my brain tries to keep it coming at all costs and tricks me into not taking measures to stop it. I dunno, just a theory.

    And I definitely DO NOT have my life together as far as I'm concerned, so you had every right to say that. From some standpoints (materialistic success or meeting my basic needs) I am doing ok, that's all I was saying. I just have an extreme lack of happiness / contention, gratefulness, self-respect, self-love, etc. Unless, I am being greedy, that's all I am really lacking, but they are also probably the most important things in life.
  15. Smokedaddy

    Smokedaddy Fapstronaut

    I feel you man. I’m sure my past depression has nothing on yours currently, so our situations are probably quite different. But I started going to therapy recently, in part to understand why I’m always addicted to something, be it drugs, sex or PMO. It’s incredibly useful, and in a weird way quite fun. Having someone to talk to completely openly is a wild feeling, I’ve told her things I’ve never told anyone before and it is certainly a weight lifted off my shoulders, and a lot of things have been put in perspective for me.
    However I’m not sure psychotherapy is as good a treatment for depression as other methods. But maybe give it a shot, one session of therapy might be all the motivation you need to keep going after professional help
    And I don’t think you’re being greedy at all, I relate a lot to what you’re saying. I worked really hard for a long time and reached a good, high paid position in a job I love. But that’s not really enough after a certain point, once you can meet all your basic needs and not have to worry about money coming in