I have not masturbated since December, but the thoughts, fantasies and memories are still in my mind

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mark85, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Mark85

    Mark85 Fapstronaut

    Hello, I am new here and the truth is that I am grateful to everyone and the creator of this site. The thing is that since December I do not masturbate but a lot of temptation is in my mind, many fetishes, for example, I say "feet" in my mind and automatically awakens my fetish and my libido is erect and the same happens when out of nothing I name Incest in my mind. I was addicted to voyeur porn, incestuous porn, mature porn, many times to the transwoman, also several times practice voyeurism in my house with my family and I regret my heart. When I mention all this my libido wants to erect but I feel sorry or something like that and it goes down to its normal size. I need help, because masturbation is no longer there, but thoughts and temptation are. For the only thing that I do not masturbate is because of the fear of God, because I swore I would not do it, but hey, that's a spiritual issue. Please I need help. Thank you very much
  2. Sitka

    Sitka Fapstronaut

    I have somewhat of the same issues. Its usually what happens when my mind isn't focused on something at the time. A lot of it was helped when I left the social media app that I was using to talk to people for flirting and phone sex, and that brought down my triggered state quite a lot. But I still get those thoughts, but I'm training my brain to immediately push those thoughts away the second they arise. As long as you don't hang onto those thoughts, your mind will eventually retrain itself. If you need anyone to talk to about this stuff, feel free to message me, I deal a lot with this exact thing and maybe we can swap ideas of combating it :)
    Mark85 likes this.
  3. w95chris

    w95chris Fapstronaut

    Well the thoughts don't go away that easy.It is something your brain has learned to link with masturbation and it takes time for it to "unlearn" it.Just be patient and don't give in.In order for your brain to reboot it needs to do it slowly and piece by piece.Imagine having a bunch of pictures or videos on your hard drive and you have to go trough each and every one in order to see which ones to keep and which to delete.Something similar happens to your brain.Just find a way to distract yourself in order not to have these thoughts and eventually they will disappear
    Mark85 likes this.
  4. Mark85

    Mark85 Fapstronaut

    thank you very much for your attention
  5. Like a poop filled vessel emptied and left out to dry, the scent of prior crap may linger? All I can say is it should air out to freshness in time so long as more poop isn't placed inside...