Sex post reboot from SOs perspective

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by JML524, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. JML524

    JML524 Fapstronaut

    A little background: Hubby and I had DDay on 11/20. He’s cutting out P and M completely, but we are cautiously still having sex. We have an understanding our sex will have to change as well, as in the past we have tended to avoided intimacy, and I have relied on M to O, whereas he has retreated to fantasies when “needed”.

    So here we are, after a couple of relapses he is at 10 days PMO free. After a bunch of bad days we had a really good one - we were feeling connected and strong and optimistic. He’s taking a nap when I arrive home from work. I lay down next to him to say hello. We chat, cuddle, and mutually initiate sex.

    We’re using “safe” positions that encourage intimacy in order to help him stay in the moment with me and out of his fantasies. I’m also trying to stay in the moment... but here are a few of the thoughts I was struggling with and working hard to shut down (I’ve tried to avoid triggers, but please guard yourself and your sobriety):

    - is he really desiring me, or just horny because it’s been 10 days since he last O’d?
    -he told me he would tell me if his mind wasn’t right, but how would I know? Wait, would he even know???
    -I know he likes my boobs, why does he ignore them during sex?
    - should I ask him to? (I never ask for what I want)
    - sure, we’re trying to do this differently, here goes!
    -oh crap.... what if the reason he doesn’t take my shirt off is because that means he also has to look at my fat?
    - yes, definitely. That’s definitely why. Ugh, I’m so gross. Also, why don’t I shave more often?
    - no wonder he doesn’t want to look at this. No wonder he fantasizes. How could he possibly get turned on by looking at me?
    - what would he rather be looking at?
    - *enter thoughts of every image I know he’s ever looked at*
    - how can I ever compete with that?
    - did he just close his eyes? Is he losing the connection? Do we need to stop? Is he here with me....okay, he opened his eyes again.
    - wait, now I’m closing my eyes... am I avoiding intimacy too? Get it together woman!!
    - maybe we should try _____ (one of his fav positions)... will that trigger him? I don’t want him to be too excited in the old ways and get into his fantasies. But I also don’t want him to get too bored and get into his fantasies. How will we ever make this work?

    These were just some of the thoughts and doubts creeping into my head. I continued to push them aside and fought to stay in the moment, but it wasn’t easy. And post-sex they all came back to me.

    So, if you’re the SO feeling these things (and probably thousands more) you aren’t alone. Check out SOS group forum.

    And if you’re the PA who is choosing intimacy with your SO during your recovery, be aware. Combat all these terrible thoughts by making sure they know you find them beautiful and attractive (and not just when you’re horny). Make sure to be honest with them if your thoughts stray and you need to take a break or stop during sex. Even though it would be VERY painful to have to stop for that reason, that’s much better than trying to read your mind looking for nasty thoughts every time we’re being intimate. And please communicate before, during, and after sex. We’re afraid to ask about your head space - we don’t want the pain of a bad answer or the doubts of a good one. So if you’re in a good place (fantasy and urge free!) find a way to tell us! We love to hear when you’re having a good day!
    Hopefulgirl, kropo82, Torn and 4 others like this.
  2. I'm wishing both of you the very best on your journey to PMO free life for your husband and be totally yours! With such support I think he has great chances to win his addiction!
    Thank you for this great piece of advice!
    Jennica likes this.
  3. JML524

    JML524 Fapstronaut

    This morning he relapsed. My brain tells me that sex with me is so repulsive and dissatisfying that afterwards he has to view P cause his O was wasted on me.
  4. mcgrim

    mcgrim Fapstronaut

    I don't believe he feels that way about you. There are good SO's on here that I believe will be able to help you because I'm sure they will be able to identify with how you feel.
    Jennica likes this.
  5. JML524

    JML524 Fapstronaut

    I know it’s not how he feels. But it’s how I feel.
  6. mcgrim

    mcgrim Fapstronaut

    You can and will get through this. It won't be easy but I have learned nothing worth doing is easy.
  7. Guaranteed what he's thinking:


    PMO addiction is sometimes much more simple than women make it out it be. It's rarely about dissatisfaction with a wife's body. It's almost always about extremely easy pleausre, escape, and coping mechanism. Just like he can't always trust his mind, sometimes you shouldn't trust yours.
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  8. AliceIce

