180 Day Warrior Challenge (Updated)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by djmotion, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. batboy93

    batboy93 New Fapstronaut

    I'm in.
    On day 3. Thank you for doing this!
    djmotion likes this.
  2. Think you're right, Seb. Some people get trapped by alcohol,gambling and other addictive behaviours. Whatever the cause, if we're in that group it means a life of self control but still enjoying a free life. Stress and insecurity tend to provoke addictive acting out so let's be careful and confident.
    Seb123 likes this.
  3. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    That feeling at the end of the day when you realize you've successfully survived another day without PMO :)
  4. Joshua213

    Joshua213 Fapstronaut

    Checking in I'm 1 day without masturbation
  5. Seb123

    Seb123 Fapstronaut

    Good question. For me, it is hard to say because I am not in that in that situation. However, I am not sure that there is such a thing as 'healthy maturbation' for some of us on this forum (me included). I think that, like with most drug addictions, it would only take a 'one off' to slide back down the slippery slope of being controleled by PMO. I think that by resisting:
    1. you would make more effort to find a partner than taking the easy option of porn.
    2. you would be a better person when you did eventually find someone and you would possibly appreciate them for the person that they are, as you would be in a healthy psychological state.
    I am quitting PM as a lifelong commitment because, in the past, I haven't been able so stop after thinking 'what harm can just one do?'
    Buddhabro likes this.
  6. WilliamWalace

    WilliamWalace Fapstronaut

    Day 18 damnnnn this is great!:)
    djmotion likes this.
  7. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    I am agree on some level but I think with point 1, it may make you come across as desperate due to an increase in sex drive. I don't know about others but when I go without an orgasm for a week at max I start becoming desperate to have sex or fap. Not sure if this is still the case for someone who has been doing NoFap long term. Maybe the sex drive stabilizes and you just want sex when you meet someone you like or the occasion calls for it.

    For point 2, I would be a bit worried of my standards being lowered as people have reported finding women more attractive, even ones they wouldn't usually go for. If this is the case then the fapstronaught could end up with someone and once had enough sex, realize that they aren't really attracted to their partner. Again, I'm just guessing from how I feel after a few weeks of NoFap but this may change long term. I would assume though that a lack of sexual pleasure will increasingly make the person more desperate except during flatline.
  8. Ntomer

    Ntomer New Fapstronaut

    I'm in.
    Streak is 0 days
  9. Bobs-got-it

    Bobs-got-it Fapstronaut

    Nice perspective, instantly brings me to the smart phone, we don't actually need them except maybe GPS and emails can be important but there are different alternatives, walk around in public its the smart phone zombies, pretty sad how much time is wasted staring, checking, a phone
    djmotion, AliveAgain and Dr Doom like this.
  10. Bobs-got-it

    Bobs-got-it Fapstronaut

    Heck I bet guys/gals addiction to porn started on their phone. There are times when I didn't have home internet but porn was easily available on the phone
    Dr Doom likes this.
  11. Dr Doom

    Dr Doom Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, really appreciated, really looking forward to be sharing my experiences with you guys :)
    djmotion likes this.
  12. Dr Doom

    Dr Doom Fapstronaut

    I'd rather die because of no orgasm than to ever fap again. Have faith in time, everyone will eventually find their love of life although she/he might not be the dream girl/boy but you'll find your love. right now I have a girl who loves me but since I don't want to get distracted by girls and because I have a bigger dream and don't want to fall short on that dream wasting my time with girls, I have ignored her. Kinda sounds mean but I think I have lots of time for girls in the future but don't have lots of time on my dream. Yes, have faith in time, there was a friend who married at the age of 45.

    As I have said before, love, is not only about beauty. To truly find the love of your life: first thing you need to disconnect from porn, as it creates a false understanding of females in your mind.
    Second you need to be outgoing more, hang out with women more, it's real life, love isn't created in first sight like in movies (lol) love is created when you share your moments, secrets, doing activities and to be there for each other in times of need.
    djmotion and P.S. Daniel like this.
  13. P.S. Daniel

