Almost relapsed today - Emergency

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Petros Santos, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    I saw some pictures on instagram and I got some huge cravings. This is difficult.... . I really want to masturbate, but inside of me i know that if I do that I will throw away all my progress and It will be more difficult to stop this addiction.

    Seems like I´m fighting against a gorilla of 600 kg. Sometimes I just want to relieve my emotional pain with masturbating and sex, but I know that it will not solve that and my life problems either.

    This is the most diffult fight that I ever had in my life.
    perseu_k, LogicX and Deleted Account like this.
  2. I feel you man I have the same problem a lot of the time. Try and unfollow people who are triggering urges or if it's on the search tab then you'll have to manually filter it.
    Petros Santos likes this.
  3. RPos

    RPos Fapstronaut

    We're all in this together my friend and we've got your back.

    We don't value that which comes too easy.

    Project yourself 90Days into the future, and think how incredible it's gonna feel having overcome all adversity and achieving the goals that motivated you to undertake this journey.

    Take it 1Day at a time. When it gets tough, take is 1 hour, or even 1 minute at a time and count down the hours until the next day. Distraction is the key.
    LogicX and Petros Santos like this.
  4. You could leave the house or put on music and dance around or have a shower or combine a few distractions at once or call someone or something else of your choice.

    This week I've been doing some emotional freedom techniques (EFT). A good distraction. You can find many on YouTube.
    Petros Santos likes this.
  5. Sometimes when I get an urge I just imagine myself walking around the next day feeling happier and more confident because I didn't end my streak. Then the urge loses its appeal quite a bit.
    RPos, LogicX and Petros Santos like this.
  6. Menta_Na

    Menta_Na Fapstronaut

    Find a way to stay inspired. Use every resource you have. the only drive more powerful in man than sex is the need to eat i believe. don't quote me on that. but If you can overcome this, you can overcome anything.
    Petros Santos and RPos like this.
  7. perseu_k

    perseu_k Fapstronaut

    Come on, man! Don't loose the control, brother! It's a phase, and if you overcome that, everything else becomes easier. Remember, the most important thing to defeat any challenge is your discipline. I know you're tempted, I know it's difficult to deal with. But, you as a man have a goal, and now you gotta accomplish it. Don't fool yourself. Don't waste everything you have built by now, because if you do you go back to ground zero. And that's the worst feeling. Is hard, but not impossible. Pass those photos to out of your sight. Keep focused!

    - The Warrior
    Petros Santos likes this.
  8. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    thanks very much. I´m feeling good today and I didn´t relapse. we have to live one day at the time.

    I´m doing whathever it takes to change my life. I´m not going to parties, I´m not socializing with girls and I´m not driking alchool and taking drugs, because I know that if I do that I will relapse with porn or sex. It´s hard, but this limitations it´s not forever.

    After 90 days of sobriety I will began to talk with girls and going to parties with small steps at time.

    I just wanted to share this.
    perseu_k likes this.
  9. Menta_Na

    Menta_Na Fapstronaut

    I cant smoke weed because it makes me horny. sucks. but i'm trying not to put to much pressure on myself, and i don't think you should too. do what you have to or what you believe is best for you