180 Day Warrior Challenge (Updated)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by djmotion, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. sknnyjns

    sknnyjns Fapstronaut

    Congratz on the 50 days! I have the same thing, once two months and the rest 20 or 30 days and this time around the first 30 days seemed pretty easy. So i will prepare for the worst in the up coming weeks. Keep it up man, we have the hardest part behind us now we have to stay strong, stay alert and not let our guard down.
    Baldur and RBYG_flag like this.
  2. RBYG_flag

    RBYG_flag Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Thanks man! Exactly I guess you're body gets used to it once you do a lot of 20-30 days but when you pass that stage and gets to an unknown territory, the body reacts differently so we gotta stay alert! Thanks again and keep it up, you're almost at 30!
    Baldur and sknnyjns like this.
  3. Joshua213

    Joshua213 Fapstronaut

    Today was my 6th day without masturatbing but I had just relapsed right now day 0 checkin in once again
  4. NZT 48

    NZT 48 Fapstronaut

    I can tell you for a fact that the second you start contemplating whether or not to PMO - you already lose. For me, there was always a relapse within the next 48 hours when I got this thought of indecisiveness. The only way this can be won is to eradicate the whole thing completely with no thoughts of PMO whatsoever - any edges/fantasy thoughts - need to be extinguished the second they occur. Think of it like a fire, the longer you let it burn, the more damage is done. You saw this yourself where your urges got bigger and bigger. We need to realize that even if we are at 238 days, once slip up can cause us to come crashing down. The only escape is to leave and never come back.

    Also, if possible - once you find yourself in this situation, going to your room - a place of solitude - is the last thing you want. Try and find a place where somebody else is present and if you cannot then go outside - you're less likely to relapse there.

    However, the point of no return (i.e. the point at which a relapse is highly likely to occur) is earlier than you think - well before your shower even. I think you telling somebody was a very good idea because you can use this as a point of reference to extinguish any thoughts
    Deleted Account and Rhys0 like this.
  5. ian35withers

    ian35withers Fapstronaut

    I'm in! Current streak: on day 4
    Baldur likes this.
  6. Noooo!!! :(
    I relapsed again... this time thanks to my friend being such a twat! We were texting as per usual and he sends a link asking for my opinion on it, asking that he needed another opinion on the subject, the link didn't seem to look dodgy so I open it up and it's a goddamn P film! Which took my previous almost non-existent urges back in full force within minutes... which turned out to be the spark near the gunpowder barrel so to speak. So yeah, that's another strike which I guess means I'm out now. Hope you guys can do better than I could with a measly 3 week and almost 2 week effort. Stay strong in the face of PMO.
  7. harryjoe

    harryjoe Fapstronaut

  8. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Keep on going strong guys! Well done up until now!

    Checking in, day 13. I'm doing great. Life is a bit stressful but good! Got my girlfriend to support me as well.
    Cheers and stay strong people!
    sknnyjns and RBYG_flag like this.
  9. ketone

    ketone Fapstronaut

    Every relapse is necessary in your journey. Hopefully, you're learning why you're relapsing and what you can do to avoid those situations. I myself get stressed from work, and then I just give it all up. I've learned to keep myself around other people in stressful points in my life.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. AliveAgain

    AliveAgain Fapstronaut

    Experiencing the first (very subtle at the moment) signs of sexual arousal in the vicinity of real women. Till now, it has been a solid flatline with so urges whatever.
  11. Æthelweard

    Æthelweard Fapstronaut

    Checking in, day 14!
    The days go by slowly but the weeks are flying!
    I never abstained for more then 2 weeks, so from now on every day is new record.
  12. Euphorios

    Euphorios Fapstronaut

    check in 23 days done.
  13. ulu100

    ulu100 Fapstronaut

    Checking in At Day 13. so far so good, still able to beat the urges. the 180 Warrior Challenge is good and seeing members streaks here keeps me motivated.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. ValueLiberty

    ValueLiberty Fapstronaut

    Checking in, going strong as always! I think.... I KNOW I CAN MAKE IT TO 180!!!
    Baldur likes this.
  15. ConstraintsTheory

    ConstraintsTheory Fapstronaut

    Just checking in. I am on day 76 no relapse going strong and moving on.
    Baldur and Deleted Account like this.
  16. astro23

    astro23 Fapstronaut

    Hurray first 11 days passed no PMO Cheers :):):)
    Baldur and Deleted Account like this.
  17. HermitGate

    HermitGate Fapstronaut

    Now its been twenty days. Hope is all we have. Stay strong
    Letstryit, astro23 and Baldur like this.
  18. ahhaha

    ahhaha New Fapstronaut

    I am in .. in my 8th day already
    astro23 and Baldur like this.