What porn did to Ted Bundy

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by JoelJJ777, May 16, 2014.

  1. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Are you a troll? 19 days and you expect for your brain and nature to heal? Sorry man but you're very mistaken. 2-3 years of abstinence then you can dismiss nofap if you don't see any results. In that case you would be permanently damaged.
  2. hopepeacelove

    hopepeacelove Fapstronaut

    Yes Ted Bundy motivated me to quit porn. It gets more and more intense until you decide to seek out real life fantasies. It is unfortunate that he had some violent fetishes as well.
  3. alan

    alan Fapstronaut

    2-3 years?! Damn, that sounds hard as shit, that's not with abstinence from sex either right? and I didn't think 19 days would've fixed stuff but I thought I'd be able to see something..
  4. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Sex too much will slow down your reboot, unfortunately.
  5. Weiland

    Weiland Fapstronaut

    Depends. Honestly, for me, the reboot was about cleaning out garbage and preparing for my marriage - which is in a couple of weeks, with which there will be much sex involved, rest assured. Chasing after my purity for but a month at this point will still have drastic changes, and has allowed me to see more and more beauty in my mate and enjoy interaction beyond the sexual. It works.

    Yeaaah, Clumsy is pretty no-holds-barred in his approach to, well, everything. You'll get used to it. Most of what he says has a caveat to it.
  6. Nageroma

    Nageroma Fapstronaut

    I remember watching this a few years ago and also reading the Only Living Witness. I think it's an important eye opener for people struggling, or even just open to the idea of Hardcore pornography. This guy grew up in a Christian home. That being said, it was an abusive home with his "father", being his actual grandfather, throwing his mother and wife down the stairs when he was angry. This going right along with the violence in the pornography that he involved himself in, it's little wonder why he jumped off the deep end.

    Of course, it doesn't have the same effect it has on all men. Just like any addiction, there are different responses. But witnessing violence first hand, and then being involved with something that fed the addiction; it takes the first step to commit the crime - with or without alcohol - and once you get a taste of it, it consumes you.

    It's important to point out that he may have been involved in this starting at age 15. He was a suspect in a crime where a 6-year-old girl went missing that he used to watch at piano practice. This is why porn, and violence shouldn't be shown to children. They aren't able to comprehend what they are watching and it becomes a normal behavior for them - they pick up on everything their parents are doing; if that involves beating your wife, or husband, mind you, then that's the behavior they are going to carry on to adulthood.
  7. Hiroki

    Hiroki Fapstronaut

    I started watching porn at about 12, me and my cousins would look at our uncle's playboys even younger. Never ever have I had thoughts about laying a hand on a woman in violence. I think Ted Bundy had alot more going on than a porn problem.
  8. Nageroma

    Nageroma Fapstronaut

    Oh it was more than just porn. But porn had a huge impact as well, he was also a thief, he was angry and bitter over his mother lying to him, over his "parents" beating her and what set him off and what gave him the motive was his girlfriend in college dumping him. That's why his victims had the "brown hair down the middle" look.

    He was filled with bitterness and anger. Having that hardcore porn at his fingers didn't help matters any, though. It only filled his resentment.
    t-jam likes this.
  9. t-jam

    t-jam Fapstronaut

    Ok now I see why Clumsy was banned.

    Anyways let me embed the video here:

  10. t-jam

    t-jam Fapstronaut

    4 years later and a majority of society is still fapping away like glass caged monkeys.
    Thackeray likes this.
  11. joarev85

    joarev85 Fapstronaut

    How did know?
  12. t-jam

    t-jam Fapstronaut

    He ain't gonna answer brother he was banned years ago.

    I am assuming he is talking about the ancient Eastern medical systems and the knowledge of sages from China and India.
  13. t-jam

    t-jam Fapstronaut

    @LonerWolf There may be evidence of this but people involved in the porn industry cannot be called Jewish according to the actual standards of Judaism even if they descend from Jewish families.

    @joarev85 Also ancient Roman genii like Pythagoras and his cohorts comprehended sexual energy much differently than many Western medical doctors do today.

    I suggest searching the term semen in the forum search and you should find what you seek.
  14. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

  15. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    And this is before high speed internet where you can easily stream any number of type of porn on demand right?
    Jennica likes this.
  16. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    Yes, most of these are 1970’s-1980’s SK.
    H.H. Holms was America’s first SK at the first Chicago worlds fare. He built the murder castle and it’s believed he had over 100 victims, women and children.

    And people like to say that porn lowers the risk of violent behaviors as an outlet. This to me kinda shows otherwise.
  17. Probably the same 'sources' the Nazi's used.
    There's always someone who has to blame the Jews.
  18. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    What does being Jewish have anything to with it even if it were true?
    The reality is after watching documentaries and have met wannabe producers in person most Porn “producers” are big time delusional sex addicts themselves. It doesn’t matter what color, ethnicity or religion they are.
    Deleted Account likes this.