The Ultimate Urge Killer Mindset

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by SonicUnleashed, Aug 8, 2023.

  1. SonicUnleashed

    SonicUnleashed Fapstronaut

    Guys, I think I figured it out. I've been having some new urges recently after a breakup (I'm on 400+ days NoFap), but I came out of it with a killer mindset.

    Whenever you have an urge to do P.M.O. (Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm), ask yourself, WHY would I do it, if it will ultimately:

    1. Keep me single (Prevent girls from being attracted to me)
    2. Destroy my brain and body (Unable to focus, problems with private area, low energy, other health risks)
    3. Send me to Hell (Yes, Hell is real.)

    It would basically be stupidity to do it, knowing that's what will ultimately happen to you. It's almost like committing a slow suicide.

    On the positive side, if I choose not to do P.M.O. here’s what would likely happen:
    1. I’ll one day meet the woman of my dreams and she’ll be attracted to me (the longer the streak, the greater the attraction)
    2. I’ll have energy, better focus, and a healthy brain/private area
    3. God will be pleased with my efforts in sexual purity (repentance)

    We're going to have hard days fellas, especially after something heartbreaking and disappointing, but put your faith in Jesus, and realize that we are not missing out on any blessings as long as we get to go to Heaven.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
  2. SonicUnleashed

    SonicUnleashed Fapstronaut

    Hope this helps people.
    gordonfreeman14603 likes this.
  3. gordonfreeman14603

    gordonfreeman14603 Fapstronaut

    If that "500+ days" is true, hats off to you man. You are my idol now.
  4. Committing a slow suicide...I have never thought of it in that way. Wow.
  5. walkingtree

    walkingtree Fapstronaut

    When your withdrawals get hard enough you stop caring about future, so these questions won't cut it imo.
  6. DeepRecovery

    DeepRecovery Fapstronaut

    Good point, so instead of caring about the future there's caring about what happens right now. We can get a high from O but it's still not good, at a certain point I think people can realize edging itself is negative - it's by definition unsatisfying because if you were satisfied in the PMO process you'd O already.

    If this is taken all the way it really applies to a lot of other things. Just surfing for an interesting (non-porn) video on Youtube? It's still the same dopamine driven seeking, and you're seeking because currently you're not satisfied with your experience right?

    I think the answer has to be more direct. Instead of thinking transactionally like once I get X I will be satisfied in life, instead work on the state of being content regardless of what you have. Even if it doesn't happen that often there have been times when it's very ordinary, nothing super special is happening but we're relaxed and content. If people become an expert at knowing how to be in that kind of mental state it will be a big game changer. Even knowing how to get there half way, so you're more content than you tend to get now can be enough to keep you from relapsing atleast.
    walkingtree likes this.