Wet Dreams, do they ever stop?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Marlenasback, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Marlenasback

    Marlenasback Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone, I'm a 21 year old guy who started the reboot seriously with the NoNut this November on 2020. I was already practicing Nofap on summer but I was having sex often, so I don't consider it like a streak, causei didn't have triggers whatsoever. Once my girlfriend go, I started having some serious triggers before the flat line hit. After 2 weeks or so I slipped up and lost track. I had a couple of wet dreams anyway, but with complete random timing. Now, with the NoNut I'm having wet dreams separated by 2 weeks, precisely, not one day late or early. I know this is common and it's a sign of rebooting and stuff, but, had the last one few days, so now I did put a reminder on my phone to sleep with underpants, cause usually I sleep completely naked. Coming to the main question, do they ever stop? How much time before they do? Cause, apart from being thankful that I know the exact day they're hitting, I'm quite annoyed. If anyone knows from experience or has some kind of questions for details, feel completely free to ask. Looking forward to this upcoming journey, cheers everyone, take care.
  2. Once your streak becomes longer, they will stop.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  3. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    It'd different for everyone but they do eventually stop.

    The main factor behind wet dreams is a build up of semen. Once you start having regular sex, wet dreams will stop happening.

    They're weird at the very least and at worst the chaser effect from them is very hard to deal with, but they are a sign of healing and should be taken in stride.

    YBOP has some good articles about wet dreams

    Too many wet dreams and porn dreams?

    What about wet dreams? (advice video)
  4. Marlenasback

    Marlenasback Fapstronaut

    As I wrote that thread the last night, saying they're hitting regularly every 2 weeks, I had one again this night who luckily didn't end up with an orgasm. It's been 5 days since the last one. It looks I'll have to sleep with underpants every night then. Thanks for the answers boys.
  5. Testify

    Testify Fapstronaut

    how do you know?
  6. Marlenasback

    Marlenasback Fapstronaut

    How do I know what?
  7. Testify

    Testify Fapstronaut

    Sorry my question was intended to @Hanuman