How to actually seek God everyday

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. bar the gaul

    bar the gaul Fapstronaut

    Hi! 26M newbie fapstronaut here.

    Been a hardcore Catholic since I was a kid. I recognize that there should be no gray areas in being a Christian - what's wrong is wrong, and I know that PM and premarital O are sins.

    Just relapsed today after a hard day's work and I feel really bad, not to mention unproductive and wasteful of my God-given time. I feel that I often get to a good start upon rebooting, but I think that I lack that DAILY DOSE of inspiration to keep me going, such that I run out of "spiritual juice" towards then end of week 1 or 2. I do not pray often and I don't have a daily habit of reading the bible or meditating on His Word.

    Just wanted to ask the other Christian Fapstronauts how you actually get to incorporate reading the Bible, praying and meditating on a daily basis? When and how do you fit these very important things into your schedule? How do you choose which passages to read, or how do you "meditate" actually?

    Excited for all your opinions on this! :)
  2. I have a small copy of the New Testament, and simply open it on a random page before or after my evening prayers. Also, in the beginning my evening prayer was composed of several prayers. Slowly, I was adding more prayers to make it more individual (e.g. there's a prayer to St. Michael, or a short litany to several Saints that help me with my life and problems: Rita, Father Pio, Albert Chmielowski, John Paul II etc.). At one time, I shortened the evening prayer to make it even more individual, to use my own words and talk with God about my day.
    Also, once a day I say one Divine Mercy Chaplet. Never underestimate the power of God's Mercy.
    Meditation is fine, but it has to be focused on God, never on oneself and your problems. Some people use the Rosary to meditate, or meditate on a piece of the Bible.
    It's hard to find enough time in the beginning, because there's the Enemy, who always seeks ways to make you waste every minute of your life for anything that isn't God. Later, however, you suddenly realise that there's even too much time you can give God.
    jimmyjoejackson and GWHM100% like this.
  3. Vitabella

    Vitabella Fapstronaut

    I get up an hour early to read the Bible and pray. I also have memorized a lot of scripture and I review it throughout the week and it's very helpful.
    Realize that if you're a born again Christian you have the Spirit within you and you can talk to God any time throughout the day. It doesn't take long just to turn your attention to the Lord and say "thank you Jesus for dying for my sins." I guess what I'm trying to say is that prayer doesn't have to be an hour on your knees in can pray many times throughout the day, it only takes a moment. Seems to me like this is what God always be in constant fellowship with his people.
    Hope this helps.
  4. SigmaOne2000

    SigmaOne2000 Fapstronaut

    As an Οrthodox Christian, I can only speak about this through an Orthodox perspective. While our church's do have their theological and canonical differences, we are both sacramental, traditional, scriptural, and share the first thousand years of Church history together. In an attempt to keep things simple, let's keep things on the spiritual side.

    First and foremost, what you need is spiritual guidance from your priest. I was where you were a year ago but did not know where to start.
    Second, I recommend confession, fasting, prayer, and reading about the Saints and other Church Fathers. Since I do not know many of the teachings of Catholic Saints, I will be using Orthodox Saints and Church Fathers.

    Confession and fasting are tools. NOT PUNISHMENTS. This is VERY VERY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND!! The Church is there to help you in your struggles. Saint John Chrysostom (he's canonized in your church too) said that the church is a Hospital and not a courtroom for souls.

    I found that one thing that helped me and is still helping me now is the understanding of what sin does to us.
    One of the Orthodox Church Fathers, Saint Nikodimos of the monastic community on Mount Athos (a beacon of Sainthood for over 1000 years), states; "The passions enslave people, destroy their reasoning, bind their will and make them sin. And from repetition of a sin, we have habit, which is when we commit wickedness even if we don't want to, and that then leads to perdition." Therefore, sin removes us from the grace of God and we become bonded to the passions.

    The way back? We must repent with True repentance. (Luke 15:11-32) is the story of the Prodigal Son and is one of the many examples where God shed his grace upon us and forgave our sins.

    Now, that we know why Sin is bad, how do we avoid it? Matthew 5:29, "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell." Now Christ is not telling us to directly gouge our eyes out and harm ourselves, but that we should be adamantly trying to cut off the sources of our sins. Remember when Jesus fasted in the desert? How the devil came to Him and tried to tempt him? At one point, the devil even quotes scripture to try to tempt Christ. The devil was trying to tempt Him into.....guess it....Sin! Now because Christ is God, He can not be separated from Himself. (Think about the Holy Trinity). Because of Christ's awesome Glory and Power, was able to see through the devil's tricks and lies and fight him off. But it was through temptation that the devil was trying to get Christ to sin. The devil also uses temptations to get us to sin, because once again, Sin removes us from God. So how do we get rid of these demons that tempt and torment us? Remember the demon possessed boy that only could Christ remove (Mark 9:14-29)? At the very end, when his disciples ask why they could not remove the demon from the boy, Christ replies, "This kind can only be cast out by prayer and fasting"

    This is where fasting comes into play. Many people think that fasting is only about abstaining from physical materials (ie. giving up meat for lent). We sometimes forget to fast our hearts. Remember, we do not fast because God commands us to, but we fast because it forces us to fight our temptations to be closer to God! The key to coping with the temptations is to ignore them and replace them with a powerful image of God as soon as they come to surface in your mind. This will purify your heart or "Nous" as the Church Fathers call it. The more we purify our "Nous", our connection, faith, and love, for Christ will grow. Remember that Christ gives us what only what we can handle and that with HIM we can overcome it. If I feel an attack coming on me, I have been instructed by my priest to say "The Jesus Prayer." This prayer is so powerful that the Church fathers have written books and music about it!
    Best of all, it is a very simple one that is easy to remember: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner."

    "God, be merciful to me a sinner"
    in (Luke 18:13) is the foundation of this exact prayer.

    Hopefully I have explained this well enough for you to understand the reason why sin is bad, how we are lead to it, and how we can fight it. I am a huge sinner and I know I am only on day 9, but all of this that I have written above has only just recently come to hit me as a realization. We all have our struggles, and we have a choice to either be with God, or to give in to our passions and be without Him. With Christ and through His Will, I can do anything! Do not focus on how many times you fail, just focus on making the one better. Ask for God's forgiveness and mercy with a sincere and pure heart and for sure he will forgive you and greet you with open arms! The Story of the Prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) is an example of this. For you I would say, go back to church and confess your sins if you haven't already, and get the help from a spiritual father in your church.

    In his book, Counsels from the Holy Mountain, (I am currently reading right now), Elder Ephraim talks about thoughts, fantasies, distractions, and many other things that challenge us in our spiritual life.

    I could honestly write more..the topic is so rich and vibrant, but I have class in 20 minutes.

    God Bless you in your struggle to overcome your boundaries with God. Please keep me, a sinner, in your prayers. You'll be in mine.
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