New green girlie

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Dec 19, 2017.

  1. Roy. Can you relax. I will double check my messages. I have lots of typos.
  2. Roy G. Biv

    Roy G. Biv Fapstronaut

    If you are an honest person, then I apologize for my doubt: but your comments so far make me wonder.

    A beautiful sex-crazed woman (if you really are any of those things) walks into a community of guys who are specifically trying to stop masturbating, and starts to describe her problem with insatiable lust in triggering ways.

    Maybe your story is true...but frankly, it could very easily be a classic case of trolling.

    Even in the best case scenario (you're telling the truth), you may not belong in this particular community: you're grappling with sex addiction, not P&M addiction. So I'm not sure it's really in your best interest to hang around here either way?

    No hard feelings though!
  3. Rob_B_

    Rob_B_ Fapstronaut

    Can't say the thought didn't cross my mind. And that's putting it mildly.
    rostronaut and Hopefulgirl like this.
  4. HashMachine

    HashMachine Fapstronaut

    Why did you wrote "chosexthe"or was it an auto-correct...??? ;)
  5. Trucker

    Trucker Fapstronaut

    I'm new here too, you say you want to tease ? It's like pouring a beer in front of an alcoholic! You know it's a big temptation?
    Roy G. Biv likes this.
  6. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    Didn't see her mentioning about being beautiful. Maybe getting guys is the way how to fix low self esteem due to not good looking appearance, could explain why she enjoys teasing them ;) Very beautiful girls which look like those you see on porn in real life usually get one rich guy if they didn't go prostitution path ;)
  7. TwelveFoot

    TwelveFoot Fapstronaut

    Maybe it's because I didn't see her original profile pic, but I don't see what she's done wrong. And I hate to see someone who's looking for help driven away.
  8. Thank you Twelve foot. Much appreciated. I steered up the community. It’s my mistake. I tempted which I should not do especially here. I did not intentionally. I saw others openly writing about sex and I did the same. But my problem is less Pmo but different. I can take the many blows I got knowing where they come from. These are sincere people trying to resolve an issue, which should be nothing but supported.

    What Anna writes does not fit. But I don’t blame her either. So please everyone accept my apology. I will not steer up anything anymore and will seek if there is a different path I should go.

    Thanks for many of you and the feedbacks. Very nice ones and harsh ones alike. Best to you all
    HashMachine and Purity of Speech like this.
  9. Purity of Speech

    Purity of Speech Fapstronaut

    i appreciate the community reaction but let's also not forget that it takes two to tango...
  10. Dr_prof

    Dr_prof Fapstronaut

    @Sabine Maurer

    You are most welcome here. I too suffer from sex addiction, and really in the scheme of life there is no difference between that and PMO as its all based on fantasy. I believe you are genuine and in need of as much support as any one of us here. Welcome and keep coming back. A few reflective pointers for us all :

    1. We should always use spoiler alert if discussing things which may trigger others.
    2. Use avatars which should not trigger anyone as beautiful girl pics although innocent and found on the net are just Psubs to some people.
    3. We all have our faults and defects of character ( speaking 12 steps here LOL ). I have as many as others. Just humbly accept advice given from others to help improve our own wellbeing and behaviour.

    Lets draw this argument to a close now. Welcome Sabine.
    HashMachine and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Thank you for the post. Is this pic ok?
  12. Roy G. Biv

    Roy G. Biv Fapstronaut

    I was basing that part on something a previous poster had said about her original photo (which she later changed).

    Anyway, I hear what you're saying. I hope I'm wrong about Sabine, and I wish her well.
    2525 likes this.
  13. Roy G. Biv

    Roy G. Biv Fapstronaut

    No difference between PMO and sex addiction?

    Hmm...but what about sex addicts who don't masturbate or watch porn? How can they be addicted to P&M?

    Or for that matter, masturbators who don't have sex? Are they addicted to sex, or to masturbation?

    Aren't the two things distinct?
    ..Anna.. likes this.
  14. HashMachine

    HashMachine Fapstronaut

    I'm happy that you're here to recover from something that everyone of use also suffers from, but don't speak such cruel words for a person which may hurt them and refrain them from coming over here just because of what they wrote. Maybe she was brought up in this sort of environment and she might take sometime to adjust to the surrounds of this forum. Try to give some free space to a person, I've complete faith on @Sabine Maurer and believes that she will acquire the requisite etiquettes to write on this portal.
    And @anna don't take my words too harsh on you, just understand that how would you feel if you were treated the same as Sabine, with negative comments and criticizes. I know that whatever reaction we have are just out of normal human behavior, we don't like to do something which is not of our nature. But we must understand that every person is unique in himself/herself and we all must abide by the rules.
  15. Dr_prof

    Dr_prof Fapstronaut

    Whether u are addicted to pmo or to sex I believe underneath it’s fantasy that you are addicted to, thus little difference.
  16. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    PMO of course doesn't involve another person, in that sense you're doing it to yourself with the "help" of the content.

    Of course, this assumes it is recorded or automated stuff vs. like chat or camming. In that case it is mediated and is sort of a hybrid thing where there's interaction with another person, but what is exchanged is actually just encoded information in the form of words or a digital image/video stream. So we have:

    1. Sex addiction
    2. Porn addiction
    3. Cybersex addiction

    What's the significance of the difference? With sex addiction it is a dynamic that is very much locked into the physical presence of the other person, two people might text each other or something when they're not around each other but for them most of it happens when they are, the communication just serves as a trigger. With the mediated cybersex addiction it's pretty much ALL such communication, and if someone can get off to sexting then initiating the conversation is already within the same medium that the climax happens with.

    This is why I think the way we work with the medium should be looked at. Even aside from sex related addictions it's just not great for socialization. There is more and more information out there about that now and the good news is if someone understands that and deals with the underlying addiction to the medium itself, the platform that cybersex and porn addiction relies on, it's going to make a big difference in your recovery. Sex addiction recovery groups should have meetings that focus on the digitally mediated stuff and have specific tools that deal with that process. How many people are addicted to sexually explicit content through a print book they have to buy at the store in person?
    Roy G. Biv likes this.
  17. Thanks for the comments Dr prof Roy and also Anna. So my subject and the unclarity I have about it is also a discussion in general.
    Because a sex addict can have sex and not fall under PMO. So in this case the sa could go a long time and not have a problem under the Pmo rules but falls under being a sex addict the entire time.
  18. I don’t want to steer up further. To settle this I am considered a quite pretty girl looking close to the pic here. I don’t have a compensation problem for looks rather psychologically trauma driven, which I try to clear.
  19. Dr_prof

    Dr_prof Fapstronaut

    You are welcome here as much as anyone else Sabine. Well done for your 4 days. If you want further information on support groups such as slaa there is a group on nofap which you may find helpful or you can pm me.
    DarkwingDuck likes this.