Groping How do you react.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Swissgirl, Dec 25, 2017.

  1. I Am that I Am

    I Am that I Am Fapstronaut

    Let's talk about Trump for a moment. Actually I am going to sleep.

    The Doctor will,

  2. I'm sorry that boys treat you so inappropriately, I don't think I could ever stand idly by while something like that happens, even if it meant my ass getting kicked down the street. I don't mean to come off so nobly however I feel like human beings should be treated much better than being groped. I've never done anything like that due to my morals and I'm pretty sure the guilt from something like that force me to take my life. If I'm being really crude guys like that need mace to the face.
    Swissgirl likes this.
  3. SilentJay313

    SilentJay313 Fapstronaut

    No good person should ever grope anyone ever. I would never think of doing something like that to anyone.
    Deleted Account and Swissgirl like this.
  4. Laina

    Laina Fapstronaut

    I agree. But men do it. I experience this too
  5. Laina

    Laina Fapstronaut

    I know also to freeze in a situation. But that is somehow my reaction to male assault in general
  6. While it us true there are predatory men and such, fortunately the majority of them aren't like that.

    Too right mate, unfortunately the problem is most places including here it's illegal to carry pepper spray. So I had to get a lower grade animal/dog spray, and thankfully I've only had to use it once.
    A leaf and Star Lord like this.
  7. Laina

    Laina Fapstronaut

    I would neve dare to use this! I too am a frozen one when it happans which I know is not good. Last summer btw this happened five times. So while not ever Man is a pig there are enough to make one uncomfortable.
  8. I don't understand how that happened that much to you but I'm sorry to hear, maybe it's your area/neighbourhood? I've only had one case of getting assaulted but it wasn't in my town and just a place I was visiting, I'm eternally grateful for my reaction time.

    But yeah, I've never had one problem in my home town so I really don't know, some places are worse than others I guess.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Laina

    Laina Fapstronaut

    Yes. For sure not so good. I wear sexy. But I don’t want to cut down....
  10. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Franken only comes around when she's asleep.
    Runtilmylegsdropoff and Laina like this.
  11. Unfortunately dressing that way even if it isn't warranted can draw attention from those types of people, especially depending on where you live. The biggest cities are usually the worst I've found.

    But again, there's thousands upon thousands of people in a city so something like that could potentially happen unfortunately. Same thing as for when that happened to me, I don't hold men accountable because of what an individual did.
  12. Wow, that's pretty pathetic. It's a groper's world out there in UK innit?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. I wouldn't know, I've never been groped.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    All you gotta do is assault them back. Screw it. They chose their fate when they decided to rub you the wrong way.
  15. the.soldier

    the.soldier New Fapstronaut

    tbh your style of clothing should be considered in this as well. Many men will automatically think you're in for som fuq. I know you only dress like this to impress chad and groping is a subhuman thing, but first think about dressing more appropriate. I cringe all the time when I see women with tight ass yoga pants and tits hanging out complaining that they got stared at. You can't change the nature of men in this regard.
  16. No matter how fearful something might be, you have to snap out of it, get a grip, and actually do something. If I just let fear take over when I was attacked I would of been screwed, the other person assaulting obviously doesn't care about you as a human being, so if you just stand there frozen you'll most likely end up dead depending on the circumstances.

    Obviously that's a more severe thing, but nobody should get away with doing anything to you or your body, especially in broad day light. I don't have an answer for if somebody was groping as I've never had that happen to me, but I just know I sure as hell wouldn't take that shit lying down.
  17. iRebootMyself

    iRebootMyself Fapstronaut

    Whenever someone does it to you, slap his face and kick him in the balls, they are mostly cowards, don't be afraid to act.
  18. Scream at him. They will never do it again.


  19. Depending on the circumstance yeah. If they just touched you I don't think that would go well in court, regardless of personal boundaries.
  20. You could end up having a criminal record if you end up doing that...

    or in hospital. This is what happened to a woman when she hit a man back:emoji_arrow_down: You can read about here.


    Not always. In some cases this will work but sometimes it won't. If you're around people who simply don't care or are too scared to do anything it won't achieve anything, and obviously if you're on you own with no one around it probably won't achieve anything.