"Scare Away PMO October" 2017. Keep on rebooting. Official PMO-free accountability thread.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Administrator Account, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. going for it

    going for it Fapstronaut

    3 days im excited this is going to be good
    Ayjaydubya and Love369 like this.
  2. simba97

    simba97 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys so I just experienced an absolute nightmare just before.
    In my dreams I started fapping and I could see all these weird porn videos on my laptop. I was also aware of my nofap streak during this dream but I still went through and fapped, waking up to a mess on my sheets.
    When I woke up I was pretty happy it was only a dream, but what I also realised was I had to continue doing nofap because my mind is clearly not cleansed of its dirty, un-natural habits yet. It's time to wake up !
    Ayjaydubya and Love369 like this.
  3. going for it

    going for it Fapstronaut

    Hey just for the record are we allowed to type in here
    Love369 likes this.
  4. simba97

    simba97 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys I'm here to report that I have failed the challenge. This morning I decided to browse through Instagram and I felt the slightest urge to feel some love. So I fapped off to some Insta-models just to keep it classy as I'm never going back to actual porn. Regardless this still isn't a habit I want to keep and I'll continue to fight on forward.
    For some reason after I did it, I felt free, because for the past few weeks of Nofap I've been really pushing myself to start dating and seeing girls. Not to say I didn't succeed in this, I believe nofap has brought a few miracles to my dating life. However I came to a realisation that I need to stop trying so hard because not only do I have more important things to do but it's also taking a mental toll on me. I'd rather go with the flow and see where destiny takes me. So I'll be entering my challenge not with the thoughts of girls and dating flooding my thoughts every second but rather doing it to improve myself and becoming a better person. I believe with such qualities my dating life will naturally improve itself and I won't be placing too much attention in the area anymore.
    Sometimes it just takes failure to realise what is truly important to you. Because failure will take us to a cross-roads...one path that shows you to learn from your mistakes and move forward or the other path which shows you the way backwards, ultimately placing you in an endless loop, somewhat of a paradox.
    Failure is a great time to look back on what we've achieved and implement new strategies for our approach next time. I believe you cannot rush greatness.
    So with that in mind, I'll raise up my sword once again(not my junk hopefully) and enter the battle with a heart of fire.
    P.S. I will reset my counter as soon as Im able to get on a computer.
  5. Love369

    Love369 Fapstronaut

    Still going strong!

    How are the fellow Fapstronaut's holding up ?
  6. ForMyQueen

    ForMyQueen Fapstronaut

    I declare my continued commitment to NoFap, my experience has been amazing. I'm 25 had porn induced ED, 206 days later I'm almost completely ED free and it feels great. No more Pmo for me, my love life with my beautiful woman is fucking amazing my mind has never been sharper, I'm fit working out, I have confidence in myself that I have never ever had before. I never worry about ed anymore. Happiness is so great and I can read books now that my brain fog is gone. You can do it guys sign me up I'm looking for a new AP. am totally cool with who ever and I can help you get better and ditch the Pmo and get a real girl/guy and have a clear mind more self confidence and just a better life free of Pmo. Keep strong gents and Amy gals on here you can do it!!!!!
  7. I'm still going too!
    Ayjaydubya, simba97 and Love369 like this.
  8. simba97

    simba97 Fapstronaut

    i feel like my confidence died along with my streak, it'll take time to get back to where i was.
    Ayjaydubya and Love369 like this.
  9. Love369

    Love369 Fapstronaut

    You will get it back for sure, just keep going at it with all your might. Time mends. Don't fall into the PMO trap, keep your head up high:):emoji_shamrock::)
  10. MonkeyPuzzle

    MonkeyPuzzle Fapstronaut

    Your confidence will come back, just keep fighting and stay strong!
    Ayjaydubya, Love369 and simba97 like this.
  11. simba97

    simba97 Fapstronaut

    @Love369 @MonkeyPuzzle Thanks guys i really appreciate it!
    I think i just let the stress get to me...just wondering how do you guys normally deal with everyday stress?
    Ayjaydubya, Love369 and MonkeyPuzzle like this.
  12. Love369

    Love369 Fapstronaut

    "A lobster is a soft mushy animal that lives inside a rigid shell. That rigid shell does not expand, so how can the lobster grow?

    Well, as the lobster grows that shell becomes very confining, and the lobster feels uncomfortable and under pressure. It goes under a rock formation, to protect itself from predatory fish, casts off the shell and produces a new one.

    Eventually that shell becomes very uncomfortable as it grows, and so it goes back under the rocks... the lobster repeats this numerous times.

    The stimulus for the lobster to be able to grow is that it feels uncomfortable.

    Now if lobsters had doctors, they would never grow!

    Because as soon as the lobster feels uncomfortable, goes to the doctor gets a valium, it feels fine and never casts off its shell.

    So I think we have to realise that times of stress are signals for growth, and if we use adversity properly, we can grow through adversity."
  13. MonkeyPuzzle

    MonkeyPuzzle Fapstronaut

    I've found after several weeks now that my ability to deal with stress gets better and better. In fact, I think PMO can really undermine your normal ability to deal with life in general and of course, it can become a vicious cycle, you feel stressed so you fap etc. So again, it's just a matter of giving it some time and reaping the benefits.
    djane46, Ayjaydubya and Love369 like this.
  14. simba97

    simba97 Fapstronaut

    @Love369 One of the best analogies i've ever read! thanks a heap for helping me see clearly.

    @MonkeyPuzzle Yes, that's true... during no PMO i was very much more focused. I'm going to fight through it this time and believe it all the way.
    Ayjaydubya and Love369 like this.
  15. djane46

    djane46 Guest

    October nearly finished free of porn, I'm waiting for November...
    Ayjaydubya and Deleted Account like this.
  16. Benjorizzo

    Benjorizzo Fapstronaut

    Here to declare a PMO free rest-of October before I wait one more day without doing it! I would like to declare that for November as well - will come back to make a reply in that thread also. No alcohol, no reading about sex, no erotic stories - none of those triggers. Thank you all for your accountability - this site is powerful.
    Ayjaydubya, djane46 and TMax84T like this.
  17. simba97

    simba97 Fapstronaut

    Ok so this is actually unacceptable, 3 days in a row now...I feel like i've lost my grip and i'm not going to make excuses to why this happened.
    Instead i will be punishing my self with cold-showers every morning and if i can go 5 days of NoFap i will bring back hot-showers. In addition, every time i relapse i will go-outside and run 2km and if it's too late i will do 200 push ups and 200 sit ups.
    Ayjaydubya and TMax84T like this.
  18. TMax84T

    TMax84T Fapstronaut

    Damn wish I saw this earlier

    Now lemme get my shit together, get off the dust and continue to grow in life!
    Ayjaydubya and simba97 like this.
  19. TMax84T

    TMax84T Fapstronaut


    Like your determination and I'm in it with you.

    However, remember never to hate yourself or your body.
    Instead, Love yourself (flaws and all) as you improve and gain control over yourself.
  20. simba97

    simba97 Fapstronaut

    Yeah i thought about the possible punishments i could do, for example whipping myself on the back or punching myself in the face...but as you can tell they're not really enforcing anything positive, just self-hate.

    On the other hand cold showers are actually beneficial, they increase adrenaline/dopamine levels and make you more awake.
    Exercise in general increases Neurogenesis and addictive behaviours have lots to do with the level of dopamine-2-receptors in the brain. It's found people with less D2 receptors usually have less self-control. So learning new things and exercise could possibly help create new neurons and ultimately improve self-control.