    P.S. Daniel Fapstronaut


    I know exactly how you feel Seb123. I was like this some time ago (and I still have the `scars`of being obssesed with knowing everything about a thing and only after that doing it (but then realise it is almost too late). What I can say it`s that sometimes this atitude can be useful (like in school or when you learn something theoreticaly eg: a new language, mathematical formulas, learn about economy, history and things based on theory) BUT there are more things which are based or complementary on the PRACTICAL field. What I think you deal with is fear of not making mistakes (because...you have your reasons). The cure: just DO as many mistakes as possible. That is a faster way to learn something. You try to do it, you do it wrong you observe it, you correct it, you repeat it. when there is nothing more to correct you are doing it right. And in this way you achive the pride of doing it `the hard way`(when it really is not that hard after a while). If you want to learn about living with more moderation google `stoicism`. It is an old greek principle after some philosophers were living and it is used in our days not as a way of living but more like a guideline.
    My advice: when you want to do something just do it and then make the research ( or do the research while you are in the process of doing it)

    Answer to Q1: Yes I think we all have `addictive` personalities in a way that defines our character. You must have some addictions (as long as you refer at addiction as something you do on a daily basics or you do when you can) because it helps us survive BUT you can choose your addictions. So it is important to have some addiction (if you mean what I defined above) but it is more important to choose and build the addictions you want in your life and which you think are productive and beneficial to you (like wake up early, cold showers, exercise, eat healthy etc) and destroy the ones that are harming you or you don`t like (PMO, alcohol, white nights, fast food etc). So choose your addiction. You can be addicted to be productive and healthy and happy, or you can be addicted to destroy yourself. It is always your choice.

    Answer to Q2: I don`t think it is based on PMO, but I think it can have something to do with it. When you are addicted to PMO you experince a sense of shame, regret and pain. This things make you feel guilty and with a fear to not disturb anyone or to make any mistake. So they knida go hand in hand and I think you can use this in your advantige to boost the rebooting process by abstaining from PMO AND also start to take action towards what you want to acomplish which is going to boost your confidence.

    Hope this helped. Have a productive day and...

  14. P.S. Daniel

    P.S. Daniel Fapstronaut


    You know it really depends on YOU I mean how you see this challange: You see it as a challange and after 180 days you go back and relapse and then start again or you see no PM as a way of life and then you will never go back down to this habbits.
    If it is the first case (not mine) I think the person would consider `safe`masturbation as a solution
    But in the second case (mine) where no PM is a way of life you should not be worried about that. Why? Because as you said above you will become `desperate`to find something and I transalte this in: the brain feel the need to past your genes further so it will make you look for opportunities (and you will observe them more quickly) and since no PM is a way of life now your only solution your brain is left with is finding a girl. And about the problem you put which sonded like `What if I find a girl, have sex and then lose interest` , you see that is the game of life and the challange of the nature to find someone who fits you. You can`t trick the nature so you have to keep trying until you find the right match. That is a process. Enjoy it :) . (without PM).

    djmotion likes this.
  15. sknnyjns

    sknnyjns Fapstronaut

    Relapsed a week ago, really stupid, really unnecessary. Wasn't even enjoying it. But it made me even stronger after the relapse. I immediately got back on track and the whole week i kept myself busy. I feel good and I dont think that all progress was lost. Not binging is really key after a relapse. This is my last chance at the warrior challenge but im confident. Im not going to focus too much on nofap. Im going to focus more on real life, keeping myself busy, bettering myself, my relationships and helping others. But i will stay active on this thread. Just maybe not as active as I was before. Keep strong everyone and remember, one day at a time.
    Seb123 likes this.
  16. Seb123

    Seb123 Fapstronaut

    Totally agree with the point about porn creating "a false understanding of females". Porn truly messes with your head and I think it completely distorts your view of women; you end up just seeing them as objects for sex. Advertising, fashion, magazines, music videos and social media don't help, but porn is the biggest culprit of objectifying women....and i am not some sort of feminist, i just think that it is unhealthy and potentially dangerous.
  17. Day 20, and what a battle it was, last night as I was trying to sleep I was hit by a sudden urge out of the blue, and oh boy this was not an ordinary one. This was some boss tier shit. Thing had teeth. Nothing like any of the urges I've had so far and no warning whatsoever. It kept me awake until the early hours of this morning trying to entice me to relapse, ended up having to place my phone on my desk at the opposite end of my room to finally be able to sleep. Nofap calls those an urge ambush, and rightly so. They do NOT mess around. It was horrible, to think that something can have such an effect over you to the point that it messes with one of you basic functions in life really threw me a curveball.
  18. Yasin Najib

    Yasin Najib Fapstronaut

    Checking in. On Day 15, I think?
    Woke up this morning feeling like I'm afraid of everything. My wife gave me shit about not cleaning up after myself. Felt like running, hiding away and PMO.
    Still here though.
    - Yasin
  19. checking in, on a 4 day streak
    Euphorios likes this.