    AliceIce Fapstronaut

    You wrote everything ive been thinking and then some. I'm. Sorry your going through this too.
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  9. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    OR sex is so good you overloaded him into a Chaser Effect?
  10. Was about to go there. Sometimes sex later reignites a brain pathway that I use to look for porn.
    CowardlyLion likes this.
  11. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    My hubby had the chaser effect regularly after we had good sessions so he was worried about it in rebooting.
    CowardlyLion and Deleted Account like this.
  12. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    All of these feelings are normal in the situation that you are in, I felt them as well. I know that you know deep down that it has nothing to do with your or your level of attraction but no matter how many times we as SOs are told that we still feel unattractive and undesired. One addict in recovery on here told me something early on that stuck. He said that even if the porn star walked off the screen right now into your partners bedroom, he would still have the same issues in bed that he has with you. It is not about attractiveness. It is about his inability to be intimate. Sexual release has alway been a solo experience for him. Even in bed with you in the past, it has. He was fantasizing during sex with you. Most women that have had sex with a PMO addict describe a man that is very removed from the sexual experience. For me it felt like he was just masturbating to me rather than porn. There was very little touching, no eye contact, no connection. He likes boobs, but touching them to reach sexual pleasure is not something familiar to him. Real life women and intimacy are new to sex addicts. It is a total change of mindset that has to occur.
    Hopefulgirl and TooMuchTooSoon like this.
  13. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    What an amazing and honest post. Thank you.
  14. JML524

    JML524 Fapstronaut

    Here’s the other thing about all of this that makes me feel *so* stupid. My husband is legitimately my ultimate fantasy. Before this reboot I would M and occassionally view P. Almost always to O I have to visualize my husband and I being intimate. Like put the P away and focus on this.

    I know our brains work differently, esp since he’s been PA since age 12. I know it’s not his choice or his fault, I know he would change it if he could. But it’s so “unfair”. Makes me feel like such a fool.

    (I put “unfair” in quotes because I know some people have an emotional/negative reation to that word - not sure how else to describe it though)
    kropo82, GG2002, mcgrim and 1 other person like this.
  15. Same here. Any fantasizing I do is reliving previous encounters we've had. ;)

    And I think unfair works just fine in the sense that things are inequitable. Most people feel foolish if they're into someone more than that person is reciprocating and/or if they're operating without full knowledge. That's pretty much what's going on with all of us here. Always exceptions but there's a reason the 'not enough' feeling is so frequently mentioned. When your partner is enough for you but not vice versa... :(
  16. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Mental monogamy.
    It's not a unfair thing to want from a spouse
  17. WantsToBelieve

    WantsToBelieve Fapstronaut

    Same though. I totally get it. And it hurts, to know they've probably never M'd to thoughts of you. Mine says he has, but I imagine it's along with P, possibly imagining me doing the things that they do in P. Which is very different.
    Jennica likes this.
  18. Zapster21

    Zapster21 Fapstronaut

    I have a girlfriend myself, and I am always very cautious about having sex with her when rebooting! Simply because when I have sex with her, afterward the urge for sexual stimulation is so intense, that it's even harder to resist porn. My body simply craves to go back to my old ways. It has nothing to do with my girlfriend. It is simply inside of me.
    kropo82 likes this.
  19. If he started when he was 12, it was not about you. (For those of you where it started later, the converse does not always hold true. IOW, it still probably wasn't about you either!) I'm sure you've already realized that, but it should be reinforced.

    Second, even if he's addicted, it's still his fault. Just like me, he chose to start this. Your sympathy is appreciated, but excuses are not warranted. It is a difficult cycle to break though, and he is really blessed to have your support. (I hope he realizes that!)

    A man's desire to please his wife is real. To provide for her physically, to satisfy her sexually, to be able to keep her happy. You may not be seeing that, but I expect that it is there. So...
    • You say you're afraid he feels his O was wasted on you. NO! An O is never wasted on your own wife! If there is some disappointment there, it is almost certainly felt of himself, wanting to be able to perform better, or wishing you two would have connected better.
    • You said you never ask for what you want. Tell him! (I wish my wife would.) He likely wants to know how to make you more excited and to satisfy you more. Personally, there's no better pleasure than for my wife to achieve her O. A man pretty much always gets his O, but if I know my wife is enjoying the effort, it makes my O that much better.
    I can't tell you that he will not think of someone else when he's with you, but if you make sure you are enjoying your time together, that's where he will want to be.

    BTW, closing your eyes doesn't mean as much as you think. I close my eyes sometimes because I can't change camera angles, while I'm still thinking about my wife.

    Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm still navigating these waters, but it's beautiful to see how you are trying to work this out. Just reading this makes me want to hold my wife a little closer. My eyes are more than one way.
    kropo82 and Hopefulgirl like this.