180 Day Warrior Challenge (Updated)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by djmotion, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. P.S. Daniel

    P.S. Daniel Fapstronaut

    2 weeks past. Urges come and go like the water in river...BUT I AM AN UNMOVEABLE ROCK! and so are you!

    Elchingon, Dinausuare and curryman like this.
  2. Seb123

    Seb123 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday was tough. Felt very low and was very tempted. Just went through the motions and tried to appear happy and vaguely interested in people around me. Today, I feel much better. My conclusion: recovery happens in ebbs and flows; some days are better than others and as long as the bad ones pass (and they do) there will be better days to follow. Just got to get through the bad ones without giving in to temptation. Do that, and it has been a successful day, at least by my standards, forget anyone elses.
    P.S. Daniel, Elchingon and curryman like this.
  3. curryman

    curryman Fapstronaut

    Random boners from today's morning. 2 days ago, I moved out to the student's town and when I was driving by train I got wood 2-3 times because of one woman legs who was sitting in front of me. Generally, I am telling my brain that if you want to release it there is only one option to do so in healthy way. I've noticed that I have more interactions with people general, almost no brain fog and I am more calm. Now what I am trying to do is when I am aroused (D goes up) I have to talk with somebody (especially women). The problem is that most of the time I am excited in home (I live only with working male flatmate) so what I can do is to call somebody or even send a message on Messanger. I think that's better than simply do M/P. Next time I would like to work on leaving home when my libido is high.
    I will ask one girl out I know from uni maybe she will go for one drink with me. It's not a big deal, I believe.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2017
    AliveAgain likes this.
  4. I'm IN!!!
    11 days so far and ready to make that number climb! Don't give in to those urges everyone!
    P.S. Daniel likes this.
  5. ColdBrew

    ColdBrew Fapstronaut

    Checking in

    Going really well this time around. Having a tangible goal and a support group helps tremendously.
    Seb123 and P.S. Daniel like this.
  6. Dinausuare

    Dinausuare Fapstronaut

    Checking in : 4 days & feeling nothing
  7. AliveAgain

    AliveAgain Fapstronaut

    Going well. Feeling "neutral", which means I don't feel high/as if I have superpowers, but not sad/depressed either. The flatline continues. No urges.
    Internal_warrior likes this.
  8. subfor

    subfor New Fapstronaut

  9. John1225

    John1225 Fapstronaut

    I relapsed over the weekend so I'm out. Very disappointed in myself but I'll try again. Good luck guys.
  10. higherlevel

    higherlevel New Fapstronaut

  11. max9292

    max9292 Fapstronaut

    I releapsed on Monday. I Am disappointed but i understand reboot is not a linear process. I need To learn To be patient with myself, in front of the fall i have to smile. I See a progress and do not relapse yesterday again is a great progress. If i Am able to keep on no PMO even if i relapsed so It means the rewire of the brain from old habits is real. I didn't believe but The progress is not lost after relapse. I Can Say It because even At The beginning o The year i had a streak of 70 days and what i gained in that period i still see in My Life. Anyway i know now Can be brain fog , energy is not that of Sunday, euphory, but if i turn to be Constant in reboot and to carry on It these things will pass away again. I often have to remeber to myself why i started nofap, what i found in no PMO. I Think now It is more important to have a continuation of reboot than to have a Long streak because i Can learn to get up stronger.
    Seb123 likes this.
  12. Got to Overcome

    Got to Overcome Fapstronaut

    I'd like to take part. As I'm only currently on day 3, reaching 180 sounds like quite a task. However, I'm here to challenge myself, so I'm going to do my best to make it.
  13. Itme

    Itme Fapstronaut

    Am just here to check in,I'm still in this,and still 0 relapses so far
  14. UnorthodoxBox

    UnorthodoxBox Fapstronaut

    I have been more social with people as of late, attempting to break out of my shell. Luckily, I haven't had any overpowering urges yet. Been able to keep on. But I'm sure they'll be coming, and when they do, I'll be ready.

    Basically, I told a friend of mine about NoFap, and since I have a reputation for having an extremely high libido, he told me that he doesn't think I can make it to 20 days. So, we made a bet. If I relapse before 20 days I have to buy him any game that is under $40, so this could be 39.99 or $5, and knowing my friend, he has a 39.99 dollar game in mind. I mustn't relapse, I really don't want that money to drain away.
    P.S. Daniel likes this.
  15. BloomingMystery

    BloomingMystery Fapstronaut

    I'm in
  16. Dr Doom

    Dr Doom Fapstronaut

    Just checking in, I still haven't relapsed been 27 days.
    sknnyjns likes this.
  17. eadgbe

    eadgbe Fapstronaut

  18. WalkWithGod

    WalkWithGod Fapstronaut

  19. WilliamWalace

    WilliamWalace Fapstronaut

    Check in! 11 days Haha it feels sooo Good:)
    Cullengado likes this.
  20. GrandmasterFap88

    GrandmasterFap88 New Fapstronaut

    8 Day so far.

    Have been tempted to edge but self-control is paying off.

    Every 2 days, I work it out at the gym. I feel stronger as a result.

    To prevent boredom, music helps, making sure nothing else crosses my mind.
    Cullengado likes this.