Return To Form!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Stav.ellinika, Dec 30, 2017.

  1. Stav.ellinika

    Stav.ellinika New Fapstronaut

    Hello guys. My name is Stavros. I am a 16-year-old boy from Greece and am a performing musician in a band at night and work a part-time job in fast food during the day. When it comes to my life on its own, I think I have it pretty damn good. Wonderful parents and sister, a passion that will become a profession, loyal friends and acquaintances, a fun job with a friendly manager, and many more. However, internally I feel myself deteriorating like outdated milk. This is thanks to PMO addiction. I have very strong brain fog, I get depressed and anxious very easily, and I have many insecurity issues. This all happened when I discovered PMO last November. When I first discovered it, it was like finding diamonds in a mine. It felt amazing for a few months and I could not go a day without doing it at least twice. Then in mid to late February, I began noticing that everyday activity became quite tiring. It was taking a lot more out of me. Around March, the brain fog became noticeable and it never improved, it was a steady decline and it kept getting worse with each day. By about April/May, I began experiencing strong insecurity issues and I kept losing more and more energy. By June/July, I began gaining weight, and that did not help my insecurity issues. By September to mid-December, I had lost so much energy that I would mess up sentences constantly or say hurtful things to people. subconsciously. My only escape from all this was PMO. It was not even a treatment or a cure, it was a relief. It was only last week that I stopped bullshitting myself and realized I have a serious problem. I always hated the fact I had brain fog. I went to countless counselors for answers to this confusing brain fog. They had no clue. Then all of a sudden, I put two and two together and realized that my dependency on a quick high from PMO is causing my slowly growing misery. I always avoided NoFap because I was so addicted to PMO. I always tried to look at the opposing side of NoFap to know why what I was doing was good. I eventually stopped bullshitting myself a couple days ago and am going to quit PMO for as long as I possibly can. Or at least until in the future, I meet the right woman and we can bond mentally, physically, and emotionally. As far as masturbation and porn go, however, they're getting the big boot out the door. I started yesterday and already feel a little bit fresher than usual. I had more energy and got along better with my family.

    I am determined and prepared for the worst.
    This is my return to form.

    I need your help guys. I need advice and tips. Can you give me any extra pointers to avoid relapsing?
    A41:14A likes this.
  2. malwarebytes

    malwarebytes Fapstronaut

    have a big reason in your mind, a new mindset that you won´t go back to PMO because it fucks up your life. currently for me its to keep my girlfriend (when i met her i was in love but the feelings went away due to fapping). what is it for you? do you want to keep your friends? do you want to keep your job? well then you better get your shit together ;)
  3. Stav.ellinika

    Stav.ellinika New Fapstronaut

    i just want my old life back from years ago with mental clarity, enhanced life perception and self satisfaction. Not really a girlfriend or job. those are secure, (well, one of them. I am single and fine with it.) But i want that self satisfaction and to get rid of that nagging brain fog i have had for years.