I feel my life isn't exciting

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. Well everytime a girl asks me what do I do I tell something like:
    Im IT guy, i do bookmaking, i create video games and I do sports, i learn languages ...and they are like : 'oh, cool.' . I feel like they are not interested in that life at all. But not anybody can be a fucking DJ or singer or famous actor. Tons of my friends have similar life yet they have girlfriends. Well I dunno If I should feel baad about that. I feel like my life is pretty boring.... what do you think about ur life?
    KongDong likes this.
  2. My life is so boring I have pseudo-precognition on events in it. I feel so devoid of energy I may be dragging my body around
  3. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    Tell 'em you put those little stickers on the apples and oranges and fruit & stuff.. :) (usually gets a smile, ask what she does for a living.. keep questions rolling about her and her interests - she might think she's got it boring too..)
    Deleted Account and vibemaker like this.
  4. Nope!

    Exciting is overrated. My husband and I pretty much spend most of our time together watching TV shows or plying games or hanging out with family. We love our life together. Not everyone feels the need to go skydiving or to a new country every month or something. You're perfectly fine how you are. Don't let society tell you that there's something wrong with you for being who you are. In the past, people all lived very simple lives, and they still had a great time. There's nothing wrong with being simple. Find yourself a simple lady, and you'll be happy together.
  5. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Lots of people lead boring and dull lives. The rest try hard to give the impression that they literally have no boring moments in their life; it's all a front. Facebook and instagram is not real life.
  6. Carrotman

    Carrotman Fapstronaut

    Have no fear...For Carrotman is here!!!
    Dude your life sounds amazing man! Make video games and learn new languages is actually freaking awesome! Listen man, those girls that think your life is boring sound pretty lame to me. One day, you're gonna run into a special woman that will think your life is a thrilling adventure, regardless of your occupation. And even then, her just being near ya will be an experience you'll never forget and ya gonna forget those other girls. With this special person, youre gonna be like, " Those girls who thought my life is boring are really missing out." Hope the wording came out right for that, but you get what I'm saying. It won't happen now but in the future.
    Stay strong and eat your veggies!
    Carrotman Aaaaaaaaway!
  7. A41:14A

    A41:14A Fapstronaut

    Awesome inspirational post right there @Carrotman :)
    You the man!!
    Deleted Account, Carrotman and Lions like this.
  8. KongDong

    KongDong Fapstronaut

    I'm 17 and have never kissed someone before. I don't know if it's bad or not that I don't give a shit right now. But I know that everyone can kiss MY ass if they have a problem with MY lifestyle.

    My sole focus is to have a career when I turn 18. That's why I have been trying to learn everything I can about computer programming and web development. I guess my point is, if someone thinks you're boring, don't let it bring down your confidence in yourself and what you can do. Just wait for the right person.

    Stay badass.
  9. hexotl

    hexotl Fapstronaut

    You state two contradictions in your statement. First, you believe that women are not interested in your lifestyle. Second, there are women who are interested in your friends who have a similar lifestyle as you do. So, good news: there are women who are interested in your kind of lifestyle.

    I think the problem might be your attitude. If you believe that your life is boring, then I guess you cannot at the same time convince others that your life is interesting. I don't know what the exact problem is. Maybe you are shy when talking to women and you downplay what you are doing. Maybe if you talk about IT you are too technical for someone who is not familiar with what you are doing. That makes it difficult to give advice. But maybe the following helps. Ask yourself why do you do this stuff, why is it worth the blood and sweat, why do I care about it? Maybe this gives you an angle why you are interested in these projects/hobbies. If you know why you do this, then you are giving women a reason why they should or could be interested in them as well.

    Best wishes,
    Deleted Account, KongDong and A41:14A like this.
  10. I second Cassie. My original reaction (just being honest here) was, why do you care?

    If you're bored that's one thing, but don't just change for "getting girls". It's overated anyway.

    Don't worry about your life. You got enough to eat, a roof over your head? Good. Now decide what it is YOU want to do with your time and do it.
    KongDong and Deleted Account like this.
  11. RememberWhyWeQuit

    RememberWhyWeQuit Fapstronaut

    Do whatever you feel compelled to do doing IT work and learning languages and playing sports are amazing hobbies. Just do whatever you are interested and passionate about screw what other people think. Your life is whatever you make of it so, just focus on yourself and whatever makes you happy. That person just doesn't mess with you doesn't mean others won't. I think the life you are living is great and that it's amazing that you keep trying to pursue different activities.
  12. SD_W

    SD_W Fapstronaut

    It's probably the way how you talk about your stuff. When you start like "yeah I do this and that" nobody will be interested. But if you go like "Well you know I have this passion for creating video games. It just feels awesome to create something out of nothing etc. etc." Bring some emotions into your speech like hexotl said

    It's a thing I gotta learn too ;)
  13. Do your own life. Live for yourself, not for others. Your life seems fine to me. A think a calm stress-free life is the best kind of life. Loads of people are looking for excitement, danger, competitively etc and as a result most people are stressed. You only have to look at the number of passive-aggressive or aggressive drivers..or walk the road and see how miserable/angry most people are to get my point..lot's of people bump each other walking busy streets...lot's of unhappy and stressed out people..that love to put others down etc

    No one else's life really matters in reality. Everyone lives in their own bubble most of the time where they are the only person or thing that matters...that's just reality I'm afraid.

    I can tell the main thing here is you want a girlfriend..

    If you want to a girlfriend then you must be yourself and not try to be anyone else. And be confident about yourself and what you like. And remember as we get older what we like and don't like can change too. Nothing is set in stone including your personality and likes/dislikes. Good luck..
  14. Hmmm..I would say, don't give them a straight answer. Make it fun.

    Like, even if you are an IT guy, tell them you repair dog armor for a living or something. Make them laugh, and then carry the conversation from there.

    What I usually do is, if a girl asks me a question like that, I reply with something ridiculous, and try my best to carry the conversation and make her believe me, until she inevitably finds out that I don't actually build dog armor for a living. Then she usually giggles and/or punches me, or gets very confused.
  15. hahaha guys im laughting out loud - you are awesome and 100% right about how I think and what I do ;) I should believe what is cool for me may be cool for others. Depends how I say about it.
  16. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    They aren't interested because you didn't give them a reason to be interested. You basically gave her something equivalent to a grocery list. A point by point summary of your life. Like a profile summary. No, it's not necessary to be a DJ or an actor, but it is necessary for you to talk about your interests in a more engaging way. She doesn't have to be interested in the activity itself. She just has to be engaged in the way you speak about that activity.

    If you asked me what I do, and I gave you a random list of things you don't give a shit about or aren't familiar about, then you too wouldn't be interested.... but if I actually delved in deeper to one or two of those things rather than giving you an empty list, then that at least gives you a chance to ask questions about it and explore my life a bit more.

    Which sports do you play? Which languages? Why those ones? Why not other ones? How long have you been doing them? What made you get into it in the first place? Tell me about one of the video games you've created recently. Do you enjoy bookmaking and IT or is more for the sake of stability and financial reasons?

    Also ask about her life and get her to delve deeper into it. Be interested to be interesting. Be interested in her and about your life as well.

    So it's not that your life is boring, it's because you express yourself in a boring way. She doesn't have to like what you do. She can like somebody with the same interests more because they expressed themselves better.

    If you're bored by explaining what you do, then of course other people are going to be bored as well. If you're actually interested in the things you do in life, then show it.